Jasper-Jones-Bibb County GaArchives Obituaries.....John Anderson Middlebrooks 1915 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cary Payne cdpaynesr@earthlink.net January 30, 2004, 5:39 pm ?Macon Telegraph? "newspaper" J.A. MIDDLEBROOKS MEETS DEATH BY HIS OWN HAND... The entire town was shocked and stunned last Friday afternoon when the information was spread broadcast that Mr. J.A. Middlebrooks had been found dead in the woods, about one hundred yards in the rear of Sheriff Etheridge's home. Being unable to sleep, he arose and left home about two o'clock on the morning of that day. He was in habit of rising early, going to the farm and not returning to breakfast, his family was not unduly alarmed, although as the day lengthened, and he not returning, some search was made for him by members of the family. A negro boy, who was sent into the woods for brush brooms discovered his body between four and (?) O'clock. He immediately informed Mr. Etheridge. Upon investigation it was found that his throat was cut, the large artery on the left side being severed. His own knife was found open a short distance from his body. The body was moved to his home where the Coroner held an inquest, the verdect of the jury being that he came to his death by his own hand. Mr. Middlebrooks had been in bad health for some months and had suffered much-- both mentaly and physically. This was known to his family, and his unusual quietness and the gloom and despondency that characterized his actions caused them some uneasiness, but they didn't suspect, nor were they prepared for such an ending, and when the news was broken to them it was a shock indeed. Mr. Middlebrooks was born 64(?) years ago on February 12th. He married Miss Ella Cordelia Phillips of Jasper county. Of this union nine children were born, five of whom, with his wife survive him. He also leaves one sister and three brothers. He was a kind considerate husband, an indulgent father, a true friend and neighbor. He was a quiet and hard working man, attending strictly to his own business and never molesting that which concerned others. His funeral was preached at the Baptist Church Saturday by his pastor, Elder Graham. He was laid to rest in the Highview Cemetary. Additional Comments: Spelling is exact as newspaper clipping. This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 2.6 Kb