Henry-Butts County GaArchives Military Records.....Alexander, Hiram April 19, 1856 Warof1812 1st Regt (Means) Capt Hendrick Co., S.C Militia ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: John Davis jocada3@verizon.net August 27, 2013, 12:41 pm Bounty Land Warrant Application (1855) For Minor Children (Page 1 of application & deposition) Georgia } On this 19th day of April Henry County} A D 1856 before me appeared George W. Alexander of Spalding County Georgia aged 29 years who being duly Sworn deposeth & Saith that his Father Hiram Alexander decd is the identical soldier who was a a private in the Company Commanded by Capt Hendrick in the Regiment of South Carolina Drafted Militia Commanded by Colonel Means _ Major Roach etc, in the war with Great Britain A D 1812 – That he was drafted in York Dst South Carolina about 1812 for the term of Six months & continued in active Service about six months & was discharged about Charleston South Carolina after having honorably Served his tour _ The certificate of discharge has been lost or burned up the house in which the family lived having been burnt up a few years ago with all the contents He further states that the said Hiram Alexander was married to Mary Brown in July 1821 and that the fruits of the marriage was the following children born at the dates affixed to the names viz Jane Alexander born August 29, 1825 George W. Alexander “ “ 14, 1827 Martha Alexander “ July 23d 1829 Margaret Alexander “ Oct 6th 1831 Catherine Alexander “ March 5th 1834 Elidia Alexander “ August 4 1836 Caroline B. Alexander “ Jany 14th 1839 Mary E. Alexander “ July 4th 1842 John S. Alexander “ April 20th 1844 He also states that his mother Mary Alexander (Page 2 of application and deposition) died 29th November 1847 And that his Father Hiram Alexander afterwards intermarried with Martha Ann Tinsley in October 1848 And that the fruits of this last marriage was the following child – Nancy Jane Alexander born Sept 20th 1849 and that the said Hiram Alexander departed this life before the birth of this last child to wit on the 17th of March 1849 leaving Surviving him the Said wife Martha Ann Alexander-- And this deponent further states that the Said Martha Ann Alexander the widow intermarried with one William Bledsoe of the County of Butts Georgia & is still surviving and that the said Martha Ann Bledsoe released all her rights to Land Warrants that she has or may hereafter have as former Widow of Hiram Alexander decd on the 24th March last past in favor of the minor Orphans of Said Hiram Alexander deceased -- And this deponent further Swears that the Original record of the births of Said Children were destroyed by fire a few years since and that the record he Presents is a true copy of said original record copied into his own Bible by himself before Said fire occurred – except the birth of the child by last Wife and that this is the original record made by himself to perpetuate Said fact in his own Bible not being of record in the original family Bible _ That he believes the ages of the children as presented are true and states further that he (Page 3 of application and deposition) makes this deposition as the next friend of the Said Minor children of Said deceased Hiram Alexander__ That he was present at the death of Said Hiram Alexander and the Children as Set forth in this application are the only children of Said deceased__ He makes this declaration as next friend of those children of Said Hiram who are minors for the purpose of obtaining Land Warrant for them under Act of 3d March 1855 and States that he has no interest in the claim He also States that no Land Warrant has ever been recd by the famiy for Said Services & that no application has ever been made before. /s/ G W Alexander We Thomas Scarbrough and Robert H. Elliott residents of Henry County Georgia upon our oaths declare that the foregoing declaration was signed & acknowledged by George W. Alexander in our presence & that he is a gentleman of truth & veracity known to us & we have no interest in the claim – R H Elliott Thos Scarbrough Georgia } The foregoing declaration & affidavit Henry County } were Sworn to & subscribed before me On the day & year above written & I certify that I know the affiants to be credible persons & that I have no interest in the claim & that (page 4 of the application and deposition) George W. Alexander is the person he represents himself to be. And that the Records of births he presents seem to have been copied a few years since & is in his hand writing and all Seems to have been entered at Same date except the last Child which has been entered Since & has every appearance of being what he swears it is a copy from the original record. And I Certify that as it is inconvenient owing to Size of Said Bible to Send it on to commissioner of Pensions that the following is a true Copy of the entry of Said Births taken from Said Bible Jane Alexander was born August 29th 1823 G W Alexander was Born “ 14 1827 Martha Alexander “ “ July 23 1829 Margaret Alexander “ “ Oct 6 1831 Catharine Alexander “ “ March 5th 1834 Elidia Alexander “ “ August 4th 1836 Caroline B. Alexander “ “ Jany 14th 1839 Mary E. Alexander “ “ July 4th 1842 John S. Alexander “ “ April 20th 1844 Nancy J. Alexander “ “ Sept 20th 1849 And I so further certify that the relinquish- ment hereto appended by the Said Martha Ann Bledsoe forever widow of Said Hiram Alexander was taken before me. And I further certify that I am Ordinary & Clerk of the Court of Ordinary for Said State & county duly authorized by law to take acknowledgments & depositions having a seal of Office. Given under my Hand & Seal of office this 19th April 1858 Quince R Nolan Ordy & Clerk C O Henry Co. (Page 1 of Relinquishment of rights for Martha Ann Bledsoe) Georgia } Know all men by these Henry County } presents that I Martha Ann Bledsoe wife of William Bledsoe of Butts County Georgia & former Widow of Hiram Alexander decd late of Spalding County Georgia hereby relinquish release & forever quit claim all right interest Title or demand I have or may hereafter have in & to bounty Land as the former Widow of Hiram Alexander decd who served in the War of 1812 in the South Carolina Militia under Captain Hendrick, Colonel Roach or Means in favor of the Minor Orphans of Said Hiram Alexander to wit: Catherine Alexander Elidia Alexander, Caroline B. Alexander, Mary E. Alexander John S. Alexander & Nancy J. Alexander & hereby give up all Claims or rights & consent that Commissioner of Pensions at Washington City may grant bounty Lands under any existing acts of Congress to the Said Minor Children to which I would be entitled if I was at present a Widow or hereafter became a widow so far as I could be entitled as the former Widow of Said Hiram Alexander decd – In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand & Seal this March 24th AD 1856 Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of her William C. Farrell Martha Ann X Bledsoe III mark Also appeared William Bledsoe & states that the Said Martha Ann Bledsoe (Page 2 of Relinquishment of rights for Martha Ann Bledsoe) His wife executes the above relinquishment freely & voluntarily & of her own accord & existent any influence or control unduly exercised by him & in his presence. William H. Bledsoe Georgia } I Quinn R. Nolan Ordinary & Henry County } Clerk of the Court of Ordinary & Said County duly authorized to take acknowledgements deposi- tions etc, certify that the Said Martha Ann Bledsoe executed & acknowledged the above relinquishment in my presence & in presence of the aforesaid Witnesses after the object, etc of Said relinqushment & its effects had been fully explained to her. Given under my Hand & Seal of Office at McDonough Georgia the 24th March A.D. 1856 Quinn R. Nolan Ordy & Clerk of Said Court (Envelope Cover) No 243711 Claim of Minor children Of Hiram Alexander Dcd for Land Warrant Act 3d March 1855 War 1812 Capt. Hendrick SC Militia Warrant to be mailed To Q R Nolan McDonough Henry County Georgia Additional Comments: Bounty Land Warrant application on behalf of minor children of Hiram Alexander who served in the South Carolina militia during War of 1812. Application is available at the National Archives, Washington, DC File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/henry/military/warof1812/other/alexande536gmt.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 9.1 Kb