Jasper COUNTY GA Bible Records Crawford Family File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sforte3@cs.com Suzanne Forte http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/jasper/bible/crawford.txt ELISHA GILLIAM CRAWFORD FAMILY BIBLE (Revised to add Crawford History June 2001) Virginia and Jasper County, Georgia Bible now owned by Mr. J.A. Crawford, Nashville, Tennessee SURNAMES: Crawford, Turner, Speairs, Allen, Tatem, Jinkins, Harris, Potts, Hardy, Henderson BIRTHS: Elisha Gilliam Crawford 2-5-1779 Nancy Turner, his wife 10-4-1782 Their Children William Gilliam Crawford 2-12-1810 Margaret Hill Crawford 7-6-1811 Shadrack Turner Crawford 8-6-1812 Meshack Norman Crawford 10-16-1813 Mary Smith Crawford 4-28-1816 Julannah Melton Crawford 4-17-1818 Abednego Jackson Crawford 7-25-1819 Richard Cobb Crawford 7-13-1821 Elizabeth Ann Crawford 2-9-1824 Ann Elizabeth Crawford 1-23-1826 MARRIAGES: Elisha Gilliam Crawford and Nancy Turner married in Lincoln County, Georgia 10-2-1808 Mary Smith Crawford and Caleb Speairs married in Jasper County, Georgia 12-10-1825 Nancy Goodman Crawford and John Allen married in Jasper County, Georgia 2-15-1837 William Gilliam Crawford married in Monroe County, Georgia, to Sarah B. Tatem 1-2-1840 Shadrack Turner Crawford and Amanda Jinkins married 1-7-1840 Julannah Melton Crawford and David Harris married in Jasper County, Georgia 6-25-1840 Abednego Jackson Crawford and Mary Ann Potts married in Jasper County, Georgia 1-11-1842 Richard Cobb Crawford and Ann E. D. Hardy married 12-3-1846 DEATHS: Ann Elizabeth Crawford 1-26-1826 Elizabeth Ann Crawford 10-12-1829 Margaret Hill Crawford 8-3-1838 Richard Cobb Crawford 1-17-1848 Nancy Crawford, wife of Elisha 8-16-1856 Elisha G. Crawford 6-26-1861 The handwriting is all the same, which was that of Elisha himself except the last entry which was made by his oldest son, William G. Crawford. The old Bible shows it was published in the year 1780. Crawford History added June 2001 (omitted from original post) Elisha G. Crawford was born in Hanover County, Virginia, his parents being William Crawford and Mary Gilliam. William Crawford's wife, Mary, died in Hanover County when their only son, Elisha, was quite small. Soon after the close of the Revolutionary War, William and his small son, Elisha, moved to Georgia with a number of other relatives. William finally settled in Green County and married his second wife, her given name Ann, but her sirname was unknown to the great grandchildren. Williamed owned a good estate of several hundred acres bordering Beaver Dam Creek about ten miles distance from the present town of Greensboro, Georgia, and also owned some flour and corn mills on Beaver Dam Creek. The mills are there yet (article not dated but the copy from which I am typing was made before 1935, JML) and are known as Hunter's Mill. William and his second wife had a daughter named Mollie C. Crawford. William died at his home in Green County, Georgia, in 1895. His will is on record at Greensboro, Georgia. Elisha sold his interests in Green County a year or two after his father's death and moved to Lincoln County where he married Nancy Turner who was born in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, on the date above stated. They continued to live in Lincoln County until about the fall of 1813 or 1814 when they moved to what is now the northern part of Jasper County, Georgia, but it was originally Baldwin County and in 1812 the name was changed to Jasper County. In 1815 a portion was set off and named Morgan County, and in 1821 another part was taken for the formation of Newton County. After the government made a treaty with the Creek Indians the Alabama territory was thrown open for white settlement. In the fall of 1836 Elisha and his oldest son, William, made a trip into the Alabama Territory and Elisha bought nearly 1000 acres in what is now the southern part of Macon County, Alabama, and they returned to their home in Georgia. William immediately got together the necessary tools, implements, negro slaves, etc and cleared up a farm and made a crop in 1939. In the late fall William returned to Georgia and married in January 1840 and returned to Alabama with his bride and they lived at the home William had built himself on his father's place until 1845, when he built himself another hoome and moved to it. In the same year Elisha and the rest of the family and many other relatives and friends moved to Alabama, whih section became known as Cotton Valley. It is located ten miles south of Tuskegee. His two daughters, Mary S. Speairs, who was called Polly, and Nancy Allen, remained in Jasper County where they lived, raised heir families and died, which was the reason for their deaths not being recorded in the Family bible. "A brother of greatgrandmother Nancy Turner Crawford was named Richard Turner, and his wife was Mary Henderson, without a doubt a member of the Henderson family in Jasper County". Transcribed by Suzanne Forte (Sforte3@cs.com) from the book "Jasper County Georgia Cemetery and Bible Records" by Jewel Moats Lancaster, Shady Dale, Georgia 31085 (1969) ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============