Madison County GaArchives Obituaries..... Benton, J. Earl 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley-Brown September 4, 2004, 9:02 pm Danielsville Monitor 7 March 1919 From Danielsville Monitor, 7 March 1919 Mr. Earl Benton Dead Mr. J. Earl Benton, a popular and esteemed citizen of Comer died at his home here last Saturday afternoon at four o'clock. He had been quite sick for several days with measles from which pneumonia developed, causing his death. Mr. Benton was the very picture of health, having been up town only about a week before his death. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Baptist Church and the many beautiful floral offerings and unusually large crown gathered to pay him a last sad tribute bespoke the love and esteem felt for him. Rev. Saye of Athens conducted the services. The deceased is survived by his wife, three small children, his parents Mr. and Mrs. Pope Benton of Danielville, and the following brothers and sisters, Messers Charlie Benton of Comer, Dallas and Bud Benton of Danielsville, Mrs. Clemmons of Watkinsville, Mrs. Obe Graham of Danielsville, Miss Leavy Benton of Athens. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb