Johnson County GaArchives Deed.....White, William Page - Price, Leroy M. July 26 1878 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Wayne Pailloz October 12, 2004, 3:24 pm Written: July 26 1878 On July 26, 1878 Achibald B. White and William P. White bought one acre of land from Amanda W. Price and Leroy M. Price, which contained the "Hardy" Cemetery, Jasper County GA., for the sum of $10.00. Leroy M. Price and Amanda W. Price to William P. White and Archibald B. White -- July 26, 1878 One acre commencing at the lane that runs from where Joe Daughtery now resides and runs S.E. past the said burying grounds thence S. W. so as to include the one acre, thence N.W. to the lane that runs from the public road to Joe Daughtery's, thence N.E. to the starting place, with full right of way to and from said burying grounds. 18th District -Jasper Co. GA. Witnessed by George W. White and Elijah D. Lane. (from Jasper Co. deed book M page 557). File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.4 Kb