Madison County GaArchives Obituaries.....Bird, Sr., Robert F. September 1946 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley - Brown December 29, 2005, 10:30 pm Danielsville Monitor, 6 September 1946 Pg. 1, Col 2 MR. ROBERT F. BIRD, SR. TAKEN BY DEATH Mr. Robert F. Wood, Sr, age 70, died in an Athens hospital Friday morning at 10:25 o'clock after an illness of three months. Funeral services were held last Saturday afternoon at four o'clock from Mt. Hermon Presbyterian Church at Ila, with Rev. C. C. Phillips, the pastor, and Rev. J. C. Par___r, pastor of the Ila Baptist Church officiating. The body was brought to the church an hour before services to lie in state. Burial was in the Ila Cemetery. Pall-bearers were deacons of the church: R. D. Burroughs, A. S. Westbrook, Roy W. Freeman, J. G. Rice, J. R. Westbrook and Clarence Carson. Honorary pallbearers were elders in the church. Mr. Bird is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ona Freeman Bird, and son, Mr. Robert F. Bird, Jr.,; two sisters Mrs. Lizzie B. Burroughs, and Mrs. Z. F. Logan, both of Ila, and two brothers, Mr. G. B. Bird, and Mr. R. R. Bird, all of Ila, also survive. A native of Madison County, Mr. Bird had lived in that community all of his life, being one of its best known citizens. For the past thirty five years he had been bookkeeper at Ila for the Westbrook estate and business interests. A member for many years of Mr. Hermon Presbyterian Church. Mr. Bird was active in the affairs of that congregation and served his church as an elder. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb