Heard County GaArchives News.....Newspaper Notices for JUNE 1948 June 1948 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 January 7, 2005, 11:57 am The News and Banner NEWSPAPER NOTICES FROM "THE NEWS AND BANNER", Franklin, Heard County, Georgia for JUNE 1948 NEWSPAPER issue of Friday, June 18, 1948 SGT. WILLIAM T. JACKSON BURIED AT CORINTH The body of Sgt. William T. Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Jackson of Corinth, was brought home last week for final services and was buried in the family lot there. William was killed in the line of duty in North Africa in 1943. Services were held at the Methodist church of which he was a member with Rev. Ashton Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hogansville officiating. The Rev. Mr. Smith is a former chaplain of the Army. In a church filled to overflow with friends and relatives assembled to honor Corinth's only casualty, the flag draped casket rested before the altar made beautiful with summer flowers. Full military honors were paid by a squad of some twenty-five veterans of Hogansville and vicinity, and with the firing of a salute and the sounding of taps at the grave William was at home and at rest. ___ SPRADLIN REUNION TO BE HELD AT SALEM CHURCH Please note the change in time and place of the Spradlin Reunion which has been held the second Sunday in July annually at New Springs Church, but will be held at Salem Church the third Sunday in June, Father's Day. This reunion has been held by the children of "Uncle Bill Spradlin", Grandpa, for several years. This year it will in memory of Uncle Buck and Aunt Mat Spradlin and the program will be sponsored by their children. Of course Grandad and Grandmother's memory will still be cherished. I think it would be a grand time for each of their children and grandchildren to rededicate their lives to higher and nobler living by following in the old pathway that father and mother set forth. We feel sure it will be a grand day and we invite friends to be with us. There will be a basket lunch and plenty of ice so bring on your fried chicken and tea and let's have a good time together. ____ CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciation to everyone for their kindness during the illness and death of our husband and father, Lewis M. Webb, especially to Dr. Wortham for his faithful care, Rev. J.C. Adams and Rev. Gordon WIllingham for their comforting words, Lewis and Lipford for their services, and the faithful neighbors and friends for their sympathy and services during that sad hour. We also extend our thanks for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Laura M. Webb Mr. Edward Webb Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Norman Webb Mr. and Mrs. Rabon Faver Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Davis Jr. ____ CORINTH News Mr. John Robert Robinson suffered a very painful accident last week. His arm was broken at the elbow when a hay rake he was hauling behind his wagon hit a snag and ran into him. __ EPHESUS News Mr. Dave Thomas is quite ill at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Thomas. __ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cash of Lanett and little daughter, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duffy this weekend. __ CENTRALHATCHEE News Mr. and Mrs. Bryant McWhorter spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowens. __ Mr. and Mrs. Joe McWhorter and Franklin McWhorter from Newnan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Shelnutt. __ We are glad that Mrs. Fay Ashmore is able to be brought home. __ We are glad to report that Mrs. Henry Prince is slowly improving. __ MT. PLEASANT News, by Mrs. Suzie Middlebrooks Jesse Arnett and family attended the Wingo Reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wingo in LaGrange Sunday last. __ Mrs. Suzie Boggus is very busy this week as she has her three little grandchildren with her. They are the sons of her daughter Edith who lives in Atlanta. The father of the children is in the hospital and their mother is in bad health. __ The many friends of Mr. John Henry Harris will be sorry to know that he passed away last Friday and was buried here Sunday. Rev. Hunter preached his funeral before a large crowd. We extend to the bereaved our heartfelt sympathy. __ CAMPGROUND Community News Miss Margaret Gilley spent last week in LaGrange with her sister, Mrs. Jewel Nolan. __ This community was made sad when the news was received that John Henry Harris had died. The family have the sympathy of our entire community. Several from here attended his funeral at Mt. Pleasant Sunday morning. __ Mrs. Minick has as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Minick and children of LaGrange, and Mrs. Jeff Davis and children of near Mt. Pleasant, the past weekend. __ LOCAL News Mr. A.J. Lane, of Powder Springs, spent Sunday here. __ Mr.and Mrs. Otis Statham of Gabbettsville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Owensby on Sunday. __ ELERY News Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Denney visited their daughters on Sunday, Mrs. Joe Hopson of Centralhatchee and Mrs. N.V. Awbrey of near Texas. --- Mrs. J.A. Arp visited her daughter in Atlanta last week, Mrs. Howard Favors. __ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/heard/newspapers/gnw476newspape.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 5.5 Kb