Macon County GaArchives Military Records.....Green Massey Pension Application September 1900 Civilwar - Pension Company F, 27th Regiment , Georgia Volunteers - Colquitt's Brigade ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Harriett FUQUAY September 13, 2003, 3:44 pm Note on the front of the 1900 Pension Application; "Applicant must state how________ him in Ga when his command was with Gen. Jackson on ______6. When he was last with his command - and for what cause & by whose authority -______ ______ he was granted leave. And prove all this by a witness who of his own knowledge knows ____ to be him." Signed J. W. Lindsey Green Massey Macon County Indigent Pension 1900 Co F 27 GA John W. Lindsey - Commissioner of Pensions 12/30 -----1901 POWER OF ATTORNEY State of Georgia Macon County I, Green Massey, hereby authorize Hon. W. A. Wright of Atlanta, Ga to receive and receipt for the pension allowed, and request that he remit same to J. S. Elmore at Oglethorpe, Ga by chieck (spelling on application). Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of October 1900 Executed in presence of J. S. Elmore, Ordinary signed Green Massey (L.S.) QUESTIONS FOR APPLICANT State of Georgia Macon County Green Massey of said State and County, desiring to avail himself of the Pension Act, hereby submits his proof and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questons, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Green Massey, Deland, Macon Co., Ga 2. How long and since when have hou been a resident of this State? Since March 6th 1843 3. When and where were you born? March 6th 1843 in Muscogee County 4. When and where and in what company and regiment did you enlist or serve? June 23 1861 at Butler, in Co F 27 Reg Ga, Volunteers 5. How long did you remain in such company and regiment? During the war 6. For how long a period did you discharge regular military duty? Nearly four years 7. When, where, and under what circumstances were you discharged from service? At close of war was discharged in City of Macon Ga, was cut off from command by Wilson's raid throughout Georgia 8. What is your present occupation? Farming 9. How much can you earn (gross) per annum by your own exertions of labor? 10. What has been your occupation since 1865? About a half support 11. Upon which of the following grounds do you base your application for pension, viz: first, "age and poverty", second, "Infirmity and poverty" or third, "blindness and poverty.? 2nd 12. If upon the first ground, state how long you have been in such condition that you could not earn your support? If upon the second, give a full and complete history of the infirmity and its extent. If upon the third, state whether you are totally blind and when and where you lost your sight. Was wounded in the left shoulder at the Battle of Seven Pines below Richmond. Minnie ball still in shoulder rendering arm helpless to almost useless. 13. What property, effects or income do you possess, and its gross value? One mule worth $25.00 and one cow worth $10.00. 14. What property, evvects or income did you possess in 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1899, and what disposition, if any, did you make of the same? None at all 15. In what county did you reside during those years, and what property did you return for taxation? Macon County. Returned nothing for taxation. 16. How were you supported during the years 1898 and 1899? By my wages or labor. 17. How much did your support cost for each of those years, and what portion did you contribute hereto by your own labor or income? $120.00 & I overseed & was not able to work. 18. What was your employment during 1898 and 1899? What pay did you receive fro each year? Overseed in 1898 & run a crop in 1899. 19. Have you a family? If so, who composes such family? Give their means of support? Have they a homestead? Only a wife. she has no homestead. 20. Are you receiving any pension? If so, what amount, and for what disability? No Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 7th day of September 1900 signed J. S. Elmore, Ordinary Macon County signed Green Massey Applicant QUESTIONS FOR WITNESS State of Georgia Macon County J. M. McGlamry, of said State and County, having been presented as withness in support of the application of Green Massey for pension under Section 1254, Code,and after being duly sworn true answeres to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? J. M. McGlamry, Oglethorpe, Macon County, Ga. 2. Are you acquainted with Green Massey, the applicant, if so how long have you known him? I have known him 40 years. 3. Where does he reside, and how long and since when had he been a resident of this State? Macon County Ga & has lived in State all his life. 4. When, where , and in what company and regiment did he enlist, and how do you know? June 23rd 1861 at Butler Ga in Co F 27th Regt Ga Vol's I was there at time. 5. Were you a member of the same company and regiment" I was. 6. How long did he perform regular military duty, and what do you know of his service as a Confederate soldier and the time and circumstances of his discharge from the service? About 4 years. He was a good soldier, was cut off from regiment by Wilson's raid & could not get to his command at Greensboro N. C. & was honorably discharged in City of Macon Ga. 7. What property, effects or income has the applicant? (Give your means of knowledge). None I live near him. 8. What property, effects or income did the applicant possess in 1896,1897, 1898 and 1899, and what disposition, if any, did he make of same? None. 9. Has he conveyed away any of his property in the last four years, if so, what was it and to whom? He had none to convey. 10. What is the applicant's occupation and physical condition? Was wounded at Seven Pines Va with ball in left shoulder rendering said arm almost useless. 11. Is the applicant unable to support himself by labor of any sort, if so , why? He is on account of wound & want of physical strength. 12. How was he supported during the years 1898 and 1899? Overlooking business in 1898 and by help of children ______ little crop in /99. 13. What portion of his support for these two years was derived from his own labor or income? A small portion. 14. Give a full and complete statement of the applicant's physical condition that entitles him to a pension under Section 1254, Code? He is wounded, ball still in shoulder, he is old and weak. 15. What interest have you in the recovery of a pension by this applicant? None Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 21 day of September 1900. Signed J. S. Elmore, Ordinary signed J. M. McGlamry Witness AFFIDAVIT OF PHYSICIANS State of Georgia Macon County Personally came before me Chas. A. Greer and M. F. Crumley, both known to me as reputable physicians of said County, who being severally sworn, say on oath that they have examined carefully, Green Massey, applicant for pension under Section 1254, Code, and, after such personal examination say that his precise physical condition is as follows: We find upon examination of applicant, that he was wounded it (like this in actual text) the left shoulder joint. The bullet is still in the region of the joint muscles and render him unable to raise arm very high or to use that arm, only partially, in actual labor. They further say on oath that the physical condition of applicant renders him unable to labor at any work or calling sufficient to earn a support for himself and that we have no interest in said pension being allowed. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 9th day of October 1900 signed J. S. Elmore, Ordinary Chas. A. Greer M. D. M. S. Crumley M. D. ORDINARY CERTIFICATE State of Georgia Macon County I, J. S. Elmore, Ordinary in and for said County, hereby certify that the applicant Green Massey resides in said County, and has been a bona fide resident of this State all his life and that the witnesses, viz: Chas. A. Greer,M. D., M. F. Crumley, M. D. and J. m. McGlamry are of trustworthy character and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credit. I further certify that before answering the foregoing questions the applicant and each witness to the oath hereon prescribed, and that the full text of the affidavits was read to the aplicant and witness before same was signed. I further certify that the tax digests of Macon County show that applicant returned for taxation in his name in 1898 ____ Dollars of property, and in 1899 ______ Dollars of property. In my opinion the foregoing claim is made in good faith. Witness my hand and seal of office, this 4th day of October 1900. J. S. Elmore, Ordinary, Macon County. State of Georgia Dooly County Personally came before me WARREN BARFIELD who on oath _____ he was a member of Co F & 27th Reg Ga Volls, Colquitt's Brigade. That he personally knew that Green Massey, the applicant for pension, was not at Saulsberg N. C. at time of surrender. That said Massey had been home on Furlough and was on his return to his command when he reached the above named place and was then cut off from his command by the enemy and was there impressed by a Confederate Officer Maj (Green) to guard prisoners and carry them to Atlanta Ga, Green Massey was afterward furloughed in the City of Macon Ga. Sworn and subscribed before me this Fegy 4th (9th) 1901 by J. D. Hargrove. Dooly County Ga signed Warren Barfield Georgia Dooly County J. D. Hargrove Ordinary in & ____ hereby certify that Warren Barfield a citizen of Dooly County Ga. And that his statements under oath are worth of full faith and credit. Witness my hand and seal fo office this Feby 4th (9th) 1901. signed J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary Dooly County GA State of Florida County of Leon Tallahassee Fl Dec 7th 1901 Before me, R. Whitfield, County Judge. in and for Leon County Florida, personally came C. B Fountain who being duly sworn says that he was a soldier in the same company with Green Massey of Taylor County Georgia _____ Co F 27th Regt. Georgia Vols ______ _______ _____ _____ - Col. Jackson - and that said Green Massey was a good soldier always ready to do his duty when called upon. That he was wounded at Seven Pines Va in the left shoulder and never entirely recovered from that wound and I personally know that he got a furlough on or about the 7th of March 1865 for twenty(?) five days to go home. And I heard that in returning to his command from his furlough that he was cut off by the enemy at or above Charlotte N. C. which prevented his joining his command before the surrender of Lee's _____ in April 1865. I saw his furlough and know that it was signed by Gen. Colquitt and Gen. Lee as well as by his company and regimental officers. signed C. B. Fountain Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day fo December AD 1901 signed R. A. Whitfield County Judge This file has been created by a form at File size: 12.4 Kb