Lumpkin-Union County GaArchives Military Records.....Holloway, William 1895 Civilwar - Pension Co. I 61 N. C. Regiment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jacqueline King June 16, 2006, 10:34 am Pension Application Confederate Pension Papers of William Holloway aka William Hollaway 1895 Questions for Applicant. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. William F. Holaway of said State and County, desiring to avail himself of the Pension Act approved December 15th, 1894, hereby submits his proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is yous name and where do you reside? (give State, County and post office). William F. Holaway, Georgia, Lumpkin [County], Walnut P. O. 2. Where did you reside on January 1st, 1894, and how long have you been a resident of this State? Same as above, Since 1865, 29 years in Lumpkin Co., Ga. 3. When and where were you born? 1843-Wilkes County, N. C. 4. Did you volunteer in the Confederate Army or in the Georgia Militia? Confederate Army. 5. When and were did you enlist? In 1862-Aleganie [Alleghany] County, N. C. 6. In what company and regiment did you enlist? Co. I 61 N. C. Regiment. 7. How long did you remain in that company and regiment? Three years. 8. If you were discharged from the same and joined another, give an account of such discharge or transfer? Was never transferred or discharged until Surrender. 9. For how long a period did you discharge regular military duty? Three years. 10. When, where and under what circumstances were you discharged from service? In 1865 near Petersburg Va., at Surrender. 11. What is your present occupation? Attending a Mill when able. 12. How much can you earn per annum by your own exertions or labor? Twenty Dollars. 13. What has been your occupation since 1865? Working in a wood shop as long as I could work. 14. What sum would be necessary for your support for this pension year, and how much are you able to contribute thereto in either labor or income? $84. $20 I suppose. 15. What is your present physical condition and how long have you been in such condition? Was wounded in my side with a minnie ball in the war. This causes me to have Fever which I have had three times, the last spell in 1889. Since then have been unable to work at anything. 16. Upon which of the following grounds do you base you application for pension, viz: first, “age and poverty,” second “infirmity and poverty” or third “blindness and poverty”? Infirmity and poverty. 17. If upon the first ground, state how long you have been in such condition that your could not earn your support? If upon the second, give a full and complete history of the infirmity and its extent? If upon the third state whether you are totally blind and when and where you lost your sight? Have been unable to work for over five years and have no income. 18. What property, effects of income do you possess? Nothing at present. 19. What property, effects of income did you possess in 1893 and in 1894 and what disposition, if any, did you make of same? In 1893 I had $35 worth of land. I mortgaged the same for provisions, and in 1894 gave same in at $50, it was mortgaged and now sold & gone from me. 20. In what County did you reside during those years and what property did you return for taxation? In 1893 $30-in 1894 $50. I resided in Lumpkin County. 21. How were you supported during the years 1893 and 1894? By mortgaging this land and have used it all up now. 22. How much did your support cost for each of those years, and what portion did you contribute thereto by your own labor or income? It cost me about $10 each year. 23. What was your employment during 1893 and 1894? What pay did you receive each year? Nothing at all. Nothing at all, was not able to work. My lot of land went and I am in debt. 24. Are you married and have you a family? If so, is your wife living and how many children have you? Give age and sex of children and their means of support? I am-I have-She is-Nine children; Male 27 years old, Male 25, Male 22, Male 21, Male 16, Female 13, Female 12, Female 8, Male 7 years old. All make their living by their daily labor. All their property are not worth more than $125 all told. 25. Are you receiving a pension under any law of this State, if so what amount and for what disability? Receive no pension. Signed: William F. Holoway (X his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 1st day of April 1895. F. M. Williams Ordinary of Lumpkin County. Questions for Witness. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. Allen Ingram of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of William F. Holaway for pension under the Act approved December 15th, 1894, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Allen Ingram, in Canada District Union County Ga. 2. Are you acquainted with William Holaway, the applicant, if so how long have you known him? Something over thirty years. 3. Where does he reside, and how long has he been a resident of this State? He resides in Chestatee District Lumpkin County Ga. Thirty years. 4. Do you know of his having served in the Confederate Army or the Georgia Militia? How do you know this? I know he served. I was in N. C. when he was in the Service. He came to Georgia with me. 5. When, where and in what company and regiment did he enlist? Co. I 61 N. C. Regiment. 6. Were you a member of the same company and regiment? I was not. 7. How long did he perform regular military duty, and what do you know of his service as Confederate soldier, and the time and circumstances of his discharge from the service? He went off in 1862 and returned in 1865. Was not with him when he was discharged. 8. What property, effects or income has the applicant? (Give your means of knowledge.) None, I mean property. I am his neighbor and know he has none. 9. What property, effects or income did the applicant possess in 1893 and 1894, and what disposition, if any, did he make of same? He had one lot of land worth about $40. Mortgaged it for provisions and sold it to pay the debt. 10. What is the applicant’s occupation and physical condition? He is staying around a mill. He is unable to work I suppose from a wound and from hard spells of Fever. 11. Is the applicant unable to support himself by labor of any sort, if so, why? He is unable from wounds and Fever and bad health I suppose. I know he can’t work. 12. How was he supported during the years 1893 and 1894? By the help of neighbors and sale of his land. 13. What portion of his support for these two years was derived from his own labor or income? Very little, probably $15 each year. 14. Give a full and complete statement of the applicant’s physical condition that entitles his to a pension under the Act of December 15th, 1894? I am no physician but from all appearance he is unable to work. I am unacquainted with the Law. 15. What interest have you in the recovery of a pension by this applicant? Not a cent. Signed: Allen Ingram (X his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 1st day of April 1895. F. M. Williams Ordinary. Affidavit of Physicians. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. Personally came before me C. H. Jones and Henry C. Whelchel, both known to me as reputable physicians of said county, who being severally sworn, say on oath that they have examined carefully William F. Holaway, applicant for pension under the Act of 1894, and after careful examination, say that his precise physical condition is as follows: Gunshot wound entering right-side three inches to the right of median line, exit three inches to the right of the spinal cord fracturing the 11th and 12th ribs, leaving the tissues of Plura (?) and Diaphragm adhered, causing great pain upon any exertion such as labor. Also has dyspepsia from which he is very much weakened and unasiated (unassisted?). We further say on oath that the physical condition of applicant renders him unable to labor at any work or calling sufficient to earn a support for himself, and that we have no interest in said pension being allowed. Signed: C. H. Jones, M. D., Henry C. Whelchel, M. D. Ordinary’s Certificate. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. I, F. M. Williams, Ordinary in and for said County, hereby certify that the applicant William F. Holaway resides in said County, and was a bona fide resident of this State on the first day of January, 1894, and that the witnesses, viz: Allen Ingram, C. H. Jones, Henry C. Whelchel are of trustworthy character and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credit. I further certify that before answering the foregoing questions, the applicant and each witness took the oath prescribes, and that the full text of the affidavits was read to the applicant and witnesses before same signed. I further certify that the tax digests of Lumpkin County show that applicant returned for taxation in his name in 1893, Fifty ($50) dollars of property, and in 1894, ($60) Sixty dollars of property. Witness my hand and seal of office, this 1st day of April 1895. F. M. Williams, Ordinary of Lumpkin County. Power of Attorney. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. I, William Holaway hereby authorize Allen D. Candler of Atlanta to receive and receipt for the pension allowed and request that he remit the same to [can’t read] Ordinary at Dahlonega by Package. Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of April 1895. Signed: William Holaway (X his mark) Executed in the presence of O. H. Jones, Henry C. Whelchel Pension allowed for 1896 to William F. Holloway of Lumpkin County, Ga., for Infirmity and Poverty. [Number 1230] 1897 For Applicants Heretofore Allowed Pensions. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. Personally appears William Holliway Lumpkin County, State of Georgia, who being duly sworn, says on oath that he is a bona fide citizen and resident of said County and State, and has resided in said State continuously ever since the [blank] day of December 1865; that he is 53 years old and by occupation a miller; that he enlisted in the military service of the Confederate States (or the State of) North Carolina during the war between the States, and served for the term of 3 years in Company I, of 61 North Carolina Infantry, James J. Reddclift; that his physical condition is as follows: Very feeble and is not able to do manual labor, that his property consists of Household and kitchen furniture of the value of Five Dollars, that by reason of his physical condition and poverty he is unable to support himself by his own exertions or labor, and that he receives no pension but the one herein applied for. Deponent desires to participate in the benefits of the Act, approved December 15th, 1894, and the acts amendatory thereof, and makes application for the pension to which he is entitled for the year 1897. I have heretofore as a resident of Lumpkin county been allowed a pension for the year 1896.-Sixty Dollars. Signed: William Holliway (X his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this, the 15day of January 1897. W. H. C. Tate Ordinary Note-Power of Attorney names Allen D. Candler of Atlanta to receive William Holloway’s pension and to send it to W. H. C. Tate, Ordinary of Lumpkin County, Ga., by mail at Dahlonega. Witnesses [by their marks] are M. H. Holliway and W. M.(?) Holliway 1903 Questions for Applicant. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. William Holloway of said State and County, desiring to avail himself of the Pension Act 9Section 1254, Code) hereby submits his proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? (give State, County and post office.) William Holloway. Lumpkin Co. Walnut, Ga. 2. How long and since when have you been a resident of this State? 38 years, since 1865. 3. When and where were you born? About 1840 in North Carolina. 4. When and where and in what company and regiment did you enlist or serve? In 1862, Gap Level N. C. Company I 61st North Carolina Volunteers. 5. How long did you remain in such company and regiment? 3 years until in April 1865. 6. When and where was your company and regiment surrendered and discharged? Greensboro, N. C. in April 1865. 7. Were you present with your company and regiment when it was surrendered? Yes. 8. If not present, state specifically and clearly where you were, when you left command, for what cause and by whose authority? Was present. 9. How much can you earn (gross) per annum by your own exertion or labor? About $10. 10.What has been your occupation since 1865? Farming. 11. Upon which of the following grounds do you base your application for pension, viz: first, “age and poverty,” second, “infirmity an poverty,” or third, “blindness and poverty”? Have not been able to make a living in the past 15 years. Have a breast disease and general debility. Was shot through body at Petersburg in 1864 which wounds hurt...[illegible]. 13. What property, real or personal, did you possess in 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902, and what disposition, if any by sale or gift, have you made of same? None. Did not sell of give away any. 15. In what County did you reside during those years, and what property did you return for taxation? Lumpkin. 16. How were you supported during the years 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902? What pay did you receive in each year? By neighbors and getting it by making chairs and baskets and little jobs. 17. How much did your support cost for each of those years, and what portion did you contribute thereto by your own labor or income? Seventy five Dollars. 18. What was your employment during 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902? What pay did you receive in each year? Little jobs etc. 19. Have you a family? If so, who composes such family? Give their means of support? Have they a homestead or other property? Their ages and how employed? Wife and one small boy. Wife is 61 years old. Little boy is 12 years old. They work for the neighbors. 20. Are you receiving a pension? If so, for what amount and for what disability? I am receiving no pension. 21. Have you ever made an application for pension before? Yes. 22. How many applications have you ever made and under what class? 1-Indigent Soldier. Signed: William Holloway (X his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 8th day of June 1903 John Huff Ordinary of Lumpkin County. Questions for Witness. State of North Carolina Alleghany County. Isaac Richardson of said State an County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of William Holloway for pension under Section 1254, Code, and after being sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Isaac Richardson. I reside near Brooks in Alleghany Co., N. C. 2. Are you acquainted with William Holloway, the applicant; if so, how long have you known him? Since the Spring of 1862. 3. Where does he reside, and how long and since when has he been a resident of this State? I understand that he resides in the State of Georgia. 4. When, where and in what company and regiment did he enlist and how do you know? In 1862-Co. I. 61st Regt. In Alleghany County-He was in my Company. 5. Were you a member of the same company and regiment? Yes. 6. How long did he perform regular military duty? Three years. 7. When and where was his command surrendered? We were near Greensboro, N. C. 8. Were you present when it surrendered? Yes. 9. Was applicant present? Yes. 10. If he was not present, where was he? [blank] When did he leave his command? At the Surrender. For what cause? He was discharged. By what authority he left? By authority of General Bingman [? Ink splotch] How do you know all of this? I was present. [The rest of the questions deal with the physical and financial condition of William Holloway and Isaac Richardson states he does not know the answers] Signed: Isaac Richardson, Witness. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 22nd day of December 1903. J. N. Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court [Alleghany County, North Carolina] Handwritten note from J. N. Edwards. Sparta, N. C. Dec. 22 1903 North Carolina Alleghany County. I hereby certify Isaac Richardson whose signature appears to the foregoing instrument as a witness is a resident of said County having lived in said County all of the time from birth, except for a short period he resided in Grayson Co. Va., about ten miles from the County Court-House at this place, and that he is of trustworthy character and that his statements are entitled to full faith and credit. I further certify that before answering the foregoing questions the witness was duly sworn and that his evidence was read to witness before same was signed. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at office in Sparta. This Dec. 22, 1903 Signed: J. N. Edwards Clerk Superior Court. Affidavit of Physicians. State of Georgia [blank] County. Personally came before me C. H. Jones and M. N. Stow, both known to me as reputable physicians of said County, who, being severally sworn, say on oath that they have examined carefully [blank], applicant for pension under Section 1254, Code, and after such personal examination say that his precise physical condition is as follows: The applicant has some emphyzema (sic) and suffers from general debility and is unable to do physical labor sufficient to earn a living. And we have no interest in said pension being allowed. Signed: O. H. Jones, M. N. Stow, M. D. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 8 day of June 1903. John Huff, Ordinary. 1904 Questions for Witness. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. Samuel H. Waters of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of William Holloway for pension under Section 1254, Code, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? S. H. Waters, Quebec Ga. I reside in Lumpkin County. 2. Are you acquainted with William Holloway, the applicant, if so, how long have you known him? Since 1865. 3. Where does he reside, and how long and since when has he been a resident of this State? In Lumpkin Co., Ga., since 1865. [Questions 4-10 deal with William Holloway’s military service and are x-ed through] 11. What property, effects or income has the applicant? (Give your mean of knowledge.) Nothing. No property nor income. 12. What property, effects of income did the applicant possess in 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902, and what disposition, if any, did he make of same? None. 13. Has he conveyed away any of his property in the last four years; if so, what was it, and to whom? None. 14. What is the applicant’s occupation and physical condition? He is not strong at all, is sick nearly all the time, hardly able to get about. Suffers from General Debility. 15. Is the applicant unable to support himself by labor of any sort; if so, why? He is, on account of his age, infirmity and general debility. 16. How was he supported during the years 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902? Made a poor support by working when he was not able to do so. 17. What portion of his support for these four years was derived from his own labor or income? All of it, but it was a very poor support. 18. Give a full and complete statement of the applicant’s physical condition that entitles him to a pension under Section 1254, Code? 65 years old, very weak from age & exposure & unable to work enough to earn a support. 19. Who composes family? What property have they? Children’s age and their earning capacity? Wife and girl 17 [might be 19] years old and boy 14 years old. Have no property. 20. What interest have you in the recovery of a pension by this applicant? None. Signed: S. H. Waters (X his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 18th day of October 1904. John Huff, Ordinary. Typewritten note from the Pension Commissioner dated 9/11/05. This man must be clearly identified being the same man these men served with in 61 N. C. Physicians must say to what extent his earning capacity has been impaired. It must be so that he cannot earn his support at any kind of labor or calling. That is what the law requires. J. W. Lindsey, Com. of Pensions. 1905 Handwritten Witness Statement. Office of G. G. Evans, Ordinary, Lumpkin County. Dahlonega, Ga., Dec. 15th 1905. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. In person appeared before me G. G. Evans Ordinary of Lumpkin Co. Thomas Holliway [Thomas Holloway], after being duly sworn according to Law by me says that William Holliway [William Holloway] is the applicant for State Pension, is the same man that served in Co. I. 61st North Carolina Volunteers and was present when William Holliway enlisted in said Company and Regiment and saw him march in to Service in North Carolina at Gap Level April 1862. Signed: Thomas Holliway (X his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 15th day of December, 1905. G. G. Evans, Ordinary. Affidavit of Physicians. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. Personally came before me H. Head (?) and C. H. Jones, both known to me as reputable physicians of said County, who, being severally sworn, say on oath that they have examined carefully Wm. Holliway, applicant for pension under Section 1254, Code, and after such personal examination say that his precise physical condition is as follows: The applicant has some emphysema and suffers from general debility and is unable to do manual labor sufficient to earn a living for himself, in fact he is unable to work and has no other [continues into right margin] means of living that hard labor. His disability is equal or he is even worse than the majority of those that are here examined heretofore. Signed: C. H. Jones, M. D. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 20 day of September, 1905 G. G. Evans, Ordinary. 1907 For Applicants Heretofore Allowed Pensions. State of Georgia, Lumpkin County. Personally appears William Holloway of Lumpkin County, State of Georgia, who, being duly sworn, says on oath that he is a bona fide citizen and resident of said County and State, and has resided continuously in said State ever since the 7th day of January 1836; that he is 70 years old and by occupation a Farmer, that he enlisted in the military service of the Confederate States (or of the State of N. C.) during the war between the States, and served for the term of 3 years in Company I, of 61st Regiment of N. C. Vols; that his physical condition is as follows: That from age and Exposure with Heart Disease. With body wound received during the war. That his property consisted of the following items: Nothing of the value of No Dollars. I am now earing by my labor, No Dollars per month. That by reason of his physical condition and poverty he is unable to support himself by his own exertion or labor, and that he receives no pension but the one herein applied for. Deponent desires to participate in the benefits of the Act approved December 15th, 1894, and the Acts amendatory thereof, and makes application for the pension to which he is entitled for the year 1907. I have heretofore, as a resident of Lumpkin County, been allowed a pension for the year 1906. Signed: William Holloway (X his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 5th day of January 1907. G. G. Evans, Ordinary. [William Holloway of Lumpkin County, Ga., was allowed an Indigent Soldier’s Pension on Jan. 21, 1907, based on his service in Co. I. 61st North Carolina Volunteers. He and his wife, Nancy, appear in the 1910 Union County census in Canada District. William Holloway died on April 23, 1919 as shown in the Georgia Death Index 1919-1998 (April 22. 1919 according to his widow) and was buried in Union County at Zion Baptist Church at Wolf Pen Gap in Suches, Ga.] Transcribed 2006 by Jacqueline Holloway King File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 24.3 Kb