Clayton-Fulton-Henry County GaArchives News.....Confederate Cemetery, Jonesboro August 29 1868 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Larkin March 3, 2003, 4:40 pm The Constitution (Atlanta) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, August 28, 1868. The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Speaker, Hon. Mr. McWhorter. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Colud. The Journal was read and and approved. Mr. Cloud presented a memorial from the ladies of the Jonesboro Memorial Association, petitioning the General Assrmby for aid in disintering the Confedeate dead who fell around Jonesboro, and placing them in a more favorable spot. The petition was referred to a special committee. Additional Comments: The General Assembly did approve this action and $1000 was granted to move the fallen to the now Patrick R. Cleburne Cemetery. The soldiers are said to be buried in two trenches. When this happened, it is reported that "kinfolks came to claim their dead." It is also reported that those buried were identified. A group is searching for the identity of these men. When did the General Assemby approve the request? How were the kin notified of the removal? Was a list ever made or printed?