Houston County GaArchives News.....They Went Too Far January 21 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00010.html#0002476 May 31, 2004, 3:53 pm The Butler Herald The Butler Herald Tuesday, January 21, 1890 Page Three They Went Too Far Fort Valley, Ga., January 12 – Society circles have been full of excitement here all day yesterday and today on account of a supposed bogus marriage ceremony, in which two of our young society people officiated, which is about to turn out a reality. Thursday night a couple called on Rev. B.L. Ross at his residence and asked to be married instanter, as the bride’s parents seriously objected. The groom produced a license issued by O.P. Wright, Ordinary of Crawford County, authorizing the marriage of Mr. Murcherson and Miss Burnett. They were accompanied by Mr. J. Bryon Hall, of the Harris house, who said the couple had just arrived on the Atlanta and Florida train and were in a hurry to marry. Dr. Ross invited them in but they refused, saying they were just from a mask ball and had on their costumes, and as Mr. Hall was with them Dr. Ross proceeded to perform the ceremony in the dark. After assuring himself that the contracting parties were of legal age the ceremony was performed in the clergyman’s usual solemn manner and at the conclusion he pronounced God’s blessing upon them, grasping their clasped hands pronounced them man and wife. As the couple took their departure the groom told Dr. Ross to call at the hotel in the morning, and he would be handed a present by Mr. Hall, the clerk. Things were quiet all day Friday, and very few knew of the Gretna Green affair, but yesterday morning when it became known that the parties to the affair were Mr. W.H. Harris and Miss Phosa Skellie, excitement ran high, as Dr. Ross pronounced the marriage legal, as the ceremony was performed in good faith, and that the courts would have to undo the matter, as they let the matter go so far. Many of our best informed citizens are of the same opinion, and the young couple are in great trouble over their adventure. The license too, was a forgery, and the young man who executed it thinks of departing. Such excitement was never created here in society circles before, and the matter is not ended, and the friends of the parties anticipate trouble for them before the excitement of their adventure “just for fun” dies away. This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 2.8 Kb