Laurens County Georgia Military - Invalid/Indigent Soldiers Widows - Reunions (file 1 of 3) File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Scott B. Thompson Sr. Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: Laurens Co., GA Confederate SoldiersLaurens Co., GA Confederate Soldiers Indigent BARFIELD, JAMES - Born September 15, 1815, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Co. K of the 5th Georgia Reserves, absolutely disabled from old age, nearly blind, sore leg, can not walk, confined to house all the time. Drew in 1897. Remarks "Dead." BRACEWELL, N.B.W. - Born February 26, 1824, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in the Company of Macon Light Artillery. Suffering from bleeding piles, chronic gravel disease, and general disability. Drew pension from 1897 through 1907. Lived at Pearly, Ga. BRADY, JAMES - Born Sept. 10, 1827, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. A, 49th Ga. Infantry, suffering with lung trouble, unable to perform any labor. Drew in 1897. Remarks "Dead." COLEMAN, A.J. - Born Jan. 12, 1832, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. C, 54th Ga. Infantry, suffering from rheumatism of shoulders, badly ruptured, and generally disabled. Drew in 1897, 1901- 1903. Died January 13, 1903. COWART, J.L. - Born Feb. 15th, 1833, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. D, 57th Ga. Infantry, suffering from general disability in his right hand rendered useless from wound and loss of his finger. Drew in 1897. Reinstated 1901. Died November, 1901. CROSBY, T.D. - Born on Feb. 1, 1827, in Georgia, served in the army from Feb., 1862 for 2 years and 10 months in Co. F, 2nd Ga. Volunteers, suffering from bad health, drew $30.00 in 1897, and 1901-1904, died on May 27, 1904. Lived at Walkee, Ga. DONALDSON, ROBERT - Born Nov. 3, 1843, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Robinson's Battalion, Georgia Volunteers, suffering from a spinal affliction and nervous prostration. Drew in 1897, 1901-1906. Remarks "Dead." Lived at Rockledge, Ga. FLOYD, E.M. - Born Jan. 1, 1844, in Georgia, served in the army for 3.5 years in Co. I, 26th Ga. Infantry, suffering from consumption. Drew in 1897. Reinstated 1902. Drew until 1907. GRAHAM, DUNCAN - Born April 28, 1826, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. H., 63rd Ga. Infantry, suffering from partial blindness caused from age and tumor in corner of his right eye and general disability. Drew in 1897, 1901-1904. Lived in Brewton, Ga. HESTER, JAMES - Born on July 2, 1818, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. G., 49th Ga. Infantry, suffering from general disability due to old age, kidney trouble, and neuralgia of the head and neck. Drew in 1897, 1901. Died July 7, 1901. KELLER, J.B. - Born on December 29, 1817, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Company H, 63rd Ga. Infantry, suffering from wounds to his right arm and shoulder caused by being hit with a bombshell during the war. Drew in 1897, out of county in 1901. LOVETT, ERVIN RICHARD - Born in 1830 (1828), in Warren County, Georgia, enlisted May, 1862, in Hancock Co., served in the army for 3 years in Co. I, 59th Ga. Infantry, not able to do any labor due to wounds in the war. Discharged 1865. Drew in 1897. Stricken from the roll. Moved to Johnson County in 1905. McDOWELL, J.W. - Born on March 8, 1824, served in the army for 4 years in Phillips Legion, suffering from disability from old age. Drew in 1897, 1901, 1902, 1903, died April, 1903. MOFFETT, ALEX - Enlisted in March, 1861 and served until the close of the war in 2nd Ga. Battalion, Macon Volunteers, age 68 years in 1898, suffering from partial paralysis in his hand and arm from being cut to pieces by a gun. Filed for pension on May 18, 1898. Remarks "Dead." NELSON, J.F. - Born on July 1, 1837, in Georgia, served in the army for 3.5 years in Co. B, 14th Ga. Infantry, suffering from a spinal affliction, piles, dislocation of left shoulder. Drew in 1897, 1901-1905, 1907. NUTT, J.M. - Born on Jan. 4, 1840, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. I, 45th Ga. Infantry, suffering from a general disability in bronchial infection. Drew in 1897. Remarks "Dead." OLIVER, J.P.D. - Born on Oct. 18, 1844, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Co. E, 12th Batt, Ga. Volunteers, suffering from being totally blind in his right eye, left eye failing, and partial paralysis of left shoulder. Drew in 1897, 1901. Moved out of the county. PARISH, J.H. - Born on Jan. 17, 1816, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Co. A, (he forgot his regiment), suffering from spinal affliction, old age, and general disability. Drew in 1897, 1901-1904. Lived in Arthur, Ga. Died in May, 1904. PARKER, JOHN C. - Born on Aug. 8, 1825 in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. B, 14th Ga. Infantry, suffering from old age. Eye sight very bad and fading. Drew in 1897, 1901-1907. POPE, D.G. - Born on May 2, 1836 in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. H., 14th Ga. Infantry, suffering from vertigo and weakness of his back. Drew in 1897, 1901-1906. Remarks "Dead." Occupation: Minister; Property: House & Kitchen Furniture. Lived in Buckhorn, Ga. REGISTER, A.L. - Born on Dec. 3, 1818, in Georgia, served in the army for 1 year in Co. A, 2nd Georgia Militia, suffering from general disability due to old age and chronic diarrhoea. Drew in 1897, 1901-1904. Died March 27, 1904. Lived in Dexter, Ga. ROBINSON, D.P. - Born on July 28, 1836, in Mississippi (?), served in the army in Co. B, 42nd Mississippi Infantry, suffering from broken shoulder and partial paralysis of left hip, leg, and foot caused by wound in left hip. Drew in 1897. Dropped from roll. SHEPARD, BENJAMIN - Born on Dec. 10, 1842, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. H, 14th Ga. Infantry, suffering from neuralgia in arms and legs with old wounds received in the war. Drew in 1897, 1901-1906. Remarks "Dead." STINSON, I.J. - Born in April 19, 1845, served in the army for 3 years in Co. F, 2nd Ga. Volunteer Reg., suffering from frost bitten feet and a weak back, caused from a broken hip. Drew in 1897. Dropped from the roll. SWAYLES, E.R. - Born on Jan. 10, 1829, in Georgia, served in the army of 3 years in Co. A, 49th Ga. Infantry, suffering from rupture, failing eyesight, and general disability. Drew in 1897. Remarks "Dead." WARNOCK, D.L. - Born on Dec.7, 1825, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. H., 63rd Ga. Infantry, suffering from rheumatism, crushed hip, and general disability from eye sight. Drew in 1897, 1901- 1907. Lived in Condor, Ga. WARREN, W.J. - Born on Oct. 27, 1823, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Company of Macon Light Artillery, suffering from bad health, total blindness in left eye, and diminished sight in his right eye. Drew in 1897, 1900. Died in 1900. WEAVER, W.W. - Born on Oct. 29, 1829, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. K, 57th Ga. Infantry, suffering from bad health and confined indoors a good part of the time. Drew in 1897, 1901- 1907. Lived in Dexter, Ga. WHITEHEAD, B.W. - Born on April 10, 1835, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. G, 49th Ga. Infantry, suffering from piles, crippled foot from wound in the war, bad health, eyesight failing. Drew in 1897, 1901-1907. Lived in Dudley, Ga. WHITEHEAD, J.B. - Born in Oct. 1821, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Co. H., 22nd Ga. Infantry, suffering from paralysis of the tongue and mouth, nearly blind, and in bad health. Drew in 1897, 1901-1903. Died on Feb. 28, 1903. Lived in Reedy Springs, Ga. WILLIAMS, J.A. - Born in Georgia in June, 1837, served in the army for 2 years in Co. H., 14th Ga. Infantry, suffering from consumption, kidney trouble, and bad eye sight. Enrolled in 1898. Drew 1901-1907. Occupation: Farmer. ON ROLL FOR 1899 COLLINS, L.J. - Born on Jan. 5, 1831 in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. G, 51st Ga. Infantry, suffering from partial paralysis, near blindness, and general disability. No property. Enrolled in 1898. Drew 1901-1907. HAWKINS, J.F. - Born May 12, 1844, served in the army for 3.5 years in Co. K, 15th Ga., Toombs Brigade, private, June 2, 1864, suffering from wound in left shoulder suffered at Cold Harbor, Va. on June 2, 1864. Remarks "Invalid, $50.00" Drew 1901-1907. MACHER, J.C. - Born on April 24, 1831, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Company K of the 57th Ga. Infantry, suffering from lung trouble and general disability. Drew 1901-1907. Occupation: Farmer. Enrolled in 1898. Lived in Reedy Springs, Ga. MATHIS, J.I. - Born on March 19, 1847, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Co. F, 2nd Georgia State Troops, suffering from rupture and near blindness. Farmer with no property. Enrolled in 1898 for 1899. Drew 1901-1902. Lived in Westbrook, Ga. In Dodge Co., 1905. MINTER, J.A. - Born on Oct. 22, 1836, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Girard's Light Artillery, suffering from general disability and near blindness. Placed on roll in 1898 for 1899. No occupation. Drew 1901-1907. Lived in Dublin, Ga. OLIVER, D. - Born in Nov., 1837, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Company C, 57th Ga. Infantry, suffering from heart disease and bad health. Drew in 1901, 1902. In Johnson Co. in 1903. PADGETT, JOSIAH - Born in 1827, in Georgia, served in the army for 3.75 years in Co. H, 14th Ga. Infantry, suffering from piles, urinary trouble, and general disability. Remarks "Dead." REGISTER, JEFFERSON - Born in 1827, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. H, 63rd Ga. Infantry, suffering from shortness of breath, old age, and general disability. Placed on roll in 1898. No property. No occupation. Drew 1901-1904. Remarks "Dead." STINSON, J.J. - Born in Nov. 1820, in Georgia, served in the army 1.75 years in Co. B, 66th Ga. Infantry, suffering from partial paralysis, a feeble condition, and general disability. Remarks "Dead." Occupation: Mechanic. WARNOCK, RICHARD - Born on May 3, 1833, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. B, 57th Ga. Infantry, suffering from dropsy, near blindness, and a crippled shoulder. Drew 1901-1907. No occupation. No property. Lived in Condor, Ga. WATSON, D.M. - Born on March 29, 1833, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. G, 49th Ga. Infantry, suffering from rheumatism in his spine and hips, and dyspepsia. Drew in 1901-1907. WILSON, W.H. - Born on Sept. 22, 1834, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. D, 9th Ga. Battalion, suffering from catarrh of the head and stomach and shortness of breath. Enrolled in 1898 for 1899. Drew 1901-1905, stricken 1905, reinstated 1907, no occupation. WOODARD, E.J. - Born on Sept. 10, 1818, served in the army for 4 years in Company H, 14th Ga. Infantry, suffering from partially paralyzed left leg from shot of shell in the war, from a broken jaw, and near blindness. Occupation: Farmer; No Property. Drew 1901-1907. Lived in Springhaven, Ga. INDIGENT ALFORD, WILLIAM - Born on Sept. 15, 1824 in Georgia, served in the army for 1.25 years in Co. G, 12th Ga. Infantry, suffering from spinal and kidney disease, old age, and broken down health. No occupation. No property. Lived in Dublin, Ga. Transferred to Emanuel County, Jan. 8, 1907. Drew 1901-1906. ASKEW, A.G. - Born on January 24, 1846 in Hancock Co., Ga., enlisted on Oct. 1, 1863 at Augusta, Ga. in Co. A, 27th Ga. Battalion, discharged at Greensboro, N.C. in April, 1865, {2nd class}, suffering from shortness of breath and heart trouble, lived at Lovett, Ga. Drew 1902-1903. BEATTY, J.A. - Born on May 7, 1832 in Anderson, S.C., enlisted on March 26, 1862, in Meriwether Co., Ga., in Co. E, 28th Ga. Infantry, discharged April 26, 1865 in Greensboro, N.C. {all classes}, died Nov. 27, 1904. Drew 1902-1904, lived in Lollie, Ga. BELL, J.J. - Born on July 24, 1828 in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. H, 63rd. Ga. Infantry, suffering from being crippled from a recent fall. Nearly blind. Drew in 1899, 1901. No occupation. Died in 1901. BRACEWELL, J.A. - Born on March 1, 1844, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. G, 49th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade, A.P. Hill's Division, suffering from heart trouble and general disability. No property. Occupation: Farmer. Drew 1901-1907. BRACK, M.M. - Born on Oct. 5, 1831 in Wilkinson Co., Ga., enlisted in April, 1861 in Irwinton, Ga., in Co. F, 3rd Ga. Infantry, discharged on April 9, 1864 in Appomattox, Va. {2nd Class} Drew 1902-1907. BRACK, W.A. - Born May 25, 1833, in Georgia, served in the army for 2.5 years in Co. B, 48th (8th?) Ga. Cavalry, suffering from kidney trouble, paralysis, and blindness in his right eye. Placed on roll for 1900. No occupation. No property. Drew in 1901. Remarks "Dead." CANNON, T.G. - Born on March 2, 1821 in Georgia, served in the army for 1 year in Stevenson's Co., Artillery, Rowan's Co., Johnson's Battalion, suffering from old age, general disability, partial blindness, and bad hearing. Moved out of the county. CLEMENTS, W.J.S. - Born on April 17, 1826, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. H., 63rd Ga. Infantry, suffering from weakness, old age, and poverty. Occupation: Farmer. Drew 1900 -1902. Died Jan. 16, 1902. COOPER, WILLIAM - Born on Nov. 18, 1819, in Georgia, served in the army for 7 months in Co. A, Ga. Militia., worn out with old age. Drew in 1899, 1901. Lived at Spring Haven, Ga. Remarks "Dead." CULLEN, J.E. - Born January 25, 1836 in Washington Co., Ga., enlisted May, 1862 in Howell's Artillery in Washington Co., Ga., discharged April, 1865 in Macon, Ga. {2nd Class}, Drew 1902-1905. Died Nov. 28, 1905. CULLENS, R.W. - Born Feb. 16, 1840, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Howell's Light Artillery, suffering from the loss of use of his broken right arm and spinal affliction. No occupation. No property. Placed on roll for 1900. Drew 1901-1907. Lived in Rosa, Ga. CURL, ELIJAH - Born on April 15, 1833 in Emanuel Co., Ga., enlisted in March, 1862, in Laurens Co., Ga. in Co. G., 49th Ga. Infantry, discharged April 9, 1854 at Appomattox, Va. {all classes}. Drew 1902-1907. Died May, 1907. DIXON, T.D. - Born on Dec. 12, 1829, in Georgia, served army for 3 years in Co. G, 49th Ga. Infantry, suffering from rheumatism, old age, and general disability. No occupation. No property. Drew 1901. Remarks "Dead, September 1901." Lived at Pearly, Ga. DURDEN, WILEY - Born on May 1, 1825, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. E, 12th Ga. Battalion, suffering from heart trouble, old age, and general disability. No property. Occupation: Farmer. Placed on roll for 1900. Drew 1901-1907. EDWARDS, J.C. - Born on Nov. 10, 1833 in Upson Co., Ga., enlisted in July, 1862 in Monroe Co., Ga. Cutts Artillery, discharged April, 1865 in Petersburg, Va. {2nd Class} Drew 1902-1907. FAULK, G.B. - Born on July 24, 1843 in Laurens Co., Ga., enlisted in July, 1861, in Dublin, Ga. in Co. H, 14th Ga. Infantry, discharged on April 9, 1865 in Appomattox, Va. {1st and 3rd Class}, suffering from blindness. Drew 1902-1907. GRIMES, J.W. - Born May 14, 1834, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years and 8 months, in Co. H, 47th Ga. Infantry, suffering from bad rupture and near blindness. No property, no occupation. Place on Roll for 1900. Drew 1901-1907. Lived in Hatoff, Ga. HILLMAN, GEORGE H. - Born Aug. 13, 1843, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Co. I, 49th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade. Suffering from disability from wound in the left leg and a broken right leg. Was wounded in Nov. 1864. $50.00 Drew in 1901. Moved out of the county. Occupation: Shoemaker: HOWARD, J.M. - Born on Feb. 25, 1817, in Georgia, served in the army for 8 months in Capt. Cummings Co. of the Georgia Militia, suffering from old age and lung trouble. No property. No occupation. Drew 1901- 1902. Died in 1902. MARCHMAN, C.A. - Born on Dec. 4, 1844, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. I, 8th Ga. Infantry, suffering from a general disability and complication of diseases. Writes his name. Drew 1901- 1907. Remarks "Dead." Lived in Lovett, Ga. MCCONNELL, L.S. - Born on Dec. 9, 1831, in Georgia, served in the army for 2.5 years in Co. I, 26th Ga. Infantry, suffering from old age and general disability. "Living trouble". Drew 1901-1906. Remarks "Dead." Lived in Montrose, Ga. METHVIN, T.K. - Born on Feb. 10, 1839, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. D, 57th Ga. Infantry, suffering from kidney and gravel affliction - "in fact a wreck physically." Drew 1901-1907. MINCEY, JAMES - Born on Oct. 25, 1842, in Georgia, served in the army for 3.5 years, 1st Lieutenant, in Co. D, 61st Ga. Infantry, Evans Brigade, suffering from a feeble condition caused by being shot on Aug. 28, 1862, July 1, 1863, and July, 1864. Drew 1901- 1904. NESMITH, J.M. - Born on Sept. 15, 1842, in Georgia, served in the army for 2 years in Co. D, 8th Ga. Infantry, suffering from paralysis in the arms and legs. No property. Occupation: Farmer. Enlisted July, 1863. Drew 1901-1904. Died on Feb. 6, 1904. PARTIN, J.S. - Born Apr. 7, 1838, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. E, of the 4th Ga. Infantry, suffering from catarrh of the lungs and spinal affliction. Died on March 3, 1906. Drew 1901- 1906. Lived in Musgrove, Ga. POPE, J.W. - Born on Dec. 14, 1839, in Georgia, served in the army for 3.5 years, in Co. B, 57th Ga. Infantry, suffering from paralysis affecting his left side and eyes, minister, no property. Placed on roll Oct. 1899, drew 1901-1903. Died on Nov. 4, 1903. Lived in Hatoff, Ga. ROWE, NOAH - Born on July 17, 1832, in Irwin Co., Ga., enlisted in May, 1862 at Fort Jackson in Co. C, 1st Georgia Infantry, discharged April 26, 1865, Greensboro, N.C., {all classes}, drew 1902-1907. SANDERS, S.M. - Born on July 14, 1837 in Wilkinson Co., Ga. enlisted 1862 in Baldwin Co., Ga. in Co. C., Capers Batt., discharged April 1865 in Augusta, Ga. {1st class} Served 1902-1906. SATURDAY, J. - Born on July 10, 1833 in Emanuel Co., Ga., enlisted on March 10, 1862 in Telfair Co., Ga., in Co. B, 49th Ga. Infantry, discharged on April 9, 1865, in Appomattox, Va. {1st and 2nd Class}, Drew in 1902, Moved to Wilcox County in 1903. Returned to Laurens and drew 1905-1907. SCARBOROUGH, WILLIAM - Born on Oct. 1, 1827, in Georgia, served in the army for 2.5 years in Macon Light Artillery, suffering from indigestion, near blindness, old age, and generally disability. "Completely broken down." No property. No occupation. Drew 1901-1907. SMITH, J.J.L. - Born June 16, 1834, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. F, 3rd Ga. Infantry, suffering from nervous prostration and general disability. No property. No occupation. Drew in 1901. Died in 1901. SPIVEY, W.B. - Born May 11, 1844 in Laurens Co., Ga., enlisted in March, 1862, in Laurens Co., Ga. in Co. G, 49th Ga. Infantry, discharged on April 9, 1865, in Appomattox, Va. {2nd and 3rd Classes}, suffering from rheumatism. Drew 1902-1907. WALKER, J.F. - Born on Aug. 10, 1840, in Georgia, married in 1860, served in the army for 3 years in Co. K, 49th Ga. Infantry, suffering from spinal and kidney affliction and general disability. His wife Fannie? C. was born Feb. 11, 1840. Died on May 19, 1903. Drew 1901-1903. Lived in Dublin, Ga. Occupation: Farmer. WARREN, J.Y. - Born in Feb. 1836 in Laurens Co., Ga. enlisted in Aug. 1863 in Savannah, Ga. in Girard's Artillery, discharged on April 26, 1865 in Greensboro, N.C., {all classes} Drew 1902-1907. WATSON, HANLY? - Born on Dec. 25, 1828 in Georgia, served in the army for 1 year Co. K, 21st Ga. Infantry, suffering from old age and general disability. Drew 1901-1907. WAY, T.L. - Born January 25, 1823, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years and 7 months, in Co. A, Jeff Davis's Legion, suffering from rheumatism, bladder trouble, and general disability. No property. Occupation: School teacher. Drew in 1901. Moved out of the county. WOOD, B.J. - Born on Aug. 13, 1831 in Washington Co., Ga., enlisted in May, 1864 in Co. A, 28th Ga. Infantry, discharged April 15, 1864 in Appomattox, Va. {all classes}, suffering from rheumatism, piles, and hemorrhage. Drew 1902-1905. Remarks "Dead." WOOD, GEORGE A. - Born May 31, 1836, in Alabama?, served in the army for 4 years in Co. E, 4th Alabama Infantry, suffering from rupture, nervous prostration, and cramps. No property. Occupation: farmer. Household and kitchen furniture, $40.00. INVALID SOLDIERS IN 1898 ARNAU, ROBERT M. - Born in March, 1823, in South Carolina, enlisted in Hearts Artillery Batt of S.C., Hampton's Brigade, while engaged in Virginia on Oct. 28, 1864 was wounded by a mini ball entering left side of nose, passing through left side of head coming out 3 inches from and behind left ear which wound totally disabled him from labor of any kind. Remarks "Dead." BLANKENSHIP, H.H. - Born on Jan. 22, 1842 in Georgia, enlisted in Co. H, 63rd Ga. Infantry, Mercer's Brigade, was wounded in a mini ball entering his right groin passing through the thing and shattering the bone. Drew $50.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1907. BRACEWELL, JOHN C. - Born on April 9, 1841, enlisted in Co. G, 49th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade, wounded at Mechanicsville, Va. on June 26, 1862 with a gun shot in his left army. Drew $50.00 in 1897. Drew 1901- 1907. BRANCH, ELIAS - Born on Feb. 19, 1827, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. B, 2nd Ga. Infantry, suffering from a crippled left foot, old age, and being worn out. No property. No occupation. Drew in 1898, 1901. Died about Sept. 1, 1902. BURCH, H.M. - Born on Sept. 9, 1832 in Laurens County, Ga. enlisted in Co. F, 2nd Ga. State Line Troops, 2nd Lieutenant, Cummings Brigade, was shot on June 22, 1864 through the left hand cutting off his first or index finger but allow $5.00 heretofore. Drew in 1901-1905 C0LEMAN, E.C. - Born on Sept. 6, 1843 in Georgia, enlisted in Co. H, 14th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade, shot through the face braking his upper left jaw and under right jaw on May 12, 1864 in Spottsylvania, C.H., Va., Drew $100.00 in 1897. Served four years. Drew 1901-1907. CARR, THOMAS A. - Born on Sept. 17, 1835, in Georgia, enlisted in Co. I, 3rd Ga. Infantry, Wright's Brigade, wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse, Va. on May 14, 1854 with a shot to his left leg causing amputation below the knee. Drew $100.00 in 1897. Left the county. CRANFORD, WILLIAM - Born on Aug. 29, 1822 in Georgia, enlisted in Co. I, 26th Ga. Infantry, wounded by a mini ball entering his left hip and lodging near his spine. Drew in 1897. Remarks "Dead." ELLIOTT, J.T. - Born on May 14, 1839, in Georgia, enlisted in Co. H, 22nd Ga. Infantry, Wright's Brigade, Shot in Virginia on Aug. 15, 1864 through the left hip with a mini ball causing the loss of use of his leg. Drew $50.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1907. Lived at Condor, Ga. FAULK, JAMES T. - Born on Nov. 11, 1831 in Georgia, enlisted in Co. H., 14th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade. Wounded on July 6, 1862 in Virginia in the left hand causing his left arm to be amputated between the wrist and the elbow. Drew $100.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1906. Remarks "Dead." FLOYD, J.T. - Born on Aug. 2, 1845, enlisted in Co. A, 49th Ga. Infantry, shot on May 9, 1863 near Chancellorsville, Va. through the neck causing a hemorage and injuring his throat. Has difficulty swallowing. Drew $50.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1907. Lived at Laurens Hill, Ga. HEATH, M.D. - Born on Aug. 19, 1837, in Georgia, served in the army for 3 years in Co. G, 20th Ga. Infantry, suffering from ill health and general disability. No property. Occupation : Farmer. Enrolled in 1898. Drew 1901-1907. JACKSON, JAMES - Born in Georgia. Enlisted in Co. F, 14th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade, wounded at the Wilderness, Va. on May 6, 1864. Shot in the hand cutting off two fingers on his right hand and cutting leaders in two causing them to draw down on the hand. Drew $25.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1906. Died on January 5, 1906. Lived in Lovett, Ga. JONES, J.J. - Born on May 15, 1838, enlisted in Co. F, 14th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade, on May 26, 1863 he was shot through the left hand in Virginia. Third ring finger was amputated. Drew $5.00 in Johnson County in 1897. Refused to make an application in 1901. MCLEOD, J.N. - Born on July 15, 1837, enlisted in Co. H, 20th Ga. Infantry, Cummings Brigade. Wounded in Tennessee in Nov. 1863. Struck by a piece of bombshell in corner of his left eye causing the loss of sight. Drew $30.00 in 1897. Transferred to Montgomery County on Aug. 20, 1904. Drew 1901-1904. Lived at Reedy Springs, Ga. SMITH, HARDY - Born October 24, 1841, in Laurens County, Georgia, served as Captain of Co. H., 14th Ga. Infantry, Thomas's Brigade, wounded at Mechanicsville, Va. on June 26, 1862. Shot through the right arm fracturing the bone causing amputation. Drew $100.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1907. SMITH, W.B. - Born on June 23, 1844, enlisted in Co. C, 57th Ga. Infantry, Smith's Brigade, wounded on April 28, 1863 in Mississippi. Lost finger next to little finger on his right hand. Drew $5.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1907. THOMAS, W.J. - Born Aug. 2, 1846, in Georgia, enlisted in Co. D, 59th Ga. Infantry, Anderson's brigade. Shot in Virginia on Aug. 16, 1864 in the face by a miniball. The ball entered the temple passing thorough the face coming out at left temple. Drew $30.00 in 1897. Drew 1901-1906. Remarks "Dead." VAUGHN, WILLIAM - Born in 1828, in Georgia, served in the army for 4 years in Co. C, 51st Ga. Infantry, suffering from bad health, pain in his right hip, leg, and ankle. Ankle broken during the war. Remarks "Indigent." No property. Enrolled in 1898. Drew 1903- 1906. Died March, 1906. WILKES, A.P. - Born on July 20, 1844, enlisted in Co. H, 63rd, Ga. Infantry, Mercer's Brigade, wounded at Atlanta, Ga. on July 22, 1864. Shot through the left arm and causing contraction of the leaders and muscles which drew up fingers. Drew $25.00 in 1897. Drew 1901- 1907. Lived at Tweed, Ga. ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. 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