Laurens County Georgia Military - Invalid/Indigent Soldiers Widows - Reunions (file 3 of 3) File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Scott B. Thompson Sr. Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: Laurens Co., GA Confederate Soldiers part 3 LOOSE RECORDS: Report of J.W. Lindsey, Commissioner of Pensions, Oct. 1, 1903-1904. Indigent Soldiers Approved: J.Z. Bush, W.B.F. Daniel, N.R. Camp, I.J. Stinson, R.T. Tidwell, J.F. Vinson, and W.Z. Lynn. Indigent Soldiers Disapproved: J.M. Bass, H.P. Hale, and M.O. Johnson. Disabled Soldiers Disapproved. Charles Poland and Isaac N. Wright. Indigent Widows Approved: Caroline A. Bloodworth, Sarah A. Pope, F.C. Walker, and Nancy Whitehead. Indigent Widows Disapproved: Sarah J. Cox and Amanda Hunt. INDIGENT CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS EXEMPTED FROM BUSINESS LICENSES List of Confederate Veterans exempted from local taxation for business licenses to peddle or to engage in any business under Sect. 19 of the Act of 1899 Page No.(Pages 1-16 are blank) 17Donaldson, J.C., Disabled, 1/3/1901 Wood, Benjamin J., Disabled, 1/10/1901 18Major, H.E., crippled, 1/28/1901 Chavous, Ancil, 2/14/1901 19Blankenship, H.H., 10/11/1901 Wright, Robert P., 11/14/1901 20Raffield, J.W. 11/18/1901 21Bennett, D.L., crippled, 1/23/1902 Tarpley, T.M., 1/25/1902 22 Murphy, James, crippled, 1/28/1902, jeweler. Gibbs, J.F., 2/27/1902 23Lee, J.Y., 7/15/1902 McLeod, J.N., 8/22/1902 24Horn, L.B., 9/11/1902 Keen, J.D., 9/25/02, Co. B, 57th Ga. Inf., Dealer in fresh meats. 25Bracewell, John C., 9/26/1902, Co. G, 49th Ga. Inf. Oxley, James, 11/21/1902, Co. A, 49th Ga. Inf. 26Bryant, W.S., 3/10/1903, Co. C, 57th Ga. Inf. Brown, J.R., 4/4/1903, Co. K, Cobb's Legion Cavalry. 27Crosby, T.D., 6/20/1903 Wolfe, John B. (not indigent), 8/17/1903, Co. I, 57th Ga. Inf., life and fire insurance salesman. 28Dominy, Benjamin, 9/21/1903, Co. F, 2nd Ga. State Line Trps. Chapman, L.A., disabled, Co. B, Phillip's Legion. 29Gilbert, William, 9/24/1903 Matthews, Lewis A., 9/29/1903, Co. K, 5th Ga. Vol., salesman for a steam laundry. 30Hale, H.P., 10/12/1903, Co. A, 5th Ga. Vol. Johnson, Nathan, 10/20/1903, Co. A, 49th Ga. Inf. 31Wood, T.J., 11/18/1903, Co. I, 34th Ga. Inf. Long, W.H., 12/21/1903, Co. B, 31st N.C., Inf. 32Stewart, A.J., 1/16/1904, Co. G, 49th Ga. Inf. Parks, Joseph, 3/24/1904, Co. E, 8th Ga. Inf. 33Pritchard, E.G., 4/13/1904, Co. A, 1st S.C. Regulars Capehart, N.H., 4/16/1904, Co. E, 46th Ga. Inf. 34Scarborough, W.R, 5/21/1904, Co. I, 57th Ga. Inf. Register, A.G., 5/31/1904, Co. H, 14th Ga. Inf. 35Hanford, A.W., 5/3/1904, Co. H, 22nd Ga. Inf. Hutchinson, J.M., 9/9/1904, Co. K, 5th Ga. Vol. 36 Lynn, W.Z., 11/1/1904, Co. E, 27th La. Vol. Patton, William B., 11/26/1904, Co. B. Cavarly, Phillips Legion 37Webb, W.G., 1/12/1905, Co. C, 57th Ga. Inf. Jones, H.T., 2/13/1905, Co. B, 57th Ga. Inf. 38Long, W.H., 3/16/1905, Co. B, 31st N.C. Inf. Bates, J.D., 4/11/1905, Co. H, 14th Ga. Inf. 39 Edge, William E., 9/18/1905, not indigent, Co. B, 1st Batt, Ga. Cavalry, general merchandise. Thornburg, H.M., 11/29/1905, Co. B, 13th N.C. Inf. 40Attaway, D.P., 12/7/1905, Co. E, 8th Ga. Cavalry Shepard, Benjamin J., 12/18/05, Co. H, 14th Ga. Inf. 41Hightower, J.R., Wheeler's Cavalry. Confederate Veterans given crosses at speech on Jefferson Davis by G.W. Williams: J.T. ChipleyCo. B. 57th Ga W.E. EdgeCo. B. 2nd