Madison County GaArchives Marriages.....Thompson, Nina - Frost, Frank Harold December 19, 1923 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley - Brown January 13, 2006, 7:56 pm Danielsville Monitor, 21 December 1923 THOMPSON - FROST WEDDING BEAUTIFUL EVENT Characterized by great beauty and centering the interest of host of friends was the marriage of Miss Nina Thompson and Mr. Frank Harold Frost of Chester, West Virginia, which was solemnized on Wednesday, December 19th, at high noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N.B. Thompson. Rev. E. L. Hill, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta read the impressive ring ceremony in the presence of an assemblagae of relatives and friends. Throughout the reception rooms ferns, baskets and vases were gracefully arranged, while numerous unshaped tapers cast a soft light and made a beautiful setting for the wedding. Trailing vines of Southern smilax festoond the door arches and windows. The marriage was solemnized in the living room before an improvised altar of ferns and palms, forming a rich dark background for the lovely arch which was made of Southern smilax entwined in either side. These held baskets filled with Bride's roses, the handles of which were tied with bows of white tulle. Back of this a seven branched candelabrum burning unshaped white tapers stood to the center, gleaming from among the rich ferns. Preceding the ceremony a lovely musical program was rendered. Mrs. Hugh Hopkins was pianist, and assisted by Miss Harlow Thompson, sister of the bride, violinist who played "Traumeri". "Oh, Perfect Love" was sung by Miss Blanche Rogers of Mayesville, and "I Love You Truly" by little Doris Hopkins. During the ceremony "Venetians Love Song" was softly played. Mendelsohn's wedding march announced the approach of the bridal party. First to enter were the dainty ribbon bearers, Mary Allen and Harriet Thompson, nieces of the bride, Becky Lanier and Doris Hopkins. Their costumes were fashioned alike of white Crepe de Chine, accordian pleated. Next came the handsome little ring bearer, Burton Chandler of Athens, wearing a suit of Black Satin and carrying the ring in the heart of a white rose. The bride descended the long stairway alone and was met at the living room door by the groom. She was radiantly beautiful in her traveling gown fashioned of midnight blue satin back crepe, with mole skin fur trimming. Her close fitting hat was a parisian model of king's blue embroidered in grey chemille, which matched her gown in tint. Completing her exquiste costume was her shower bouquet of ophelia roses and lillies of the valley. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Frost left for a trip East after which they will visit the groom's home before returning. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.N.B. Thompson, a very prominent family and is a young woman of rare personal charm and beauty. She was educated at the Georgia Sate College for Women and attended the University of Illinois where she was a member of Sigma Kappa Fraternity. Later she received her A.B. Degree at teh University of Georgia. By her sweet and gracious manner she has endeared herself to countless friends. Mr. Frost is the son of Mr. C.E. frost and the late Mrs. Frost. He is a young of sterling qualities. He graduated at the University of Georgia where he had a wide circle of friends. He was a member of the Alpha Kappa Phi Fraternity. After their return from the wedding trip they willbe at home in Monroe, Ga. Contributed File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb