Jeff Davis-Montgomery County GaArchives Obituaries.....Foskey, George D. April 13, 1974 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: William J. (Jim) Carroll April 3, 2009, 8:53 pm The Jeff Davis Ledger 4-18-1974 Mr. Foskey Funeral services for George D. Foskey, 78, of Hazelhurst, who died Saturday morning in Jeff Davis Hospital after a short illness, were held Sunday at 2PM in Peoples Baptist Church. The Rev. John Lewis and the Rev. Harold Jones officiated with burial in Hazlehurst Cemetery. Mr. Foskey was a native of Johnson County and the son of the late Dwarnt Foskey and the late Nancy King Foskey. He was employed by the City of Hazelhurst and a member of Peoples Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Flora Bohannon Foskey of Hazelhurst; two daughters, Mrs. Avie Lee Sheppard of Jacksonville, Fla. and Mrs. Louise Floyd of High Springs, Fla.; three sons, Ervin Foskey, Alton Foskey, and Albert Foskey, all of Hazlehurst; six step-daughters, Mrs. Elbert Davis, Mrs. Walter Taylor, Mrs. Emmett Taylor, Mrs. Herman Selph, all of Hazelhurst, Mrs. William Lyon of Cabot, Ark. and Mrs. Curtis Riner of Perry; two step-sons, Lewis Owen and W. H. Owen of Tamps, Fla.; one brother, Randolph Foskey of Texas; 53 grandchildren; and 45 great-grandchildren. Active pallbearers were Bennie Hughes, Jack Claxton, Calvin Rowland, Ernest Rowland, Bill Morris, Ivey Smith, Alvin Rowland, and George Everett. Thomas-Wainright Funeral Home of Hazlehurst was in charge of arrangements. Additional Comments: George was born abt Jun 1894 to Benjamin Durant Foskey Sr. and Nancy J. Ring Foskey. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb