Madison County GaArchives Marriages.....Thompson, Eula Ruth - Ryder, Donald G. August 11, 1946 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley - Brown December 16, 2007, 6:13 pm Danielsville Monitor, 16 August 1946 MISS EULA RUTH THOMPSON WEDS MR. DONALD G. RYDER Dignified simplicity marked the wedding of Miss Eula Ruth Thompson of Danielsville, and Mr. Donald G. Ryder of San Jose, California, and Albany, which was solemnized on Sunday, August 11, at high noon at the Methodist Church. Rev. Ray C. Owen of Smyrna, Georgia, a former pastor of the bride, performed the impressive double ring ceremony. In the presence of a small group of relatives and friends. Prior to and during the wedding, Mrs. R. H. Gordon presented a number of appropriate musical selections. The interior of the church was attractively decorated with lovely Wood___ ferns and Southern smilax, forming a rich green foliage for the large floor baskets of white gladioli and seven branched candelabra in which were tall white waxen tapers. Amid these attractive decorations the impressive vows were spoken. Miss Emma Jean McCay and Miss Janie Lee Sorrells, cousins of the bride lighted the candles which cast a soft glow over the church. Mrs. William A. Thompson of Athens, was matron of honor, and her only attendant. She was gowned in a soft grey crepe with matching accessories and her flowers were pink roses. Mr. William A. Thompson, only brother of the bride, was best man. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and her blond beauty was enhanced by her attractive street length dress of ice blue jersey, fashioned on graceful lines. She wore a small off the face hat of shell pink French felt with matching gloves and other accessories. A white orchid completed her costume. Mrs. Ryder is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson of Danielsville, Georgia. She is a graduate of Madison County High School and attended Georgia State College for Women at Milledgeville where she received an A. B. degree. Since her release from the Navy, where she served two years, she has been a Link Trainer Instructor with the Gate City Air Service in Atlanta. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton P. Ryder of San Jose , California. He is a graduate of San Jose High School, and was attending college when he entered the Navy where he served two years. Since he received his discharge, he has been flying with Albany Airways. Mrs. Thompson, mother of the bride, were a teal blue crepe with black accessories, and her flowers were pink roses. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson entertained the wedding party and out of town guests at their home with a buffet luncheon. the home was most attractive with quantities of garden flowers. During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ryder left for a wedding trip going by plane to Panama City, Florida. She donned for traveling a smart suit of white sharkskin with black accessories. She wore an orchid. On Their return they will be at home to their friends in Albany, Ga. Out of town guests were Miss Mary Hutcheson of Atlanta; Miss Jeanette McCay of Spartanburg, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nelms of Athens; Mr. and Mrs. John G. Thompson and Mrs. Rosena Thompson of Jefferson, Ga; and Mrs. and Mrs. William Birdsong of Athens, Ga. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb