Laurens County GaArchives Military Records.....B F Morgan September 1 1906 Civilwar - Pension Co E 8th Reg ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lindy Hard July 8, 2003, 8:20 pm 1906 Confederate Indigent Pension Application B F Morgan, Dublin, Laurens Co Ga Co E [sic] 8th Regt Born Wilkinson Cop GA Oct 17, 1847 Lived in Wilkinson Co during yrs 1894 until 1905 [years of interest to pension] ......signed B. F. Morgan (x his mark) 1 Sept 1906 Witness questions... B. F. Pate states that he has known E. R. Morgan [note name difference] 42 years & was in same company, Co D 8th GA Regt... answers other questions in same manner as B. F. Morgan 1908 Indigent Pension Application for E. R. Morgan, Laurens Co, Ga Co D 8th Regt State Troops Says born Oct 11 1847, Wilkinson Co GA 1901-1907 Wilkinson & Laurens Co GA Witness... B. F Pate, Sr, Wilkinson Co GA Has known E. R. Morgan 44 years In same Company & Regt, Co D 8th Ga Regt Command surrendered at SC signed- B F Pate, Sr 24 Aug 1908 This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb