Madison County GaArchives Obituaries.....Gholston, Lena Pitts (Memorials-2) November 25, 1944 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley - Brown January 13, 2008, 10:43 am Danielsville Monitor, 15 Dec 1944 (Page 1 Col. 2) RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH OF MRS. W. D. GHOLSTON Whereas, God, in His infinite wisdom has removed from among us one of our worthy and esteemed members, Mrs. Lena Pitts Gholston, and whereas the long and faithful discharge of her duties in this Church School as a member and as a steward of music. It makes it fitting that we reocrd our appreciation of her: Therefore be it Resolved, that the faithfulness which she exercised in rendering of our church hymns was a contribution to the spiritual life of our Church and Church School that will be held in grateful remembrance. Resolved, that the sudden removal of this consecrated Christian from among us leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply relized by every member of this church and will prove a great loss to the entire comunity. resolved that with deep sympathy withe the family of the deceased we express our belief that even in this great loss is the work of Him, who doeth all things well. resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this Church School, a copy printed in the local paper and a copy forwarded to the bereaved family. Mrs. C. E. Adams Mrs. W. S. Sanders Mrs. Colley Graham (Page 1 Col. 1) RESOLUTIONS DANIELSVILLE WOMAN'S CLUB ON DEATH OF MRS. W. D. GHOLSTON Whereas, God, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to take from us the late Mrs. W. D. Gholston, who was a charter member of the Danielsville Women's Club, and Whereas, we the members of the Danielsville Women's Club poignantly feel and regret her loss to us, and desire to express in so far as we are able, our love for her and grief over her departure. Therefore be it Resolved, That our hearts are filled with sincere gratitude for the privilege of her fellowship: for the years of valued service she rendered God, her Church Club and Community; who by her gentleness and beauty of character reflected this glorious example of her spiritual life. We feel that the maifold good deeds which she has done will live on as a monument have on earth and that in this sense she can never die; Be it Resolved, That her daily life among us shall be a perpetual inspiration to us, and her passing serve as a reminder that we, too, shall some day be called upon to pass through the Valley of hte Shadow of Death, and cause us to improve each day with some good deed which will live after us. It is further Resolved, That to her bereaved family we extend our tenderest sympathy and love and a copy of these resolutions be sent them and a copy be sent to our County paper for publication, and a copy be spread upon our minutes. Mrs. R. H. Gordon Mrs. D. A. Moseley Transcriber's note: Note the difference in name of deceased as listed and the name of his surviving wife. James L. vs. Jim (James) Mercier. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb