Heard County GaArchives Wills.....John Israel Miller September 24 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 April 28, 2004, 1:00 am Source: Heard County Georgia Wills Written: September 24 1913 Recorded: November 27 1913 Will of John Israel Miller I, John Israel Miller of Corinth, Heard County, Georgia being in full possession of all my faculties make and publish this my last Will and Testament: I give devise and bequeath my estate and property real and personal as follows: 1st. I direct that all my just debts be paid as soon as possible. 2nd. That a suitable family monument be erected on a lot in the Corinth Cemetery to be selected by my wife where I wish my self to be buried. 3rd. That my Executor pay for the monument and all other expenses incident to my burial. 4th. To my beloved wife Sallie F. Miller, I devise and bequeath my home place where ne now live with eleven acres of land atached located in the village of Corinth. A tract of land containing about one hundred and twenty acres located near Corinth purchased by me from A.B. Brown and formerly being a tract of the Thompson Estate. Two small tacts located near Corinth both being formerly a part of the Isaac Pitman estate, one of said tracts containing nine acres and the other tract containing fifteen acres. After all my debts are paid I direct that Two Thousand Dollars in cash be paid to my wife from my estate before any distributions is made to the other heirs provided this much cash is left after satisfying all obligations and previous directions giben by me in this my Last Will. 5th. I bequeath to my beloved wife also all household goods, farm implements and machinery, buggies, wagons, harneses, corn, hay, ? and hogs of which I die possessed. 6th. I also give to my beloved wife Sallie F. Miller two of my best mules and two of my best cows, the same to be selected by her from among those I die possessed of. I devise and bequeath to my dear children share and share alike the residue of my estate both real and personal. I direct my Executors to collect all insurance, sell all ? of every kind not otherwise disposed of by this Will and after all obligations are satisfied and bequeaths in this Will are paid, that the Executors after paying expenses of Administration divide equally among my children: Norman C. Miller, Nancy F. Jackson, Mary Elizabeth Daniel, Fannie Ruth Miller, Annie P. Jones (?) , John I. Miller, Ida E. Arnold, Harvey A. Miller, Moreland Miller, Thomas I. Miller the remainder and all lands of which I die possessed not previously given by this Will to my wife. I direct my Executors to divide into ten parcels of as nearly equal worth as is possible and that one parcel be deeded to each of my children after they have drawn lots for the same after the usual mode prevailing in making such distributions. It is my wish for my lands to be divided qually among my children without selling same if this is possible. It being my special desire that each of my children keep their land distributed through my Executor and inherited by each of them as long as possible. I appoint Norman C. Miller of Fulton County Georgia and William P. Arnold of Coweta County Georgia as my Executors of this my Last Will and direct that they serve as such without the usual rquirements of making a bond or reports to the Courts or other officials. 7th. I commit my souls to the keeping of my maker and comment to my children the Religion of Christ. In witness whereof I have signed and sealed and published and declared this instrument as my Will at Corinth Heard County Georgia on the 24th day of September 1913. John I. Miller The said John I. Miller at Corinth Heard County GA on said 24th day of September 1913 signed and sealed this instrument and published and declared the same as and for his Last Will in our presence and at his request and in his presence and in the prsence of each other having hereunto written our names as subscribing witnesses. C.B. Copeland A.K. (or H.) Jackson Lucius Arnold Filed in Office Nov 27,1913 T.M. Awbrey, Ordinary State of Georgia, Heard County We do solemnly swear that this writing contains the true Last Will of the within named John I. Miller decased so far as we know or believe and that we will and truly execute the same in accordance with the laws of this State so help us God. Norman C. Miller, William P. Arnold Sworn to and subscribed before me this November 27, 1913. T.M. Awbrey, Ordinary Recorded December 5, 1913 T.M. Awbrey, Ordinary ********************************************************** This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 5.0 Kb