Madison-Oglethorpe County GaArchives Obituaries.....Howard, Frances December 22, 1928 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley - Brown December 20, 2007, 8:43 am Danielsville Monitor 1 Mar 1929 Mrs. G. H. Howard Mrs. G. H. Howard died at her home on the Comer-Lexington road on December 22, 1928, after long and patient suffering from years of ill health. She was buried at the family cemetery near Cloud's Creek Church on the morning of December 23. She is survived by her husband Mr. G. H. Howard, two daughters, Misses Ruth and Helen Howard and two sons, Mr. C. J. Howard, of Comer and Mr. John D. Howard, of Birmingham, Ala. In her passing her devoted family sustains the loss of both a loving wife and dutiful mother. Her neighbors lose a kind and ever thoughtful friend. Her church has lost a member whose Christian life was not mere confession of Faith but in the living of that faith each hour of every day. No life will ever have greater claim than hers, to the Heavenly reward promised in the Scripture: "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." The world is truly a better place for her having lived, and all who knew her revere her memory with a lasting tribute of love and sorrow that she has passed to the other side. "I cannot say and I will not say that she is dead--she is just away: With a cheery smile and wave of the hand she has wandered into an unknown land, And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be since she lingers there." She is not dead, she is just away. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb