Henry County GaArchives Court.....Sappington, Sr., Richard February 12 1838 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cynthia Forde rebjar@direcway.com December 8, 2004, 7:36 am Source: Henry County, Book "h", P. 532, Early Records Of Georgia. Wills And Deeds, Georgia, Written: February 12 1838 February 12, 1838, Richard Sappington, Sr., deceased. Henry County, BOOK "H' , PAGE 532, Early Records of Georgia. Wills and Deeds, Georgia, Henry County : Richard Sappington Estate Settlement: Know all men by these present that I, Rebecca Sappington, widow of Richard Sappington, late of the county and state aforesaid deceased, and Caleb Sappington and Timothy Collins of the county of Walton, Henry Sappington of county of Monroe, William J.Sappington of the county of Troup, Thaddeus Sappington of county of Newton, William R. Williams of the county of Lumpkin, and Thomas Albert of the county of Henry and all of the state aforesaid being lawful legatees of the estate of said Richard Sappington, deceased, for divers good causes and considerations we here unto moving have made ordained and appointed and by these presents do make ordain and appoint John Albert of the county of Henry and State of Georgia and Richard T. Sappington of the county of Newton and state aforesaid and legatees of said estate our true and lawful attorneys for us and in our names and for our own proper use and benefit to sell and dispose of absolutely and in fee simple all and singular the goods, chattels, lands and tenements both real and personal belonging or appertaining to the estate of said Richard Sappington deceased. at public our cry on the premises of said deceased. In the county of Henry and commencing on the 13th day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, then continuing from day to day until all is sold to the highest bidder as may be agreed upon. Then to make equal distribution of the remaining balances among legatees of such notes as ten remain. In witness we here of the said, Rebecca Sappington, Caleb Sappington, Timothy Collins, Henry Sappington, William J. Sappington, Thaddeus Sappington, William R. Williams, Thomas Albert, have hereunto set our hands and seals this the 12th day of February 1838. Witness; Wiley E. Wood Signed: Widow: Rebecca Jarrett Sappington Caleb Sappington (married Martha Bankston) Timothy Collins (m. Rebecca Sappington) Henry Thomas Sappington (m. Sarah Owens) William Jarrett Sappington (m. Martha Hardwick Starr) Thaddeus Sappington (m. Jerely Turner William R, Williams (m. Elizabeth Sappington) Thomas Albert (m. Sarah Sappington) Additional Comments: Richard's death was preceded by four children: Margaret "Peggy", John, Nicholas, and James Thadeus. He was survived by Caleb (Walton County) Rebecca Collins (Walton County) Henry (Monroe County) William J. (Troup County) Elizabeth Williams (Lumpkin County) Richard T. (Henry County) Nancy Albert (Henry County) Sarah Thomas (Rockdale County, Alabama) and fifty-seven grandchildren. Richard and Rebecca Jarrett Sappington are the ancestors of all Georgia born Sappingtons pre-1880. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/henry/court/gwl231sappingt.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.6 Kb