Madison County GaArchives Marriages.....Whitehead, Mary Elizabeth - Sweeny, James Blaine, Jr. December 27, 1948 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Crumley - Brown December 16, 2007, 6:10 pm Danielsville Monitor, 2 January 1948 MISS WHITEHEAD, MR. SWEENY WED AT CANDLELIGHT CEREMONY The Baptist Church of Carlton formed a beautiful setting, Saturday afternoon, December 27th, for the marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Whitehead, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joe Whitehead, to James Blaine Sweeny, Jr., of Baltimore and Annapolis, Md., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Blaine Sweeny, Sr. of Baltimore. Dr. E. L. Hill performed the ceremony and music was presented by organist, Miss Mary Kelly, and Mrs. Emmett Compton, soloist. The Church was decorated with candles which were placed on candelabra and forming an arch at the altar. Quantities of palms, smilax, and urns filled with white gladioli against a white background graced the altar. Placed in the center was a large silver wedding bell. Usher-groomsmen were James Blaine Sweeny, Sr., and Emmett Compton of Annapolis. Miss Mae Whitehead, sister of the bride was maid of honor. She wore a fitted emerald green taffeta gown with sweet-heart neckline and carried a muff showered with yellow carnations florets, arranged on ribbons with matching hair motif. Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Arnold Reid of Elberton, and Mrs. Sara Bolin of Buford. They wore gowns and carried muffs similar to those of the maid of honor. Junior bridesmaids were Miss Patricia Scarborough of Elberton and Miss Obie Gillen of Lexington, cousins of the bride. Their gowns and muffs were identical to those of the bridesmaids. Frank P. Sweeny of New York, brother of the groom, acted as best man. The lovely brunette bride entered with her father who gave her in marriage. She was radiant in her gown of ivory satin, fashioned with heart neckline and a bouffant skirt ending with a train. The bride wore the wedding gown which was worn by Mrs. William N. Zeigler, formerly Miss Janette Adams, at her marriage. A tier veil of white illusion net was attached to a coronet of orange blossoms. This veil was formerly worn by Mrs. William A. Kelly. She carried a bouquet of white orchids, carnations, and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Whitehead chose a black crepe gown with pink yoke neckline, embroidered with sequins. Her flowers were pink orchids. Mrs. Sweeny, mother of the groom, wore a royal blue crepe gown and her flowers were white orchids. Following the wedding the parents of the bride entertained at a reception in their home. The home was decorated with foliage and white flowers. The table in the dining room was centered with the bride's cake ___ced on a mound of white flowers and ferns. White candles and crystal candelabra completed the decorations. Miss Madge Yawn of Thomaston kept the bride's book. The bride chose for traveling a __own wool suit worn with matching accessories and white orchids. Following their wedding trip, Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Sweeny will reside at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb