Heard County GaArchives News.....Misc. Newspaper Notices for 1942 April 7 1942 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 October 2, 2004, 10:25 pm The News and Banner, Heard Co GA Miscellaneous Newspaper Notices From "THE NEWS AND BANNER", Heard County, Georgia for April through December 1942 (NOTE: there are many missing newspaper issues for the year 1942 on the microfilm.) NEWSPAPER Issue of April 24, 1942 CARD OF THANKS G.T. Davis Sr. and family of Centralhatchee, wish to thank their many friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown them at the death of their son and brother, G.T. Davis Jr., on April 15th, 1942. We esepcially wish to express our appreciation of the services rendered by Centralhatchee school and its teachers; the persons of Heard and Gwinnett Counties; Farm Security Administration; his attending physician Dr. Thomasson; the undertakers Martin Bros. of Carrollton, GA; and Rev. Charlie Mathews of Carroll County. THe pain is made easier as a result of these many kindnesses which will not be soon forgotten. ___ LEGAL NOTICE Georgia, Heard County Whereas M.J. Arrington, administrator of Harriet Lancaster, deceased, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on records, that he has fully administered Harriet Lancaster's estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and received letters of dismission on the first Monday in May 1942. Louise Sledge, Ordinary _________ FROLONA Community News Mrs. Mary Lipham has returned home after spending awhile with her son and family Mr. and Mrs. Pinkie Lipham of Key West, Fla. __ Mr. and Mrs. K.E. Gore, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Powers, and Miss Bessie HIll visited Pvt. Henry Oscar Gore of Craig Field, Ala. on Sunday last. __ Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Lee Tuggle of Newnan spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Welborn. __ LEGAL NOTICE Georgia, Heard County The return of the appraisors setting apart twelve months' support to the widow of Albert L. Fincher, dec'd, having been filed in my office, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the 4th of May 1942 why said application should not be granted. This April 7th, 1942. Louise Sledge, Ordinary ____ MARRIED - - Miss Cloey Buchanan of Roopville to Mr. John C. Gallop Jr. of Poplar Branch, N.C. and Norfolk, VA on Saturday April 4, 1942. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Sam Tinkler of the Associated Reform Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Buchanan of Roopville. Mr. Gallop is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gallop Sr. of Poplar Branch, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. Gallop will make their home in Norfolk, VA. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of June 5, 1942 Mrs. S.B. Jones, Gainesville, will arrive this week to spend vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Lipford. Mr. Jones has entered the service, with location at Biloxi, Miss. __ Mrs. W.C. Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. T.O. Cater, spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. C.N. Cater of Loftin, the latter having been quite ill, but much improved now. __ Miss Cathryn Terrell, with Navy Dept., Washington, D.C., is visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J.F. Terrell, near Glenloch. __ Mr. Frank Stephens, of Honduras, Central America., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Lipford this week. __ Mrs. Dan Johnson with children, of Hortense, is spending awhile with her mother, Mrs. H.J. Noles. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, June 12, 1942 YOUNG JOSEPH CASWELL DROWNED IN RIVER AT HOLLINGSWORTH on SATURDAY While he, and C.A. Brown and Joseph Rainey were bathing in the Chattahoochee river at Hollingsworth ferry on Saturday afternoon, Joseph Caswell, 14, son of Bud Caswell, was drowned. Young Rainey, a better swimmer rescued young Brown, but was unable to save Caswell. Many neighbors and friends dragged the river all night but the body was not discovered until late in the day Sunday some two miles below where he went down. ___ The local rationing board is now busy each day at the courthouse giving out sugar cards for canning. It is necessary for those holding sugar cards to bring them in to get additional orders for canning, on signed application, for their absolute needs based on last year's canning and what is to be canned this year. One one pound of sugar per card may be used for jams, jellies, presesrves, etc., but as much as one pound each for quarts of fruits may be secured. ___ Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Williams and Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Pritchett visited James H. Williams who is now at Macon in the Army. __ Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Williamson and Mary from Tennessee were recent visitors to see their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Williamson. __ HOME NEWS Mr. Quentin May left last week to enter the Air Corps, and is located at Maxwell Field at Montgomery, Ala. __ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Head, Columbus, and Miss Edna Head, LaGrange, spent the weekend with Mrs. Head's mother, Mrs. Verna May. __ Mr. Billy Goodson, Tampa, Fla., is spending the summer with his father, Mr. E.D. Goodson. __ NEWSPAPER issue of Friday, August 7, 1942 DIED - - Mrs. L.B. Webb, 73, died at her home at Corinth on Monday afternoon after an extended illness. Surviving are her two sons Dr. Roy L. Webb of Charleston, West Virginia, and James L. Webb of Corinth. Mrs. Finer Mathews of Hogansville is her sister and Mr. J. Hope Jackson of Corinth her brother. Also a number of neices and nephews survive her. Mrs. Webb was the widow of Dr. L.B. Webb who passed away twenty one years ago. She was the former Miss Jerolene Jackson, a member of one of the old established families of Heard County, and was an active loyal member of the Corinth Methodist Church, from which funeral services were held on Wednesday, a lovely tribute to a lovely and beloved woman. __ DR. CLAUDE RIDLEY GORED BY UNRULY BULL As we go to press a wire from Mrs. Ridley to her son visiting here anounce that Dr. Claude Ridley was severely gored by a bull he was testing on Wednesday afternoon, both his stomach and lungs being punctured. Dr. Ridley's host of friends trust that his injuries are not as bad as indicated and that he will soon be well again. __ CARD OF THANKS FROM THE FAMILY OF J.T. STREET We wish to thank our neighbors and friends and Dr.A.G. Wortham for the kindness and assistance given during the illness and death of our husband and our father, J.T. Street. Mrs. J.T. Street and Children, Mrs. C.H. Cooley. _____ Miss Marion Lanier of Roopville's engagement to Woodfin Cole of Carrollton was anounced recently. ____ ROCKALO Community News Glad to see Joseph L. George at home once more, from the Navy. __ We are glad to hear that Uncle Doc Cavender is improving. __ HOME NEWS Mr. J.C. Lee who is in government employment in Clarksville, Tenn., is spending a few days with family. __ Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Simonton, Willington, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burdett, Anniston, Ala., and Merlin Simonton, Saginaw, Mich., spent Sunday here. __ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simonton and Carolyn, and Mrs. H.E. Burdett went to Anniston, Ala, Sat. night to attend the wedding of Mr. Ralph Burdett to Miss Jewel Morton. __ Mrs. O.W. Burns and Wendell Jr., left Friday night for Charleston, S.C. for a stay with Lieut. Burns. __ The friends of Mrs. Howard Lane surprized her with a birthday party Wednesday afternoon. __ Mr. Thomas Lipford left Thursday for camp after two weeks furlough. __ Mrs. A.J. Lane has as guests her nieces, Misses Nancy and Evelyn Paul of Austell. __ Mr. G.L. Pippen has returned from a visit to his former home at Eufaula, Ala. __ Mr. Oren Goodson was laid up several days the past week by the explosion of a gun shell. __ CENTRALHATCHEE Community News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and daughter Luttie Jean and little grandson Charles Vaughan, spent Sunday in Hogansville with Tommy Corsey and family. __ Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Jackson of Saginaw, Mich., visited Mrs. Henry Jackson the past week. Mr. Jackson has been transferred from Saginaw to Atlanta to work. __ Miss Christine Merrill was married recently to Mr. Fred Windom of Newnan. Miss Merrill is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Joe Merrill of Centralhatchee. __ It is reported that Lamar Gladney and Miss Flora Nabers were married Sunday last. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, August 28, 1942 GLENN Community News Mrs. I.Q. Adams is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Leon Gross in Montgomery, Ala., this week. __ Mrs. M.L. Smith is expected home this week from an extended visit to her father and sister. Her daughter will to go Baltimore to visit a brother. __ Sgt. McClure and wife spent the weekend with Leonard and Mrs. Whitley. __ The Williams - Cofield reunion will be held Sunday, August 30th at Glass's Bridge. __ Robert Whitley has gone to Mobile, where he will take up a responsible position. __ RIDGEWAY Community News Mr. and Mrs. William Arrington, Mrs. Harrison Noles, Lucrete and Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arrington and Minnie Jean visited in Simpson on Sunday, attending the birthday dinner at Charlie White's. A fine dinner was spread. __ Corporal Fred Heard of Sacramento, Calif., has been transferred to Salt Lake City, Utah. __ ROCKALO Community News Berda Mote from Florida, is visiting friends here. __ Wayne Brazil of Pine Mountain is visiting Dewey and Mrs. Janney. __ HOME NEWS Mr. K.P. Culpepper from Lumber City, after some 40 years away from the old home county, was a visitor here the past week to his brother, Mr. W.M. Culpepper near Loftin, and both paid this office an appreciated call. __ Mr. J.T. Shelnutt and family of Grantville, were visitors in the old home county the past week. __ Mr. J.W. Allen, Greenwood, Miss., was among Heard County relatives and friends the past week. __ Mrs. J.H. Daniel, Cedartown, spent several days the past week with her sister, Mrs. G.A. Adams. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, December 18, 1942 LEGAL NOTICE - - Administration Georgia, Heard County W.C. Arrington has in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of J.J. Arrington, late of said county. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of J.J. Arrington to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W.C. Arrington on J.J. Arrington's estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 8th day of December 1942. HOME NEWS The friends of Mrs. J.H. Kent will be pleased to know that she has recovered from pneumonia. __ For Rent - - a one house farm for rent, the old J.F. Lancaster home place will give a good thing to a hard worker. See Mr. Rube Thaxton who will show the place or write to R.T. Cooper, 4600 7th Court S., Birmingham, Ala. __ Lt. and Mrs. O.W. Burns announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday night at Newnan hospital. Her name is Lillie Catherine. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, December 25, 1942 HENRY ALSABROOKS DIED AFTER LONG ILLNESS H.H. Alsabrooks, 76, died after a long illness at the home of his brother-in- law, Perry Heard, early Tuesday morning. For some years he has been practically helpless after a stroke of paralysis. He had served as county commissioner, justice of the peace, city council and in various civic capacities. He was a Mason and a member of the Baptist church. His wife preceded him about a year ago. He is survived by one Uncle and a number of nephews and hosts of loving friends. The funeral was held at Macedonia near Walnut Hill where the family are buried with the honors of Masonry, and directed by Lewis & Lipford. ___ ROCKALO Community News Mose and Mrs. George of Florida spent one day recently with his mother. __ Norman Loftin entered Uncle Sam's service on Tuesday last. __ CENTRALHATCHEE Community News Mr. and Mrs. Rabon Faver announce the birth of a son December 11th. He has been given the name Ralph. __ Miss Bessie Vaughan spent last weekend with her Aunt, Miss Jennie Estep at Enon Grove. __ Mrs. Tommie Jackson received the news last week that her youngest brother John Claxton was killed in action some time in November. __ Mr. and Mrs. Gay Shelnutt of Austell, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gentry. Mrs. Shelnut was Miss Bernice Bone of Clarksdale. The couple were married Saturday night. __ Lizzie Wood, a loveable old negress, died last week near Texas community, where she has practiced midwifery for many years and was striken on duty, never speaking again. She was the wife of Will Wood and they lived together happily for more than 50 years both having hosts of white friends. ___ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/heard/newspapers/gnw298miscnews.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 13.3 Kb