Lowndes County GaArchives News.....FAMILY SITS AROUND A KEG OF POWDER Spark Drops Among the Grains and There Is an Explosion THREE DEATHS THE RESULT January 3, 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson mandpthomspon@bellsouth.net August 31, 2013, 10:11 am The Atlanta Constitution January 3, 1900 Child Who Caused the Catastrophe Is Instantly Killed, TWO OTHERS DIE OF INJURIES, Lowndes County Farmer Tries To Fill Shells in Front of An Open Fire Selma, Ala., January 2. (Special) Near Drain post office, in Lowndes County, C. M. Patterson was sitting before the fire loading shells. His old father, a paralytic, was sitting near him, and his wife and children were about the fire. He had a powder keg between his knees and was filling his shells from it. One of his little girls picked up a piece a piece of pine and threw it in the fire. A coal or spark was knocked into the open powder keg, when there was a terrific explosion. The little girl was instantly killed, Patterson’s wife and father both died and Patterson is not expected to live. When the explosion occurred Mrs. Patterson, with her clothes on fire, ran into an adjoining room and jumped into the bed, where her four months old infant was sleeping. The bedding was instantly set on fire and the infant was badly burned about the feet, but not fatally. The house was set on fire and but for some Negroes hearing the explosion those injured and four other little children in the house would have been burned with the building. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/lowndes/newspapers/familysi3244nw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 1.9 Kb