Jeff Davis-Montgomery County GaArchives Obituaries.....Whitaker, Mollie Rowland July 6, 1962 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: William J. (Jim) Carroll April 30, 2009, 7:18 am The Waycross Journal-Herald 7-9-1962 Page 8 Mrs. Mollie Whitaker Funeral services for Mrs. Mollie Whitaker, age 68, who died Friday, were held yesterday afternoon at Miles-Odum Chapel conducted by the Rev. J. E. Brewer and the Rev. Edward Hurst. Burial was in Liberty Cemetery near Hazlehurst. Pallbearers were G. D. Barber, June Music, Robert Thigpen, L. O. DeLettre, Randall Martin, and Rubin Clark. Mrs. Whitaker is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Vernon Rowell, Mrs. Earl Crosby, both of Waycross, Mrs. Homer Taylor, Waresboro, and Mrs. Ruby Vine, Punta Gorda, Fla.; two sons, John Whitaker and A. J. Whitaker Jr , both of Waycross; her mother, Mrs. Lula Rowland, Tarrytown; one step-daughter, Mrs. Kate Swain, Waycross; four step-sons, Noble Whitaker, Ben Whitaker, Frank Whitaker, and Willie Whitaker, all of Waresboro; 18 grandchildren; and 4 great- grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Lidge Butler, Tarrytown, Mrs. Hugh Carey and Mrs. Clarence Hutchinson, Waycross, and Mrs. Minnie Jones, Savannah. Miles-Odum Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Additional Comments: Mollie was born about Jul 1894 to Joseph T. R. "Joe" Rowland and Lula Maria Foskey Rowland. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb