Heard County GaArchives News.....Newspaper Notices for OCTOBER 1944 October 1944 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 December 26, 2004, 4:03 pm The News & Banner NEWSPAPER NOTICES FROM "THE NEWS & BANNER", Franklin, Heard County, Georgia for OCTOBER 1944 ( there are some missing newspaper issues, not on this microfilm) NEWSPAPER issue of Friday, October 6, 1944 PFC. JAMES DANIEL WINS MILITARY PROMOTION Pfc. James Daniel, son of Mrs. Nellie Duke Daniel, was inducted Nov 3, 1943, completed basic training at San Diego and Camp Elliott, Calif., sent to the South Pacific March 28th this year and has had 5 months overseas. In August, Leatherneck Magazine carried pictures of James and his fellow artillerymen and writeup by Staff Sgt. James E. Hague, USMC combat correspondent in Fire Mission, the work of the foward observer. About a month ago, James was one of 100 of his company selected to take the test for V-12 training. ___ CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express our deep appreciation to neighbors and friends throughout the county, state and some from other states for the many letters, telephone calls, telegrams and other messages of esteem and sympathy after our dear son, Staff Sergeant James Eddie Barker, has been reported missing in overseas bomber combat action. We are still hopeful that he may yet be found alive and safe but if the worst comes, these messages will continue to cheer our depressed hearts and help to assuage the sorrow that such tragedies of war must bring to so many of us. Sincerely, G.W. Barker and family. ___ CPL. ALES RIDLEY HONORED AT DREW FIELD Corporal Ales Ridley, son of Mrs. W.D. Ridley of Franklin, GA was honored recently when the heavy bomber crew of which he is a member was chosen as outstanding in its section at this giant A.A.F. Training base. Cpl. Ridley, who attended Heard County High School and Berry College, is a radio gunner in the selected crew. Recognition was given the crew during an intensive three month training course. In this training, Cpl. Ridley, radio operator, has flown a long series of missions under simulated combat conditions. Some flights have carried him as high as four miles above the earth on bombing runs over a nearby practice bombing range. On other missions he and his fellow crew members have been engaged by enemy fighter planes in mock air battles over Florida. Camera guns replaced actual machine guns. The crew has also received much ground instruction as it has been welded into combat team. Mahy of the instructors have recently returned from overseas and are acquainted with the tactics and tricks of Axis airmen. ____ DENVER Community News Mr. and Mrs. Edward McClain visited the latter's parents Sunday. A family reunion was enjoyed there. __ Mrs. Newman Davis and little son, and Mrs. Buck Golden and children visited Mrs. R.E. Davis of Franklin on Sunday. __ Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Webb rcently visited Mrs. Ira Golden. Sgt. Webb has just returned to the states after a year's service in Newfoundland. Mrs. Webb is a defense worker in Bynum, Ala. __ EPHESUS News L.M. Yates, a lifelong resident of this community, passed away September 28th at the age of 55, and was laid to rest at Ephesus Sept. 30th with Rev. W.H. Caldwell and Rev. Guy Rogers officiating. ___ Capt. and Mrs. John Hester announce the birth of a son on Sept 21st at Ft. Oglethorpe. Mrs. Hester will be remembered at Miss Pauline Cater of this community. ___ Pfc. Glenn Yates writes to his homefolks from Germany and says he feels that he is not one step nearer home. __ Sunday's guests of Mr. John Camp and family were Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Camp of LaGrange, & Mr. J.L. Bledsoe of the Navy, Mrs. Bledsoe and children, J.L. Jr. and Miriam. __ LOCAL News Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Lancaster are spending a few days in Villa Rica and Atlanta. Their three children were all with them the past weekend. __ Pfc. Paul Yarbrough is reported as missing in action in France. He is the son of Mrs. L.L. Yarbrough and grandson of Mr. Ben Hopson, our veteran highway keeper. ___ S/Sgt. William B. Davis and wife of Kelly Field, Texas spent a few days recently with his father. W.B. Davis. Friends of S/Sgt. Davis will be interested to learn that he is now in the South Pacific. __ Mr. Arthur Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson, left Wednesday to enter the Navy. He is a draftee from Carroll County. __ Mrs. Cliff Hicks and Mike of Atlanta are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Warner Awbrey. __ Mrs. G.A. Adams is visiting Mrs. J.H. Daniel in Cedartown this week. __ ELERY News Mrs. Tom Spradlin and other relatives from LaGrange were vistors here Sunday. __ Warrant Officer Rob. C. Spradlin from Panama Canal, is here on a 3 day furlough. __ CENTRALHATCHEE News Miss Marie Prince and Mrs. Frank Heuston of LaGrange, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.N. Prince last weekend. __ Mrs. Cecil Spruell and Norma Jean are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.B. Sherrill at Bowdon. __ Mrs. Howel Arrington of LaGrange spent the weekend with Mrs. Paul Jackson. ________ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, October 20, 1944 MRS. HARRY, 82, CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. Martha Susan Coats Harry celebrated her eighty-second birthday Sunday, October 1st, at her home near Glenn. Mrs. Harry has lived practically all her life in Heard County. She lived in Alabama for a few years shortly after her marriage. She does all her housework, works in her garden and flowers despite her 82 years. She has seven children living, sixteen grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. All of the children, their wives and husbands were present and all brought lunches which were spread picnic style under the trees in the yard. During the afternoon friendly conversations were enjoyed among relatives and neighbors present. ________ LT. GITTIS GOSDIN WINS AVIATION HONORS Lt. Gittis W. Gosdin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackie W. Gosdin of Franklin, Georgia, has reported to the AAF Training Command's Lockbourne Army Air Base to attend the Central Instructor's School for B-17 Flying Fortress pilots. Upon completion of his course, he will be a qualified instructor of flying for this famous Army bomber. He won his wings on July 28, 1943 at Douglas, Arizona and took his previous flying training at Ontario and Merced, California. Lt. Gosdin, who recently returned from England where he as co- pilot of a B-17 has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters. _______ CENTRALHATCHEE News Mrs. L.L. Yarbrough received a telegram October 15th informing her that her son, Pfc. Paul H. Yarbrough, previously listed as missing in action, is dead. May the bereaved faily look to one who can give comfort in such hours of sorrow. ___ Mrs. H.A. Jackson has received from the U.S. Air Forces a citation of honor, acknowledging the death of Technical Sgt. Dewey O. Jackson. Sgt. Jackson was listed as missing Aug. 2, 1943. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in December 1943. He has not been awarded the Purple Heart, which Mrs. Jackson will receive soon. Sgt. Jackson will be remembered here always. He graduated from High School at Berry School, May 18, 1940. ____ Mrs. Tommy Coursey and children have moved in with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. Mr. Coursey is leaving for the Army this week. ___ Dr. and Mrs. A.G. Wortham received news that their grandson Phillip Heard of Rockmills was hurt by an automobile last week. __ Durwood Norwood, of the Navy, Portland, Maine, is home on furlough. __ Pittman Turner, of the Navy, is stationed in San Diego, Calif. __ ROCKALO News Mrs. Emma Grizzard is doing fine after along spell of sickness. She is helping that cotton raiser, Claud Grizzard pick cotton. __ Junior Brandenburg left for the service Monday last. The farewell party for Junior was enjoyed by a large crowd. __ Joe Marlow, wife and daughter of LaGrange, visited the Hull family Sunday last. __ GOSHEN News Mr. and Mrs. B.R. Hannah and Magnon were the guest Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. Will Hannah. __ Mrs. Annie Folds and son Harold of Columbus are visiting relatives here. __ KENT - LOVVORN MARRIAGE The marriage of Miss Minnie Anne Kent, daughter of the late James H. Kent Sr. and Mrs. Mary Bonner Kent, Marietta, to Frank H. Lovvorn, son of the late Henry O. Lovvorn Sr. and Mrs. Lovvorn of Carrollton, was solemnized on Sunday afternoon Sept. 17th in the First Baptist Church of Carrollton. The couple left immediately after the ceremony for their wedding trip and since their return are residing in Stewart Heights in Carrollton. ____ EPHESUS News Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Rogers spent Sunday in Newnan, going to visit Mrs. Beulah Kelley who remains very low at the hospital there. ___ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Crews and children of Temple, visited Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Hester and family this weekend. __ Pvt. and Mrs. R.G. Prescott spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Burl Laster and family. __ LOCAL News Mr. and Mrs. J.U. Gilliland left Tuesday for Sarasota, Fla., to spend the winter. __ Mrs. S.R. Heard, Mrs. James Harden, and Mr. and Mrs. Render Heard of Newnan, spent awhile in town Saturday. They had been to visit Mrs. Heard's aged father, Mr. Frank Jackson, who continues quite feeble at his home near Simpson. __ Mrs. J.O. Brown and Mrs. Lanier Patterson of Tennille, spent last week with Mrs. Mary Patterson. __ Pfc. Stephen McCutchen, stationed at Salina, Kansas, is at home for a short furlough, much to the pleasure of his parents. __ SIMPSON News Hollis Pope of LaGrange, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Luke Pope last weekend. __ Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Dean and children visited Mr. and Mrs. I.L. Dean near LaGrange last Sunday. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, October 27, 1944 RIDGEWAY News Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howell are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Noles. __ Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Lesley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Garvey Hester of LaGrange, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Noles Sunday last. __ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Noles visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White of Simpson over the weekend. __ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arrington are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heard of Simpson. __ G.C. Lesley and I.D. Arrington were called to Woodlawn Friday last to attend the funeral of their cousin and nephew, Wilburn Daniel. ___ SIMPSON News Hollis Pope was examined and passed for service at Fort Mac last Thursday. __ Paul Paschal of LaGrange visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Paschal last weekend. __ Many attended Mr. Bud Pope's birthday dinner last Sunday. He is 83 years young. __ Alvin Brazeal received a medical discharge from the Army last week and arrived home from a hospital in Rome last Thursday. __ ESTATE SALE On Thursday, Nov. 16, 1944, at the home of J.R. Hawk, deceased, in Heard County, the following farm equipment will be offered for sale to the highest bidder for cash: 1 hay press, stalk cutter, rake, cut-off saw, 2 mowers, terracing machine, wagon, small house-jack, farm implements, carpenter tools, 2 large wash pots, Home Comfort Stove, bedsteads and 1 1/2 tons ground cow feed. Mrs. J.R. Hawk, Executrix. ____ EPHESUS News Denson Butler and Miss Imogene Thornton were joined in wedlock Saturday p.m. We wish for them a long and happy married life. __ Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Pope, Luallen, Cpl. and Mrs. J.F. Terrell, attended the annual birthday dinner Sunday at Mr. Bud Pope's at Simpson. __ Pvt. Earl Burson of Ft. McClellan, Ala., the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Burson, has been in the hospital with a fractured knee. __ Hoyt Rogers was burned about the face on Saturday p.m. while putting out a fire in his car. __ CENTRALHATCHEE News Mr. and Mrs. James Bussey and children have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ham. __ Rudith Harcrow of the Army visited in this community last week. __ Uncle Charlie Parham is on the sick list again. __ Troy Chambers and family attended the birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Lucy Eley of Hogansville. Mrs. Eley, who is well known in this community, was presented with a beautiful birthday cake with a candle for each of her seventy years. We hope she has many more of them. __ Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Cammon have moved into an apartment with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thornton. __ ELERY News We were indeed sorry to hear of the death of one of this country's best men, Wendell Willkie. I am sure the good lord needed him more than we. __ Wyvis Walls gave some of the slip the other day and got married to Miss Wesinger. __ Mrs. Lee Yearwood is up from the flu. __ Acy Thrower passed through our burg Saturday evening going east to see his friend Will Kendrick. __ LOCAL News Mrs. Doris Perdue and Miss Dorothy Lipman, Atlanta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Lipham. Mr. Thomas Lipham of Cartersville joined them. ___ Mr. J.H. Kight went to a hospital for treatment this week. __ Berrien T. McCutchen, after spending several months in the Army service, is back home on honorable discharge and will again assist in making the News and Banner a better paper. He was stationed at Camp Wolters, Texas, site of the famous Mineral Wells. ___ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/heard/newspapers/gnw396newspape.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 13.8 Kb