Henry County GaArchives News.....Woodstown, Along Route Four, Oak Grove, Jenkinsburg, Midway and Between, Stockbridge, Worthville and Garden Spot August 18, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00011.html#0002524 April 21, 2005, 9:12 pm The Henry County Weekly August 18, 1911 Woodstown ~Miss Eva May Woods entertained Thursday night in honor of Miss Nell Weldon, of Milner, Mrs. W. H. Ellington’s guest. ~Dr. Peacock, of Vidalia, Ga., spent the week end with Mr. W. C. Woods and family. Dr. Peacock is a very prominent physician of that place, and also a very influential representative of Toombs County. ~Miss Nell Weldon returned to her home at Milner Monday to the regret of her many good friends. ~Mrs. Dillard, of Davisboro, is the guest this week of Mrs. John Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jinks entertained a few friends quite pleasantly Sunday evening. Along Route Four ~The many friends of Mr. Robert McGarity regret to hear he is very ill with Typhoid fever. We hope for him a speedy recovery. ~The protracted meeting began at Turner’s Saturday, by Rev. Olin King, of McDonough. ~Mr. John Rawls spent Saturday in Jackson. ~Mrs. Vada Hays arrived here from Ellenwood yesterday, to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Annie McGarity. ~Miss Minnie Lee Morris, from near Hampton, is the charming guest of her cousins, Misses Trellis and Lillian Lane. ~Mr. and Mrs. Bird Jackson, of McDonough, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jackson one day last week. ~Miss Maud Denson, of Atlanta, spent Thursday with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cloma Berry. ~Mr. Jesse Copeland was the guest of Mr. B. T. Berry, Sunday. Oak Grove ~Mr. and Mrs. Olin Cathy and little daughter, Netty Mae, of Barnesville, returned home Saturday, after several weeks visit to her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Jackson. ~Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Chaffin, of Jasper, were visitors here last week. ~Misses Lillie Craig and Bertha Rodgers are attending Salem Camp meeting this week. ~Miss Ruth Wynn, of Hampton, was the guest of Miss Lena Welch last week. ~Mr. and Mrs. John Tom Bowden and children of Monroe, Ga., were visitors here last week. He has bought the home of Mr. Tom Goss and will move back to old Henry county next year. Jenkinsburg ~We regret to note the death of Rev. Timothy Kimball, of Jesup, Ga. He came up here to help Rev. Vaughn in the protracted meeting at County Line and he preached Tuesday and went home with Mr. Jeff Davis for dinner and was taken seriously ill Tuesday afternoon and died Thursday night. His remains were laid to rest in County Line cemetery, Rev. Vaughn conducting the services. ~Miss Velma Reeves is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lowell Thurston, this week. ~Mr. Oscar Turner and family visited relatives near Ola Saturday night and Sunday. ~Misses Elon and Eva Edalgo are visiting relatives up near Ola this week. ~Miss Pearl Lunsford, from near Forsyth, was a pleasant visitor to Miss Vallie E. Edalgo last week. She returned home Sunday. ~Mr. John Parham, from Forsyth, visited friends up here the latter part of last week. ~Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thurston visited Mr. And Mrs. Jim Thurston Saturday night and Sunday. A. B. C. Midway and Between ~Mr. and Mrs. Greer Bernhardt, of Riverdale, visited the formers sister, Mrs. Annie Mitchell, several days last week. ~Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hood were called to the bedside of their mother at East Point Wednesday last. ~Mr. Marvin Bunn and little daughter visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bunn, one day last week. ~Rev. England closed the meeting at Mt. Carmel Tuesday night. Fourteen united with the church. ~Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hood called on Mr. and Mrs. Zack Mitchell Tuesday afternoon. ~Miss Ray Wilkins, of Hampton, visited her mother, Mrs. Laura Wilkins, Saturday night. ~Rev. Mr. Henderson and daughter, Miss Rosa, went up to Forest Park Thursday. ~Miss Lois Bunn dined with Miss Nannie Hood on Monday last. ~Miss Mattie Bunn was the charming guest of Misses Bertha and Matilda Fields last Monday. ~Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fields visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mays last Wednesday. ~Miss Posie Bright, of Hampton, was the guest of Miss Stella Barnett Sunday. Kitty. Stockbridge ~Mr. and Mrs. Parks Lee and daughter, Cornelia, spent the week end at Lookout Mountain. ~Mr. Perry Lee Milam and Miss Lila May Richardson spent Tuesday at Indian Spring camp meeting. ~Miss Sarah Mays returned home last Thursday from a visit to Miss Aline Cruselle in Atlanta. ~Misses Myra and Willie Berry were the delightful hostesses to a few friends Monday evening. Conversation was the chief entertainment. Watermelons were eaten later in the evening. The guests were: Miss Ila G. Branan and Ruth Clark; Messrs. Harris Beauchamp, Simmons and Orr. ~Mrs. C. M. Power has been ill a few days, but we are glad to report she has about recovered. Near Worthville ~Mrs. Fannie Ford, of Atlanta, has returned home after a week’s stay with Miss Fannie Belle Stephens. Miss Fannie Belle returned with her for a week’s stay. ~Mr. Silas Doby and lady were visitors to Woodstown Sunday. Garden Spot ~Andrew Fort has been visiting kinsfolk for several days in Dutchtown. ~The ice cream supper at Mr. Wm. Alexander’s was very much enjoyed by all present. Mr. Strickland’s folks made the music. Several games were played, and to wind up with, there was an old fashion wrestle. I tell you they hit the ground like an old time falling; Ha, Ha! ~R. W. Exum has the finest patch in this part of the county. ~Tom Strickland and W. E. Touchstone are building a large barn for Hon. T. D. Stewart at Tunis. He is going into the stock business. ~We are proud to know our friend, Mr. D. T. Stone, is improving. T. A. Fields is staying with him. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/henry/newspapers/woodstow623gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 6.2 Kb