Jasper County GaArchives Court.....Surname Peacock 1826+ ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Walter Ward http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00009.html#0002070 August 16, 2003, 10:10 pm Source: LDS microfilm # 0158454 Written: 1826+ Jasper County, Georgia, Court of the Ordinary Minutes Book A 1823-1832 Surname "Peacock" transcriptions. Source: Microfilm of the actual courthouse records. LDS microfilm # 0158454. Page 124. Monday 4th Sept. 1826 Court of Ordinary met according to adjournment present their honors B. Crawford, G.M. Meriwether, and Woody Dozier. The last will and testament of John Peacock, dec'd, was exhibited in open Court and duly proceed by the oaths of Martin Cochran and William Peacock, two of the subscribing witnesses to the same, which was ordered to be recorded and letters testamentary were granted to William and Lewis Peacock the executors named in said Will who were duly qualified to execute the same, and warrant of appraisement was issued to Hartwell Jones, Martin Cochran, John Chafin, John C. Weldon and Basset Northern to appraise said estate. Monday 6 Nov. 1826. The Court of Ordinary, Judges Bennet Crawford, Matthew Whitfield, G. M. Meriwether, Woody Dozier, and Daniel McDowell. Page 133. Application having been made by Lewis Peacock for letter of administration on the estate of Daniel Peacock late of said County, dec'd, and it appearing to the Court that said application has been published according to Law - It is therefore ordered that the Clerk do grant letters of administration to the said Lewis Peacock, & Basset Northern and William Peacock became his security in the sum of twenty four hundred dollars and warrant of appraisement was issued to Basset Northern, Martin Cochran, Hartwell Jones, John Chafin, and John C. Weldon to appraise said estate. (NOTE: Administrators Bond for Lewis Peacock can be found in Bonds Book B, page 204.) Monday 5th Nov. 1827. The Court of Ordinary, Judges G.M. Meriwether, Daniel McDowell, and Luke Williams. Page 178. Jasper Court of Ordinary, Nov. term 1827. On application of Lewis Peacock administrator on the Estate of Daniel Peacock late of said County deceased for leave to sell the Real Estate of said dec'd. & sufficient publication having been made of such application - It is therefore ordered that said administrator have leave to sell said Estate according to law -- On application being made to the Court by the Executors of John Peacock late of said County dec'd. for leave to sell the Real Estate of said dec'd & sufficient publication having been made of such application - It is therefore ordered that said Executors have leave to sell said Estate according to law. Tuesday Jan. 6, 1829. The Court of Ordinary, Judges Daniel McDowell, Bennet Crawford, and Luke Williams. Page 225. It appearing to the Court that legal notice has been given it is therefore ordered that Lewis Peacock Executor of the last Will of John Peacock, dec'd. have leave to sell a certain Negro named Jerry belonging to said Estate for the benefit of the heirs of said Estate after advertising the same according to law --- This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.4 Kb