Liberty County GaArchives Deed.....Andrew, Benjamin - Godfrey, George August 30, 1762 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beth Collins August 23, 2009, 7:17 pm Written: August 30, 1762 Recorded: December 21, 1762 Colonial Deeds Book C2, p. 696-697 Georgia to all Christian people to whom these presents shall come George Godfrey of the Parish of Saint Johns and province aforesaid Planter/ sendeth Greeting/ Know ye that the said George Godfrey, for and in consideration of the sum of fifty one pounds Ten shillings sterling to him the said George Godfrey well and truly paid in hand before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by Benjamin Andrew of the same parish and province aforesaid Planter the Receipt whereof the said George Godfrey doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth hereby acquit exonerate and discharge the said Benjamin Andrew his heirs Executors and Administrators, and by these presents Hath given Granted Bargain’d Sold Aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and that Freely fully Clearly and absolutely Doth give grant Bargain, sell Alien Enfeof and confirm to the said Benjamin Andrew his heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns Forever a certain Plantation Tract or parcel of One Hundred and seventy one acres & a half acre of Land situate lying and being on north Newport in the abovesaid parish & on a swamp called the Ash Swamp Butting and Bounding to the North on lands of John Stuart & the Publick landing Road to the South and West on lands of James Andrew and to the east on the Kings Road and Hath such shape from Marked Trees as is expressly laid down in a plan of the same given in with these presents Certified by Andrew Way Dept. Surveyor and annexed to a certain Deed of Conveyence given by John Stewart to the said George Godfrey confirming to him the said Tract of land Bearing Date the Twenty third day of Aprill seventeen hundred & Sixty one Reference being thereunto had will more fully and largely appear To Have and To Hold the same Plantation Tract or parcel of one Hundred and seventy one acres and a half acre of land Together with the Ways Priviledges Easments Immunities Herediments and Commodities with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging accepting the Quitrent hereafter to become due To his Majesty for the same and unto the said Benjamin Andrew his Heirs and assigns forever to him and their own proper uses Benefits and Behoofs forevermore And the said George Godfrey for himself his Heirs Executors & Administrators Doth Covenant and promise to and with the said Benjamin Andrew and his Heirs in manner and form following / That is to say/ That at the time of this present Bargain and Sail and until the ensealing and Delivery of these Presents he the said George Godfrey is the True and Sole owner of the above granted Premises by virtue of the aforesaid Deed of Sale or Conveyance and hath in himself good and rightfull Power and Lawfull Authority to grant sell convey and assure the premises in Manner and form as aforesaid and that the said Benjamin Andrew his heirs and Assigns shall and may from henceforth and forever hereafter by force and Virtue of these presents, lawfully, Peaceable, and Quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy, the said above granted Premises and their appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, without any Let Molestation Trouble Deniall Hindrence or Contradiction from him the said George Godfrey his heirs Executors or Administrators or any other person or persons Whatsoever Claiming or having any lawfull Claim right, Title, or Interest therein from by or under him or by any other Lawfull Ways or Means Whatsoever. And also, that the said George Godfrey His heirs Executors & Administrators shall and Will upon every Reasonable Request and at the Cost and Charge in the Law of the said Benjamin Andrew his Heirs Executors administrators or Assigns Further do and executor cause to be done and executed all and every other lawfull and Reasonable Act or Acts, Deed, or Deeds, Conveyances and Assurences in the Law whatsoever For the more perfect Conveying Confirming and Assureing the Premises with their Appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Andrew his heirs or Assigns or his or their Council learned in the Law, shall be Reasonable advised devised or Required And Further the said George Godfrey and his heirs the above granted Premises unto the said Benjamin Andrew his Heirs and Assigns against every person or persons Whatsoever by or under him Claiming or to Claim shall forever Warrant and Defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said George and Hannah his Wife in Token of her Consent to this act and Deed of her Husband Renounceing her Dower or right of thirds in or to the premises have set their hands & seals the Thirtieth Day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty two and in the Second year of his Majesty’s Reign Sign’d Seal’d & Delivered In Presence of George Godfrey James Andrew Hannah Godfrey Rd Baker Jonathan Scarth I the Subscriber one of the Witnesses to the Present Deed did see George Godfrey delivery make of the above mentioned Tract of land by Turf and Twig the Day & year above Written. Jonathan Scarth Received the Day and Year within Written of the within Names Benjamin Andrew the Sum of fifty one pounds Ten shillings being in full of the Consideration Money within Mentioned Receiv’d by me Witness George Godfrey James Andrew St. Johns Parish In Georgia} Personally appear’d before me this day the subscriber one of his majesty’s Justices assign’d for the keeping of the Peace for the parish aforesaid Jonathan Scarth Declaring upon and that on the Day within mentioned he saw George Godfrey and Hannah Godfrey his Wife sign Seal and Deliver the within Instrument as their act of Deed as also Turf and Twig for Law for the Premises and that he also saw Richard Baker & James Andrew sign Together with him as Witnesses thereunto Sworn before me the Day & year above mentioned 26 October 1762 Audley Maxwell Recorded 21st Decr. 1762 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.6 Kb