Jeff Davis County GaArchives Obituaries.....Rowland, Juanita Bush Dowell May 17, 1977 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: William J. (Jim) Carroll October 16, 2009, 12:02 pm The Jeff Davis Ledger 5-25-1977 Mrs. Juanita B. Rowland Funeral services for Mrs. Juanita Bush Rowland, 38, of Macon, who died Tuesday at her residence, were conducted in the Chapel of Miles Funeral Home. The Rev. Calvin Rowland officiated with burial in Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Rowland was a lifelong resident of Jeff Davis County, but had resided in Macon for the past two years. She was a member of Liberty Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Mr. Allen Rowland of Hazlehurst; one daughter, Miss Anita Drazanowich of Crestline, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Lorene Toler of Hazlehurst, Mrs. Virginia Ward of Albany, and Mrs. Clara Roberson of Vidalia; four brothers, Mr. Eschol Bush, Mr. Jessie E. Bush, both of Hazlehurst, Mr. Frank Bush and Mr. Roger Bush, both of Macon. Active pallbearers were Elbert Herrington, Larry McEachin, Donnie Spell, J. C. Ryles, James Wilson, and Herbert Mason. Honorary pallbearers were Marcus Trowell, Mark Hall, Ruben Creamer, Bennie Hughes, Jimmy Ryles, Jerry Rowland, Ernest Rowland, and Herschel Herrington. Miles Funeral Home of Hazlehurst was in charge of all arrangements. Additional Comments: Juanita was born 2-22-1940 to Lonzie Harvey Bush and Maudie Lee Daniels Bush. Georgia death certificate #016377. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb