Jeff Davis County GaArchives Obituaries.....Kemp, Bessie Lee ( Hinson ) Pirkle October 6, 1971 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Adams September 17, 2010, 1:58 am "The Orlando Sentinel" Orlando, Orange Co., Florida Friday, October 8, 1971 pg. 4-B Mrs. W. R. Kemp Dies; Promoter At Coliseum MRS. BESSIE LEE KEMP, 1640 N. Orange Ave., who for the past 35 years with her husband, William R. Kemp, owned and operated Kemp's Coliseum in Orlando, died Wednesday. The Coliseum for many years was the scene of dances, shows, wrestling matchs, boxing matches and other attractions promoted by Mr. and Mr.s Kemp. Mrs. Kemp was born in Hazlehurst, Ga., and came to Orlando 48 years ago. She was a member of the First Methodist Church of Orlando. Survivors in addition to her husband are daughters, Mrs J. K. Parker and Mrs. J. F. Applebee; son, P. H. Pirkle, Orlando; sisters, Mrs. Idelle Daniels, Waycross, Ga., Mrs. Maude Bragg, Hazlehurst, and Mrs. Addie Mae McEachern, St. Petersburg; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Fairchild Funeral Home. Additional Comments: Daughter of James Frank Hinson and Nancy (Lott) Hinson. Married 1st to Lemuel Pinkney Pirkle, MD on November 19, 1907 in Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis Co., Georgia. He died ca 1918-1919 during the Influenza Epidemic. They were the parents of Paul Hinson Pirkle and Mildred Idella (Pirkle) Olsen. She married 2nd to William Roan Kemp in 1921. They were the parent of Elizabeth "Addielynne" (Kemp) Parker and Gwendolyn "Portia" (Kemp) Applebee Funderburk. Buried at Greenwood Cemetery Annex - Orlando, Orange Co., Florida. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb