The Danielsville Monitor, February 14, 1895 - Madison Co, GA Submitted by Jeanne Arguelles 12 March 2004 Copyright. All rights reserved. **************************************************************** The Danielsville Monitor, February 14, 1895 Local Happenings Items of Interest to "Free State" People Picked up by Monitor Reporters D. R. Moseley was in Comer Sunday. Dr. G. C. Daniel requests us to announce that he has the money to pay the widows their pension money, and he would be glad if they would call and get it. L. E. Greene is having lumber hauled to build him a dwelling on his lot on the square. A. M. Scarborough and J. W. Gholston of Comer were up last Saturday. H. B. Mattox was in Athens Wednesday. Col. D. W. Meadow is in Elbert county this week. Dr. H. J. Hampton and family have gone to Florida for the winter. J. C. Echols, we understand, is suffering a great deal with his eyes. Mrs. J. R. Williams of near Neese was visiting her father Mr. J. Brooks, here last Saturday. H. H. Tolbert of Neese was in town Thursday. Miss Ida Skelton of Hull is visiting Miss Callie Brooks this week. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ft. Lamar A Column of Interesting News From the Old Fort Mrs. J. M. Hutcherson spent part of last week with relatives at Royston. Mr. J. B. McWhorter went to Carnesville one day last week on business. Mr. Andy Brown of Bold Springs visited relatives in Ft. Lamar on Sunday. Mr. J. P. Deadwyler made a flying trip to Royston a few days ago. The young people of Ft. Lamar enjoyed a nice candy pulling at the residence of R. T. Stephens last Saturday night. It was given in honor of Miss Lizzie McEwen and notwithstanding the severe cold, the young began to gather at an early hour, and ere the clock had struck seven the room was filled with pretty girls. It is useless to say that your humble pencil pusher was there in his glory. Soon the young men were drawing their partners and until the hour of ten were engaged in playing every game from "Fancy Your" to "Leap Frog." Then they adjourned to the culinary department, where they enjoyed pulling the candy that had been nicely prepared. After they had pulled the candy to their hearts’ content, each one then proceeded to get on the outside of his propotional part. After a few more games and pleasant teta tetes the merry crowd dispersed and quietly returned to their homes. Mr. Albert Hurcherson will leave soon for Abbeville S. C. where he will doubtless remain for several months. We regret very much for Albert to leave us, as he is one of Ft. Lamar’s brightest young men. We wish him much success. Mr. Will Freeman purchased a good milch cow a few days ago, and she died the following day. Miss Flora Hutcherson will leave for Ila Monday, where she expects to assist Prof. Park in his school at that place. Mr. Fletcher Tabor, of Lavonia, visited his mother at Ft. Lamar last Sunday. ------------------------------------------------------------------- D. E. Griffith Danielsville, GA Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions & Groceries I carry a nice line of Dress Goods and am selling them at 5c cotton prices My stock of Shoes will compare favorably with that of any firm in North-east Georgia, and my prices are away down. If you want a nice dress, a good pair of shoes, or anything usually kept in a first-class stock of goods, give me a trial. Very respectfully, D. E. Griffith -------------------------------------------------------------------- Carlton Column A batch of interesting news From our Railroad City The young people, on the 6th instant, at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Deadwyler, enjoyed a delightful birthday party in honor of Miss Corrie Deadwyler. It would be prudent for your correspondent to refrain from numbering her years, as young ladies sometimes object. A. H. Whitehead, who has been spending several months here on business, left Monday morning for his home in Oconee county. He has gained the respect and good will of all our people, who regret very much to give him up. We noticed Cadmus Deadwyler with his throat securely bandaged last Sunday. You will not be surprised at his having a severe attack of soar throat, when you take into consideration the coldness of the weather Sunday morning. Miss Cynnie Stevens, a beautiful young lady of Oglethorpe, is spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. Whitehead. She is so busy entertaining her friends, she says she has not added a single paragraph to her daily diary since she has been in Carlton, but thinks she will have an opportunity to make amends for lost time. Miss Addie Deadwyler is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Johnson, of Bowman, this week. It is perhaps best for Miss Addie not to prolong her visit; a certain young man was heard to say one of the name would do as well as the same. It is seldom the case you find one so frank as to admit such a fact if he think so. We are expecting to hear of Dr. O. L. Deadwyler having a womans rights meeting appointed very soon, as it is rumored, he has been fully converted to that belief since reading proceedings of their meeting in Atlanta. C. W. Power, who is a general favorite with all the ladies, was here Monday morning bright and early with his horse and sleigh making girls happy riding with him and enjoying the cool wintry breezes. --------------------------------------------------------------- Madison Springs Mr. James Guest was visiting in out burg on Sunday. Charles Dean and his sister Miss Cora were visiting in Seneca, S. C. last week, where Miss Cora will spend a few weeks with her relatives. Charles reports a good time in S. C. and full of pretty girls. L. C. Breckenridge was in Harmony Grove last week on business. -------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Forks Half Column of News From the Forks Mr. A. Pittard has been suffering terribly from rheumatism since last Tuesday, but is some better now. Hope he will be out soon. One of the citizens of this community left last Wednesday week for parts unknown, without notice to his family which consists of a wife and five children. One of our citizens received a letter from him Wednesday mailed at Cleveland, Texas, in which he announced his intentions of going 150 miles further west. Can’t see his motive for leaving in that way. Miss Callie Meadow, from Douglass county, is visiting relatives in and near 5 Forks. O. J. and T. J. Martin of Neese were down on business last Friday. Mr. Zack Williams of near Neese was here Saturday. Rev. J. G. Gibson delivered an able discourse at the Baptist church last Sunday. Hon. J. F. Colbert and lady attended preaching here last Sunday. We are very sorry to have to chronicle the very severe illness of out neighbor and good friend, Mr. Ephraim Thompson. Hope he’ll be out again soon. Mr. Willie Johnson of Hull was at preaching Sunday. Miss Herring, a beautiful young lady who has been visiting her sister Mrs. L. A. Conwell of Elbert county, came up on the train Saturday evening. Her father, Mr. M. B. Herring, met her here.