Ga. Battl. J.C. EdwardsCo. A. Cutts Battery J.T. ElliottCo. H. 22nd Ga. J.M. EverettCo. A. 28th Ga. B.I. JohnsonCo. D. 1st Ga. W.F. GeffckenCo. F. 1st Ga. W.Z. LynnCo. E. 27th Lousiana J.E. LordGarard's Battery Jack SaturdayCo. B. 49th Ga. W.R. Hester????? From Dublin Courier Dispatch, November 3, 1905. Confederate Veterans who have recently died. L.L. Raffield8th Georgia Calvary John T. RogersRichmond Artillery Jeff RegisterCo. H. 63rd Georgia Elijah SheppardCo. H. 63rd Georgia W.L. StricklandGarrard Light Infantry W.J. ScarboroughGarrard Light Infantry J.R. SheppardCo. H. 63rd Georgia D.E. SullivanCo. G. 1st Louisiana M.E. VasonCo. E. 4th Georgia J.F. Walker Co. K. 49th Georgia J.S. BryantCo. C. 49th Georgia F.D. BeallCo. D. 63rd Georgia J.A. BeattyCo. E. 28th Georgia W.A. BrackCo. B. 10th Georgia Battl. G.W. BishopCo. I. 57th Georgia J.L. CowartCo. D. 57th Georgia Green B. DanielCo. I. 57th Georgia T.L. DanielCo. G. 49th Georgia S.A. FleetwoodCo. B. 57th Georgia J.T. FlandersCo. C. 57th Georgia William Gilbert Co. I. 57th Georgia Mercer Haynes5th Georgia Calvary A.J. McCrakenMacon Light Infantry W.J. PerryCo. H. 14th Georgia From Dublin Courier Dispatch, April 28, 1905 Confederate Memorial Day: M.A. Jenkins, Master of Ceremonies, Recitation - Mattie Dew, Benediction - J.W. Stokes. Parade from courthouse to old cemetery. Dublin Rifles, Sons of Veterans, Daughters of Confederacy, Veterans, and Citizens. Crosses of Honor awarded to: J.R. Stewart, J.M. Minar, J.F. Nelson, G.W. Belcher, J.T. Dean, L.A. Matthews, W.R. Hester, E.Y. Woodward, W.M. Scarborough, J.W. Daniel, G.A. Wood. From Dublin Courier Dispatch, March 31, 1905. Confederate Reunion: Six companies of Laurens County Veterans (50 men) and one company of other veterans (102 men) formed at the courthouse. Judge John H. Martin of Hawkinsville was named Colonel of the Brigade. W.C. Davis was elected Chief of Staff. Hardy Smith commanded the Laurens County Companies and L.A. Matthews the Miscellaneous company. The Dublin Band led the parade down Jackson Street to Church Street and then to the pavillion in Stubbs Park. Speeches were given by C.A. Weddington, Mayor L.Q. Stubbs, Judge Martin, and Col. G.N. Saussy of Hawkinsville. Barbeque dinner was served at the pits on Calhoun Street. Major T.D. Smith organized the event. From Dublin Courier Dispatch, September 16, 1910. April 18, 1903, p. 3, dcd Confederate Soldiers buried in cemetery: R.M. Arnau, O.J. Bales, J.S. Bryant, T.C. Butts, John W .Clarke, R.H. Duncan, Thomas B. Fuqua, Mercer Haynes, G.S. Hooks, R.C. Henry, Will Hester, W.H. Hudson, James Hudson, James Howard, R.M. Moore, J.T. McDaniel, L.C. Perry, W.C. Pope, W.S. Ramsay, James F. Robinson, William Smith, T.P. Sarchett, J.C. Scarborough, P.S. Twitty, W.H. Tillery, James A. Thomas, W.G. Wright. Membership Roll of Veteran's Association of Laurens County, 1901 Dublin Courier Dispatch, March 14, 1901. Hardy Smith, Commander, T.D. Smith, Secretary Branch, Isham Johnson, J.C. Bracewell, N.B.W. Johnson, Morgan Butler, M.J. Jackson, W.R. Barnes, W.H. Kea, Bennett Barnett, J.W. Keen, John L. Bates, J.D. Lowery, H.R. Black, Seaborn Long, W.H. Brantley, B.D. McCullars, J.J. Barwick, W.J. Morris, G.W. Bush, C.G. McDaniel, J.R. Bryant, J.S. McLaws, A.H. Coleman, E.J. Maxwell, J.H. Crumpton, J.E. McConnell, L.S. Cauley, W.H. Moore, Andy Clements, W.J. Marchman, C.H. Corbin, W.C. McDowell, J.W. Cullen, J.E. Miller, R.E. Cook, W.J. Mullis, J.M. Clements, D.G. Nelson, Floyd Downing, N.A. Nance, B. Dixon, T.D. Oxley, Jas. Davis, K. Pope, B.F. Dominey, Benj. Parker, W.F. Daley, W.J. Payne, Solomon Emswyler, E.H. Page, J.H. Elliott, J.T. Pope, J. Evans, B.W. Pope, T.H. Floyd, J.T. Pharris, J.I. Graham, J.C. Robinson, E.A. Gay, N.F. Radford, J.G. Green, John W. Register, Elijah Green, G.F. Rozar, A.J. Hall, J.M.B. Stubbs, J.M. Harville, G.W. Swinson, S.W. Hilbun, I.H. Scarborough, J.F.L. Howell, W.D. Scarborough, Wm. Hilbun, A.J. Smith, G.H. Hatfield, J.T. Smith, W.F. Hester, W.R. Spivey, W.D. Holmes, C.W. Silas, J.F. Hernon, J.W. Sheppard, J.R. Heath, M.D. Stewart, W.R. Jones, M.L. Sterling, R. Justice, S.B. Tarpley, T.M. Jones, H.T. Trice, J.M. Johnson, B.I. Ussery, J.T. Johnson, C.J. Vaughn, John UP Miscellaneous Veterans Records Sons of Veterans Organize A Charter has been applied for from the State Organization. Tuesday afternoon last a number of young men of the city met at the courthouse for the purpose of organizing a camp of United Sons of Confederate Veterans. The camp was organized with 36 charter members. Maj. T. D. Smith, who was very active in getting the camp organized, was made an honorary member. A charter has been applied for from the state organization, and as soon as it is secured a permanent organization will be effected. The camp was named for the late Geo. M. Troup. The following are temporary officers. Commander - C.A. Weddington 1st Vice Commander - J.E. Burch 2nd Vice Commander - J.H. Bradley Adjutant - S.B. Baker Chaplain - W.C. Solomon Quartermaster - M.R. Rachels Color Bearer - C.L. Webb Treasurer - L.V. Stone Secretary - Hardy Smith, Jr. Dublin Courier Dispatch, March 28, 1901. JANUARY 24 William Cooper, Confederate Veteran, died on January 23, 1901, at the age of 81. FEBRUARY 14 Confederate Pensions $5600 for 1901. $5.00 per year to those losing a finger. $100.00 per year to those losing limbs, and $60.00 to widows of indigent veterans. APRIL 25 Confederate Memorial Day Parade Begins at Baptist Church. Order of March Drum Corps, Dublin Guards, School students, Son of Confederate Veterans, Confederate Veterans. March up Jackson Street and around the courthouse square. Procession into courthouse lined by Dublin Guards. Prayer - R.W. Alexander Song - Dublin Glee Club Selection - Mattie Haynes Music - Dublin Military Band Song - Mrs. G.C. Thompson Introduction of Speaker - J.M. Finn Music - Dublin Military Band Speaker - D.M. Walker of Wrightsville Closing Prayer - Rev. P.H. Mears Ushers - Leo Baum, Jule Green, and Seward Hicks Master of Ceremonies C.A. Weddington JULY 11 James Hester died on 7/7 at the age of 83. He was born in 1818. He was a member of Co. G., 49th Ga. Inf. SEPTEMBER 12, 1901 CONFEDERATE VETERAN'S REUNION: Organized by Maj. T.D. Smith; Held at the pavillion near the river. Parade from Courthouse to Pavillion. 250 veterans in the city. Dublin Times: January 2, 1904 Fred D. Beall, Postmaster, died 1/1/1904. Buried at Bethlehem Church, member of C.S.A. January 16, 1904 Memorial services for Generals Longstreet and Gordon held at Methodist Church. April 23, 1904 [8] Confederate Memorial Day - Exercises. Warren Grice, Speaker. July 9, 1904 Confederate soldiers reunion to be held at the pavillion on June 12 ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. 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