Madison County GaArchives Obituaries.....Blackwell, Gilford November 21, 1922 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley - Brown November 18, 2006, 7:31 pm Danielsville Monitor, 24 Nov 1922 Mr. Blackwell Dies Mr. G. Blackwell died on Tuesday night at twelve o'clock and was buried here on Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock, after a sermon by his former pastor, Rev. J. J. Kimsey. He has been very near death's door since last Wednesday and was given every attention by his devoted family and friends who were experssly anxious about him. He was a member of the Baptist church here and as his old pastor and friend stated, he lived a devout consistent member of the order for forty years. Being a devoted father, he was a wise counselor to his children and grandchildren who feel keenly their great loss, but find comfort in the hope of another link in the heavenly chain. He was laid to rest beside his dear to the grave. He leaves eight children: Mrs. W. A. Holcomb, of Bishop, Ga.; Mrs. P. N. Miller, of Oglethorpe County; Mrs. Arthur Blackwell, of Perry, Ga.; Mr. Styles Blackwell, Mrs. B. M. Blackwell, Mrs. W. M. Davis, Mrs. S. M. Davis and Miss Selma Blackwell, of this place; besides a number of grandchildren. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb