Revolutionary War Pension: MOTE, Levi - Lumpkin County, GA ----------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ----------------------------------------------------- SUBMITTER: Bev Johnson EMAIL: This is the pension application of Levi Mote, Revolutionary War Pension File #S7245 AFFIDAVIT OF LEVI MOTE IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR PENSION FOR REVOLUTIONARY WAR SERVICE STATE OF GEORGIA ) ) ss. LUMPKIN COUNTY ) Be it remembered that on this 24th day of June 1846 before me Milton H. Gathright, one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county personally appeared Levi Mote of said County who is known to me a creditable witness and made oath in due form of law. That he is the son of William Mote (late of Georgia) that he was born in North Carolina on Jones Creek. That his father moved to Chester District (S.C.) and before the Revolutionary War to York District (S.C.) where he was living when that War broke out. That this deponant has no record of his age but calls himself ninety-three years of age the 19th day of April last past. That when the Revolution broke out this deponant, in the early part of the fall season (when the orchards were full of fruit the dates not recorded) volunteered under Capt. Robert McAfee and Col. Polk, that he first attached himself to said McAfee's company at the Captain's usual muster grounds about 12 miles from Yorktown in York District S.Carolina, that said Capt. enrolled his Company and gave orders for his men to go home and fix themselves mounted on horses and to meet in two weeks at Gen'l Williamson's house on Bush River Union District (SC) that this deponant accordingly met his company at Gen'l Williamson's. There were about 40 privates in said McAfee's Co. Charles Morgan was our First Lieut. There were several other companies met at Gen'l Williamson's with our Maj. Frank Rofs(?) and Col. Polk, that they all remained at Gen'l Williamson's for some days when we were ordered to march for Augusta Georgia under command of Maj. Frank Rop. The whole of each company did not go, there was a draft held amongst the companies and about six hundred men drafted out of Gen'l Williamson's command, to reinforce Col. (Benjamin) Few and Col. John Wiggs at Augusta Geo. That we marched to Augusta. A few days after we arrived at Augusta Col. Few ordered Major Rop to take his command from (SC) and to go out and intercept Col. Tate (a Tory) that was said to be out with a large body of Indians. That Maj. Rop accordingly marched out into the forest on the 2nd or 3rd day from Augusta in the afternoon we met Col. Tate with a company of Tories (and as it was said 500 Indians) that we met them on Beach Creek on the east side of Rock Comfort River, that here we had a fight with them which lasted 2 or 3 hours in which Maj. Rap was mortally wounded; that after a strong stand on the part of the enemy they retreated and we charged upon them till they crossed the Ogeechee River about 6 miles from the battle ground we then returned to Augusta. Had about 30 men killed and wounded. We carried Major Rop(?) back to Augusta where he died of his wounds about 5 days after the battle. That we remained at Augusta and scouting after Indians and Tories till our six months tour was up and we returned home to York District (SC). This term of service was some years before the British took Augusta -- That this deponant remained at home for some eight or nine months when a draft was held and he was drafted for three months under Capt. McAfee to make what was called a Regiment of Rangers stationed at Gilbert Town (NC). Our duty was to scout the country from Gilbert Town to Earle's Fort on the head of Tiger River (S.C.). Gen'l Williamson was often at our fort at Gilbert Town and was our head officer to the best knowledge of this deponant. That he continued in service this three months mounted on his own horse. Did much scouting but was not in any battles. After this term of service deponant remained at his father's in York District Captain McAfee threw up his command (of his company) and a Capt. Thomas Jenkins from (NC) who had been a Capt. before was appointed to the command of our company under him we did considerable scouting against the Tories. We were only bound (for about a year at this interval) to military service only by scouting parties when there were any Tories in the county or vicinity but was actually in Army one half of the time. Our Capt. Jenkins was a very vigilant officer and kept us always ready for duty and often on the scout when we were not mustered into service. during this term of what we called home service. I recollect well of hearing of Gates defeat. On reflection I well remember of being drafted and mustered under Lt. Morgan to Lindly's Fort was stationed at this fort for eight months. Gen'l Williamson commanded and (illegible word) in the fort himself except when he marched with us in pursuit of Indians. That Gen'l Williamson took about 800 men. Deponant was one of that number. Marched into the Indian country. We first went to where the Indians had murdered Col. Hites(?) family in the upper end of Spartanburg District (SC) from there we marched to Parris' the Indian agent. Gen'l Williamson took his family and sent them in to Lindly's Fort under a guard. That he then burnt all his buildings and saw and grist mill, cut down his corn which was then fit for roasting. Thence we marched to Tessantee River, Geo., Hiwassee River and to Chattooga River (SC) that we destroyed the Indian's Town's on these rivers. (two illegible words) a part of the time abovementioned was at Earle's fort when scouting there on the head waters of Tiger River and Lindly's Fort was on the Emoree River. This scout lasted about six weeks. One Benjamin Rice was our pilot. >From this tour I returned home and done much detached duty under Capt. Jenkins who had a great repertition of finding what he called Tory nests. That after the British had taken Charleston SC and Augusta Geo. that Col. Dunn came along with about 300 men from Geo and (SC). This deponant then understood that Geo. and SC soldiers must leave the state or take protection under the British. That he then joined Capt. James Daniel's Company under Col. Dunn and marched over the mountains into Tennessee. That he remained there in Tennessee for some months. That from Tennessee Col. John Lewis(?), Col. Shelby and Col. Dunn all united their force. Deponent still continued with Capt. James David's company that they marched (four illegible words) as he was called Col. Moore at Ramsour's Mills on the south fork of Catawba River. That here we had a fight with Moore and drove many of his men into the mill (illegible word) some of them made their escape to a British officer of the name of Turnbull after this battle we marched (or the Geo. Troops did) to Augusta, Geo. Col. Elijah Clark and Dun. Deponant continued