JENKINS COUNTY, GA - HISTORY Buckhead Creek Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Marvin Thorpe" Georgia Table of Contents: Buckhead Creek. With Gen. William T. Sherman's [US] sweep through Georgia, Union calvary under the command of Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick [US] advanced toward Waynesborough (present day Waynesboro) in late November 1864 with the intent of destroying the railroad bridge over Briar Creek. They also were to release any Union prisoners being held at Camp Lawton just north of Millen. Confederate calvary under Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler [CS] came down from Augusta and prevented the destruction of the RR bridge although Union forces did destroy some railroad track in the area. The Union calvary moved southwest to rejoin Sherman's main force with Confederate calvary in pursuit. They caught up with the Union forces at Buckhead Creek southwest of Waynesborough. Union calvary supported by artillery stopped the Confederates and burned the bridge over Buckhead Creek. Confederate loses were heavy. See the battle summary found at the National Park Service website Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System (Reference 1 below). See also the follow-on battle (Battle of Waynesborough) (same reference), fought a few days after the Buckhead Creek battle. There are two Georgia State historical markers in front of Buckhead Church and another at the intersection of US25 and CR81 (northwest corner of the intersection). Directions: Take US25 (Waynesboro Highway) north from Millen. Turn left at the intersection of US25 and CR81 (Big Buckhead Church Road) at Perkins Community which is about 7.5 miles north of Millen. Follow the road west for about 3.5 miles to the Big Buckhead Church. Buckhead Creek bridge is just beyond the church.