Marion-Greene-Crawford County GaArchives Bible Records.....Brown, William M. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gerry Hill January 23, 2006, 10:41 am WPA Records-John Houston Chapter D.A.R. Series II - Ga Archves - 1938 Records copied from Family Bible of William M. Brown now in Possession of Eugenia Brown Drane's Desc. Ezekiel Brown was born about 1769 and died Harris County Ga. about 1863 ((Grave,Census, Estate proof 1769 Va-1863 Chipley (now Pine Mountain) Harris, Ga-DAR Marker Habersham Chapter )) He married Miss Elizabeth (Betsy) Merritt (Married 15 Dec 1803 Greene Co Ga- HISTORY OF GREENE CO GA by Rice & Wms, actual copy of licence) Their children were: Ezekiel Brown Jr William M Brown born 1804 died in Americus Grogia in 1871 He married Amanda Gray born Sept. 24, 1809, died Sept 5 1867 married July 15, 1824. She was the daughter of Archibald Gray and his wife CYnthia Armor. Reuben Brown Frank Brown James Brown Bluford Brown Adeline Brown who married Richard Armor Catherine Brown who married a Mr. Bidell Children of William M. Brown and Amanda Gray: George Brown Emily Amanda Brown born 1827; died 1887, married Thomas Raines June 8, 1846 Jack Brown married Miss Sallie Shelton of Talbatton, Ga. Frank Brown married Miss Elizabeth Henderson of Schriven County Ga. They had two children, William and Ida, She md. a Jenkins. Mary Brown married Dr. William Reese of Marion County Georgoa. Reuben Brown married a Miss Eddie Wooding of Marion County Georgia Eugenia Brown married Capt. William Drane, Friendship Marion. Co Ga. Ann Brown married William Henderson of Bullock County Georgia Mrs. Amanda Brown is buried at the old Gray cemetery in Taylor County Ga. She died at the home of her daughter Emily Brown Raines. This is to certify that the above is a true and correct copy Mrs. E T Nottingham Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of March 1934 Eula Carr Notary Public John Houston Chapter DAR Added by Ms. Gerry Hill (Emily Carolyn Walker 1882-1963 -Mrs.Eliot Theodore Nottingham wrote the Upson Co. History) She is the dtr of Annie Brown Raines grandtr of Emily Amanda Brown. Ezekiel son of William & Sara of Va & Greene Co Ga Elizabeth dtr of William Merritt & Nancy of Nash Co NC & Greene Ezekiel Jr. married his 1st cousin Emily Green-1825 Greene Adeline married Richard Wm. Armour 1829 Harris Catherine Mary Emiline married Georgious W E Bedell 1831 Harris John Franklin married Mary Elizabeth Edwards 1840 Talif. Co James Monroe married Rebecca Hodo 1848 Harris Co Bluford married Sarah Ann Hall 1847 Meriwether Reuben A-born 1828 Harris- no more known More on all the others George A married #1 of 3 Julia P Raines-see Bible Emily Amanda-more William A "Jack" - more James Franklin-more Mary Elizabeth-more Reuben & Eddie-no children-more dates Mary Eugenia Nesbitt- more Cynthia Ann Gray-more More on Gray-and other lateral lines. Ms. Gerry Hill-Albany Ga File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb