Jones Georgia 1820 Census Information File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by David Bayne Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: 1820 Jones County Census Information Title on first page on Census film page110B. The number of Persons within my Divison, consisting of Jones County, appears in a Schedule hereto annexed, subscribed by me, this thirty frist day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and twe…Henty Parrick Assistant to the Marshal of the district of Georgia. John H. Wood, who appointed me to take….Schedule of the whole number… persons within the Division allotted to Henry Parrick assistant to the marshal of the district for the county of Jones in the said State. Film Page 111, Town of Clinton, Film Page 112, Capt. Henry Larring Dist. Film page 115, Capt. Griffeth Dist. Film page 115, Capt Waller Dist. Film page 117, Capt. ? Dist. Film page 118, Capt. ? Dist. Film page 121, Capt Gresham Dist. Film page 124, Capt. Permenter Dist. Film page 126, Capt. Buckhalter Dist. Film page131, Capt. Phillips Dist. Film page 134, Capt. ? Dist. Film page 136, Capt. Seals Dist. Film page 139, Capt. Hamsford Dist. Film page142, Capt. Gren Dist. Film page 143, Capt. Jefferson Dist. Film page 143, Capt. Wetherber Dist. Film. Page 148, Capt Malkey Dist. Film page 150. Account of persons who removed from this County since the first Monday in August last & Who are not included in the aggergate. Elizabeth Petty supposed to be Thirty five years of age, light hair, blue eyes, and fair skin, supposed to be five feet high. Two daughter, supposed to be five or six years old, the other one year old--- Nancy Green supposed to be forty five or upward years old, black hair, blue eyes, Sun dark skin, two sons are supposed to be fourteen or fifteen years old, the other one of nine years old--- Ann Parrot supposed to be thirty five years old, fair skin, light hair, and blue eyes, one daughter supposed to be fourteen or fifteen years old--- William Danether supposed to be forty five or upward years old, five feet nine inches, light red hair, blue eyes & Elizabeth wife supposed to be twenty eight or thirty years old, light complexity, & blue eyes , Samuel, their son fourteen, Andrew, five years old, William one and Mary, daughter supposed to be eleven years old--- Mossasher Reeves supposed to be forty or forty five years old, light hair, blue eyes, wife Jane, his wife, her age not known, supposed to be five feet six inches high, & three sons are supposed to be sixteen, another eleven, and the other twelve years old, two daughters are supposed to be fourteen , the other two or three years old--- Joseph Roberson supposed to be twenty four years old, fair complexion, blue eyes, and light hair, & Rosey, his wife supposed to be eighteen or twenty years old, blue eyes, and red hair, also one son about three years old. Film page 151 State of Georgia, Jones County: I Henry Parrick assistant to marshal of the district of Georgia for taking the fourth census and numeration of the inhabitants of the County of Jones, which county ajoins the county of Twiggs on the S East, Baldwin County on the N East, Jasper County on the N West, and the Ocmulgee River on the South West, and the number of persons within said county of Jones Consisting of nine thousand six hundred and twenty-free white persons, six thousand eight hundred eighty-six slaves, and sixty four free persons of color, The aggregate amount being sixteen thousand five hundred and seventy as fully--------- in the------- and --------- so had----- here to annexed, which numeration has been ascertained by myself an actual------- at every dwelling house of the---------- every farming in said county in exact conformity to that I have labored under considerable difficulty in perfecting the same from ------- --------, high water, and many swamps and nussisacus in said county and have traveled upwards of fifteen miles, and------ ---- If entitled some extra compensation for said service. Families 9620 Slaves 6886 Free persons of color 64 Total 16570 Given under my hand and seal at Clinton the 31st day of December A.D. 1820 Henry Parrick _________ Film page 152, Capt. George Dist. NOTE: Bayne Family Census Page 128- John Bayne 1775+ Page 128- John R. Bayne 1794 - 1804 Page 133- William Bayne 1775 - 1794 Page 135- Alexander Bayne 1775+ Page 138- Abraham Bayne 1775+ Military Districts by number in Jones Co. Ga. G.M.D. 202 G.M.D. 358 G.M.D. 299 G.M.D. 360 G.M.D. 300 G.M.D. 361 G.M.D. 301 G.M.D. 377 G.M.D. 304 G.M.D. 378 G.M.D. 305 G.M.D. 447 G.M.D. 347 G.M.D. 450 G.M.D. 350 G.M.D. 459 Questions Asked: 1. Name of head of household 2. Address 3. Free white males: under 10 10 and under 16 16 - 18 16 and under 26 26 and under 45 45 and over 4. Free white females, including head of family under 10 10 and under 16 16 and under 26 26 and under 45 45 and over 5. All other free persons, except Indians not taxed 6. Foreigners not Naturalized 7. Engaged in agriculture? 8. Engaged in commerce? 9. Engaged in manufacturing? 10. Free colored persons 11. Slaves ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============