Irwin-Tattnall-Liberty County GaArchives Biographies.....Rogers, Dwight L. 1886 - living in 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 27, 2004, 11:10 pm Author: William Harden p. 982-983 DWIGHT L. ROGERS, practicing attorney at Ocilla, Georgia, and one of the leading men of that place, is a native of Georgia, born at Shiloh, near Reidsville, Tattnall county, on August 17, 1886. He is the son of William and Isabella Augusta (Lang) Rogers. The father was a native of Tattnall county and the mother of Liberty county. William Rogers was a merchant and conducted a mercantile business for years in Reidsville. They were the parents of six children, named as follows: Sankey C., a merchant of Reidsville; Beulah C., the wife of Judge Collins, judge of the city court of Reidsville; J. M., engaged in the hotel business at Hazelhurst; Dwight L., of this review; Annabel, the wife of M. E. Flanders; and Henry Levy a student in the University of Georgia, who is now in his junior year and will graduate with the class of 1913 in law. The parents, who were both of Irish birth, are now deceased. As a boy and youth, Mr. Rogers attended the schools of Reidsville finishing the high school at that place and then entering Locust Grove Institute. He finished his education with a course at the University of Georgia, graduating from the law department with the class of 1909, and receiving at that time his B. S. degree. He was one of the popular and prominent young men of his class, and was a member of the debating team representing the University of Georgia, versus the University of North Carolina, honors being carried off by the University of Georgia contingent. He was a member of the Sphinx fraternity, and also the captain of a company of militia while at the university. He finished his law studies at Mercer University at Macon, and was graduated in 1910. being admitted to the bar in June of the same year. Mr. Rogers immediately located at Ocilla, where he formed a partnership with a Mr. Jordan, which partnership has endured up to the present time, and Mr. Rogers is fast forging to the front in the practice of his chosen profession. Additional Comments: From: A HISTORY OF SAVANNAH AND SOUTH GEORGIA BY WILLIAM HARDEN VOLUME II ILLUSTRATED THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1913 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb