Johnson Co .GA - Guardianship of Uriah Anderson's heirs & orphans Submitted by Gail E. Frost LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP STATE OF GEORGIA, JOHNSON COUNTY BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY, FOR THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME----GREETING: WHEREAS, the Honorable F. W. Flanders Ordinary for Johnson County, at the October Term, 1865 of said Court, on the second day of October did appoint S. M. Fortner Guardian of the person and property of JOHN W. MAYO & MARTHA ANDERSON minors and orphan children of URIAH ANDERSON of the said County, deceased: Now therefore be it known by these Presents, that the said S. M. FORTNER is hereby authorized and required to take into his care and management the persons and property, both real and person, of the said JOHN W. MAYO & MARTHA ANDERSON and to do and perform for the said minors, all such matters and things as Guardians are by law required to do for their wards; and in particular to maintain them in meat, drink, washing, lodging and clothing, and procure for them such good education as may be suitable to the circumstances and interest of the said minors during their minority; and a true and faithful account of Guardianship render agreeable by law. Witness the Honorable F. W. Flanders Ordinary for Johnson County, this second day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. F. W. FLANDERS, ORDINARY Source: Johnson County Guardianship Records, p25, Georgia Dept. of Archives and Records WARRANT OF APPRAISEMENT & AFFIDAVIT – PURSES PRINT STATE OF GEORGIA, Johnson County BY THE HONORABLE THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR JOHNSON COUNTY: To John P. Mixon, D. Bowen, J. W. Meadows, James A. Davis & Lloyd Price These are to authorize you, or any three of you, to repair to all such parts and places, within the County and State aforesaid, as you shall be directed unto, by S. M. Fortner, Administrator of the Estate of Uriah Anderson late of Johnson County deceased, wherever any of the Goods and chattels of the said Uriah Anderson are or do remain within the said parts or places; and the Goods and Chattels which shall be there shown you by S. M. Fortner under your hands, or under the hands of any three of you before the first of January next ensuing the date hereof. WITNESS, the Honorable F. W. Flanders, Ordinary for Johnson County, this 2nd day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. You John P. Mixon, D. Brown, ___________________and Lloyd Price do swear that you will make a true appraisement and inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of Uriah Anderson deceased; and that you will return the same, certified under your hand, to the said S. M. Fortner, Administrator within the time prescribed by law. SWORN BEFORE ME, This 2nd day of October J. P. Mixon, J. P. Lloyd Price ? D. Bowen Source: Johnson County Warrants of Appraisements, p. 53, Ga. Dept. of Archives & History ESTATE OF URIAS ANDERSON STATE OF GEORGIA, JOHNSON COUNTY By virtue of an order from the Honorable Court Ordinary of said County is directed, authorizing, and requiring us to make distribution of the Estate of Urias Anderson deceased late of said County among the distributees entitled to said Estate - We proceed this day to the performance of that duty. There was two distributees to wit: John Mayo, husband of the widow and minor child of deceased, Martha Anderson whose interest was represented by S. M. Fortner guardian of said minor child and John Mayo, husband of widow of deceased. The property was divided into two shares and numbered 1, 2, which was assigned to the distributees in the following manner to wit: the names of the distributees were written on separate pieces of paper and placed in another hat. The hats were both well shaken after the manner and numbering were place in them. A name was then drawn from the hat containing the names and a number from the hat containing the numbers and this manner continued till all were drawn. The following was the result: No. 1 S. M. Fortner, Guardian, J. Mayo No. 2 S. M. Fortner, Guardian, Martha Anderson No. 1 Contained of 125 acres of land on the North side No. 2 Consisted of 125 acres of land on the Southside Freeholders Loyd Price Z. D. Brown J. P. Mixon, J.P. Source: Johnson County Est. Distribution, pp18, 19, Ga. Dept. of Archives & History GUARDIAN'S BONDS STATE OF GEORGIA, JOHNSON COUNTY Know all Men by these Presents. That we S. M. Fortner, Principal and Charles Wheeler, Security are held and firmly bound and obliged unto the Honorable F. W. Flanders, Ordinary of Johnson County, and his successors in office in the sum of six hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Ordinary, his successors in office, or assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves jointly and severally, and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with out seals, and dated at Wrightsville this second day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty (year is blacked out – see below) THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the above bound who have been appointed by the Court of Ordinary of said County, Guardian of the person and property of John W. Mayo and Martha Anderson minors and orphan children of Uriah Anderson deceased, shall in all things well and truly perform and discharge the duties of Guardian of the said Uriah Anderson as required by law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed and Delivered In Presence Of F. W. Flanders S. M. Fortner Ordinary Charles Wheeler I, S. M. Fortner do solemnly swear that I will do and perform the duties required of me as Guardian for John W. Mayo & Martha Anderson Orphans of Uriah Anderson deceased, according to the laws of this State, to the best of my abilities and understand. ---So Help Me God. Sworn to before me, this second day of October in the year 1865 F. W. Flanders Source: Johnson County Court of Ordinary Guardians Bonds, 1859-1883, Ga. Dept. of Archives & History. GUARDIAN'S BONDS STATE OF GEORGIA, JOHNSON COUNTY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we John W. Mayo, Principle and James A. Davis, Security are held and firmly bound and obliged unto the Honorable F. W. Flanders, Ordinary of Johnson County, and his successors in office in the sum of six hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Ordinary, his successors in office, or assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves jointly and severally, and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated at the tenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the above bound John W. Mayo who has been appointed by the Court of Ordinary of said County, Guardian of the person and property of Martha Anderson minor and orphan child of Urias Anderson deceased, shall in all things well and truly perform and discharge the duties of Guardian of the said minor as required by law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed and Delivered In Presence Of W. T. McVay, Deputy Ordinary John (his X mark) W. Mayo J. A. Davis You John W. Mayo do solemnly swear you will do and perform the duties required of you as Guardian for Martha Anderson Orphan of Urias Anderson deceased, according to the laws of this State, to the best of your abilities and understanding.---So Help You God. Sworn to before me, this tenth day of November in the year 1866 W. T. McVay, Deputy Ordinary John W. (his X mark) Mayo Source: Johnson County Court of Ordinary, Guardians Bonds, 1859-1883, Ga. 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