in Capt. Daniel's company. That we attacked Brown at Augusta. We used to call old Col. Brown (Tory) old Burnt foot as the Whigs had once caught him and set him afire after treating him to a coat of tar and feathers. That the British came from Cambridge (96) and fired their cannon of grape shot acrost the River at us, after we were driven from Augusta this deponant continued with Col. Dunn and Capt. Daniel continually in service ranging for about one year in Georgia against the Tories. That Cunningham, McGirt and Gray used to come up from Savannah and Midway and gather stores for the British from Georgia and our principal duty was to watch them and prevent them from stealing cattle and burning houses and that after serving for upwards of one year I then joined Capt. John Hill and Col. Jackson and served with them till the close of the War, Stationed at Fort Martin and protecting the frontiers of the Ogeechee River. Captain Hill commanded Ft. Martin and Capt. Alexander commanded Ft. Alexander about 4 miles above us here at this Fort. I served two years from Spring of the year till Fall. That a muster was ordered at Phillips Old field at the ridge between Broad and Little River about twenty miles from our Fort (Martin). That we were ordered (a whole regiment of us) after forming a line to give a running fire then we were all marched around a man by the name of Acock (his title not recorded); stood up in his saddle and read a proclamation of peace which was the first we knew of it. That as soon as his voice could be heard after reading the declaration (for shouting) he cried aloud in these words "boys you are all discharged to go where you please." This was all the discharge this deponant was had. That he never had a written discharge from any campaign he ever served nor never was paid for any service by his county. That I served as a private soldier all the time (being unlearned I refused any promotion). I went twice during my service as a substitute, once for John Copeland, about one month and once for George Wilson - about six weeks. I received soon after the war closed from the State of Geo. A ticket for 200 acres of bounty lands, that the ticket was not the land warrant but was a ticket showing that he should be entitled to his land when the land office should be open for that purpose. That he sold his ticket to Col. Robert Midleton of Geo. For Five (or ten?) pounds, 10 shillings in English currency paid in a horse. That some years after Col. Midleton sent to (SC) to get rights to the land drawn on his ticket. That his deponant made his declaration for to procure a pension from the U. States on account of his military services rendered in the War of the Revolution according to Act of Congress of June 7th 1832; that his papers were made out by Bryan and one John Sanford of Habersham County, some six or seven years since, that they told him he could not get it because he could not tell them of no living witness whereof he could prove his service by and he knew of none, and that he now declares he knows of no living witness whereof he can prove any part of his service by that he is very poor and almost entirely helpless. That by reason of old age and consequently loss of memory he cannot tell the dates of his service, that he had no education and never kept the run of time by the year, that he cannot tell the year he was born, but knows he was old enough to be drafted the year after the Revolutionary War commenced, that he does not know the year when the Revolutionary War began or ended by his own knowledge, although he can remember events well yet by his having never made a practice of keeping the year, he cannot remember dates. That he does now positively declare he was bound to the military service of the United States fully four years, and that he did detached duty for two years longer and for such services he claims a pension. That his name has never been on any pension roll of the U. States and that he has never received a pension. That he relinquishes every claim to a pension except the present. That since the close of the Revolution he continued to live in Georgia for about one year. That he then returned to York District (SC) where he lived for about 5 years when he married Mary Qualls in York District his present wife who is still living. That he moved to Pennington District about 2 years thence to Duck River, Tennessee, thence to Franklin Co. Geo, thence to Habersham County, Geo. About 25 years since, and to Lumpkin County, Geo. Some two years ago where he now resides. That he would refer to anyone with whom he has ever been acquainted to testify as to his character for truth and veracity. That he had five brothers in the Revolution, all of whom were true Whigs to this country and served many years in the Service. The oldest Daniel Mote moved to the West. William Mote moved to Tennessee. Silas Mote died in Georgia. Simeon Mote died at Tellico River, Tenn. The three last mentioned served with this deponant at Fort Martin, Geo. For their service two years. They received bounty lands from the State of Georgia. That he appoints C. H. Blood of Tallahassee, Florida his true lawful agent and attorney to prosecute his claim for a pension and to collect the same from the Government of the United States. Signed Levi "X" Mote (his mark) Sworn to and subscribed the day and year first above mentioned before me M. H. Gathright. Witness W. M. Varnum State of Georgia Lumpkin County. I, Milton H. Gathright, one of the judges of the Inferior Court of said county, it being a court of record, do hereby certify that Levi Mote, who has sworn to and subscribed the foregoing declaration before me, on the twenty fourth day of June eighteen hundred and forty six, is of great age and very feeble, and owing to his infirmity he cannot, in my opinion, with propriety and safety in his present condition attend in person a session of the said court. That his declaration was completely read over to him before swearing and subscribing thereto, and I believe, indeed I have no doubt, his statement is entitled to full credit, nor do I doubt the correctness of his statement as to his age. He appears to be a very poor and almost destitute of the common comforts and necessaries of life -- that he positively declares he was bound to military service of the United States for the space of four years in the War of the Revolution. That he has seen officers of the regular Army, but cannot now, from the great lapse of time, feebleness of health body and mind, remember their names. I am of the opinion he is entitled to a pension. Given under my hand and private seal, there being no seal of office, this 17th day of September, 1846. Milton H. Gathright, J.I.C. ----------Levi was granted a pension of $40 per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831. Certificate of Pension issued the 28th day of June 1850.