JEFF DAVIS COUNTY, GA - OBITS McEachin, A.O. ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: James Lewis Mr. A.O. McEachin (Dec 6, 1868 - Mar 20,1914 1914 Mr. A.O. McEachin, one of the largest planters and best known citizens of this county died in the Wesley Memorial Hospital in Atlanta last Friday, and was buried at his old home place twelve miles from Hazelhurst, Sunday. Mr. McEachin's condition baffled the local doctors as well as one fo the best known Specialists of the state. He was first examined at the Dr. Hall's Sanitairum at this city and an abcess of the brain was pronounced, he was carried to Atlanta, and was examined by Dr. Calhoun and the same thin was thought by him. He underwent an operation of the head to remove the abcess, but the operation proved to no avail and no abcess was found. Mr. McEachin was born and raised in this section, he leaves a wife, five daughters and three boys besides hundreds of friends and relatives. Jeff David County loses in the death of Mr. McEachin, one of her most substantial citizens, a man with means, a man with friends. The News deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones.