Jeff Davis County GaArchives Obituaries.....Foskey, Albert E. October 20, 1987 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: William J. (Jim) Carroll April 4, 2009, 5:27 am The Jeff Davis Ledger 10-28-1987 Mr. Albert Foskey Services for Mr. Albert Foskey, 60, of Lumber City who died in Memorial Medical Center in Savannah after an extended illness, were held Wednesday at Liberty Baptist Church. The Rev. Roy Floyd officiated with burial in the church cemetery. Mr. Foskey was a native and lifelong resident of Jeff Davis County. He was a retired carpenter and a member of Liberty Baptist Church. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Jackie Waters and Mrs. Martha Smith, both of Hazlehurst; one son, Mr. Ricky Foskey of Hazlehurst; two sisters, Mrs. Avie Sheppard of Jacksonville, Fla. and Mrs. Louise Floyd of High Springs, Fla.; two brothers, Mr. Ervin Foskey and Mr. Alton Foskey, both of Hazlehurst; seven grandchildren. Active pallbearers were Tommy Lord, Merle Shepherd, Bobby Wood, Stephen Edenfield, Alvin Rowland, and Mark Hall. Honorary pallbearers were staff members of Lumber City Health Care. Miles Funeral Home of Hazlehurst was in charge of all arrangements. Additional Comments: Albert was born 10-9-1923 to George D. Foskey and Liller Rowell Foskey. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb