Henry-Wilkes-Lincoln County GaArchives Wills.....Milner, Apsyllah May 18, 1853 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Allan Bentley abentley@bellsouth.net March 27, 2005, 7:57 pm Source: Henry County Will Book A, Pages 217-220 Written: May 18, 1853 Recorded: May 1, 1854 This is the will of Apsyllah Milner wife of Pitt William Milner and Daughter of John Holmes and his wife Chloe Bentley. Pitt Milner is the son of John Milner, Sr. and Elizabeth Godwin. Will of "Apsylla Milner" State of Georgia, Henry County In the Name of God. Amen. I, Apsylla MILNER, of said county and State being of advanced age and knowing that I must shortly depart this life deem it right and proper both as respects my children and myself that I should make a disposition of the property into which a kind providence has blessed me, do therefore make this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others heretofore made by me. Item 1st. I desire and request that my body be buried in a descent and Christian Like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition in life. My soul I trust shall return to rest with God who gave it as I hope for eternal Salvation through the spirit and atonement of our blessed Lord and savior Jesus Christ whose Religion I have (cannot read this part) I humbly Trust and enjoyed for Sixty tow years. Item 2nd. To my son John H. MILNER and daughter Elizabeth SIMS I give and bequeath all that tract of land (willed to me by my husband Pitt Milner) lying and being in the county of Monroe and State aforesaid and on the east side of the road worked by the State road leading from Forsythe to Griffin. Also to my son John H. Milner I give and bequeath my gold (cannot read) spectacles. Item 3rd. To my daughter Penelope EASON I give and bequeath five Negroes Viz., Eady a woman (cannot read this word) one year of age and her four children ; William a boy twelve years old; Ann a girl seven years old; Pleasant a boy four years old and; Autery a boy one year old and the increase of the aforesaid Negro woman Eady. Item 4th. To my daughter Susan W. JOHNSON I give and bequeath (in addition to six hundred and forty five dollars where I have ( word unreadable) from time to time given her)the one half of my Money and the half of the promissory notes belonging to me which may be left in my possessions at my death after deducting the expenses of my burial. Item 5th. The other half of my money and notes I give and bequeath to be equally divided among the children of my daughter May CALLOWAY and the children of my son Pitt W. MILNER. Item 6th. To my granddaughter May E. BUCKNER and the heirs of her body I give and bequeath my Negro give Harriet nineteen years of age with the condition namely that she the above named granddaughter May E. BUCKNER shall pay over to her sister Nancy M. SIMS my granddaughter the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in cash and if my granddaughter May E. BUCKNER should refuse to pay over to her sister Nancy M. SIMS the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars , it is my will that the aforesaid Negro girl Harriett shall be sold and the money she may bring be equally divided between them. Item 7th. To my granddaughter Susan A. MILNER I give and bequeath one old bedstead. one pair of sheets, one (cannot read this word), one (cannot read this word) and (cannot read this word) the aforesaid bed furniture I give to my granddaughter May E. GRIFFIN to deliver to her sister Susan A. Milner when she arrives at lawful age or marries. Item 8th. To my daughters Elizabeth SIMS, Penelope EASON, and Susan W. JOHNSON I give and bequeath all my bed cloths (with the exception of one suit already willed to my granddaughter Susan A. MILNER) and all my wearing apparel and unto them to divide between themselves as they may think (cannot read this word). Item 9th. All the remainder and residue of my estate of what (cannot read this word) and (cannot read these two words) not heretofore mentioned I will to be equally divided between my four children; John H. MILNER; Elizabeth SIMS ; Penelope EASON, and; Susan W. JOHNSON and the children of May CALLOWAY and the Children of Rebecca O. GORMAN and the children of Pitt W. MILNER ; my son John H. MILNER to have one share; my daughter Elizabeth SIMS to have one share; my daughter Penelope EASON to have one share; my daughter Susan W. JOHNSON to have one share and my grandchildren ,the children of my daughter Mary CALLOWAY to have one share; the children of my daughter Rebecca O. GORMAN to have one share and the children of my son Pitt W. Milner to have one share making altogether 7 shares. Item 10th. And having the utmost confidence in my son John H. MILNER and my son in law Porte EASON I do hereby constitute these my lawful Executors of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills me made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Three. Apsylla X Milner (Seal) her mark Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us: James M. Bovfield Christopher H. Nijgers Luther M. Nijgers Georgia, Henry County Court of Ordinary, May term, May 1st 1854 Into open Court this day came personally James M. BOVFIELD and Luther M. NIJGERS two of the sustaining witnesses of the foregoing instrument who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that they saw Apsylla MILNER sign seal publish and declare the within instrument as her last will and testament freely, voluntarily and of her own accord and without any confusion and influence whatsoever, that at the time of the execution of said last will said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory, that (cannot read these two words) said will witnesses in the presence of the testator and at her special instance and request and in the presence of each other. Sworn to and (cannot read these two words) before me this May 1st. 1854 (Unreadable name) James M. BOVFIELD Luther M. NIJGERS Georgia, Henry County Court of Ordinary, May term, May 1st. 1854 Into open court personally came John H. MILNER and Parker EASON and (cannot read) the last will and testament of Apsylla MILNER in probate in (cannot read these two words) who being duly sworn deposeth and saith the the within (writing?) contains the last will and testament of the within named Apsylla MILNER so far as they know and believe and that they will truly execute the same by paying first her debts and then the legatees contained in said will as far as her goods and Chattels will thereunto extend and the law charge us and that we will make a true and perfect inventory of all said goods and chattels. Sworn to in open court this May 1st. 1854 Frances R. (cannot make out) ordinary John H. MILNER Parker EASON File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/henry/wills/milner548wl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 7.1 Kb