Marion - Greene COUNTY, GA - Livingston Bible ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Lynda Livingston Walden These photocopied Bibles have been interpreted by Thomas C. Howle, Grover Livingston, and Lynda Livingston Walden, Livingston researchers, and Margaret Waters, a professional genealogist. There appear to be at least four different Bibles and some loose notes represented among these photocopies. The various Bible pages have been grouped based on the printed text and decorative borders that appear on each page. Initial transcriptions supplied by Thomas Howle. Additional comments added by Margaret Waters, a professional genealogist. A. Samuel Livingston Family Bible (SLFB) Note: The letters in parenthesis after each Bible will be used to identify each Bible. Title Page: Brief Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old And New Testaments, Revised and corrected by John Brown, late minister of the Gospel at Haddington, in Scotland, Philadelphia, Published by Mathew Care, No. 118, Market Street, Thomas S. Nanning, Printer, dated 1802 Partial page: Printed on this page is the text: This Book was Purchased Anno Domini By Written in at the appropriate places are the date, 1804 and the name, Samuel Livingston. Also, handwritten on this page: Sorrell Colt foaled the 15th of April. Another partial page of writing photocopied on the same sheet is not clear if this handwritten partial sheet was actually part of this Bible. On this page: William Fitzpatrick Livingston was born 17 of June 1825. John Kindrick Livingston was born the 5 of March in the year of our Lord (----)? Note: Later in one of the Bibles, John K. Livingston was born 1830 the sun(sic) of I.G. Livingston and Nancy Livingston his wife. SLFB BIBLE: There are 4 pages of photocopies of the SLFB Bible pages with identical borders. These pages are: Family Record – Marriages (2 columns) [several handwritings on this page] Samuel Livingston married to Dycanda Neel November the 15th, 1792. Martha Ann Alby Livingston was born the 8th or 18th day of December 1834 James Moore [or Morse] Livingston was born December the 14, 1821. Aaron H. or F. C. Livingston was born September the 18, 1848. Susan Livingston married(illiegible) James(illegible) Rispe Schipp was born this 15th [or 25th] day of March 1804. Martha Shipp was born July the 27, 189 [assumed to mean 1809]. Samuel Elliott Livingston, the son of A. Livingston & Rispy his wife, was born December 17, 1824. SLFB Family Record – Births/Deaths (2 columns) Samuel Livingston, the son of Robert Livingston and Mary his wife, was born the 25th December 1759. Dicanda Neal, the daughter of Peter Lemar O'Neal and Mary his wife, was born the 16th day of March 1760. Isaac Grier Livingston, the son of Samuel Livingston and Dicanda his wife, was born the 17th day of March 1797. Richard Briscoe Livingston, the son of Samuel Livingston and Dicanda his wife, was born the 2nd day of June 1799. Polley Neal Livingston, the daughter of Samuel and Dicanda his wife, was born the 29th of March 1805 [or 1803]. Aaron Caldwell Livingston, son of Samuel Livingston, was born February 22nd, 1801. Thomas Marion Livingston, sun(sic) of Aaron Livingston and Rispe his wife, was born the 17 day of January 1826 (year is very hard to read). Richard Briscoe Livingston the son of Samuel Livingston and Dicanda his wife departed this life the 10th or 18th day of July 1806. Polley Neal Livingston the daughter of Samuel Livingston and Dicanda his wife departed this life 15th of October 1805. SLFB Family Record – Births (2 columns) [several different handwritings] Isaac Grier Livingston born March 17, 1797. [lined through] Richard Briscoe Livingston born the 2nd day of June 1799. [lined through] Aaron Caldwell Livingston, the son of Samuel Livingston and Dicanda his wife, born 22 day of February 1801. Martha Ann Alby departed this life March the 24, 1856 [or 1836]. George W. Swan was born the 12th September 1813. (The original writing seems to be 1813, but someone appears to have written over it what seems to be 1843.) Betsy Swan was borne(sic) the 24th of April 1815. James M. Livingston, son of Aron Livingston & Rispey his wife, was born on the 8th 1821 [or "was born Oct 8th 1821"]. Now in remembrance from his Grandfather to James M. Livingston his Nephew this book is awarded and presented for his use & edification. SLFB Family Record – Deaths (2 columns) These entries seem to be in same handwriting and the fact that they are not in order by date suggests that they were written down as they were remembered, perhaps all at the same time. Mark M. Livingston was born January the 24th, 1828. Mary N. Livingston was born September 28, 1817. Richard B. Livingston was born October the 9, 1819. Jane J. Livingston was born January the 11th, 1821. William C. F. Livingston was born June the 19th, 1826. Isaac G. Livingston was born the 6 day of March 1835. Lucinda Jane Livingston was born January the 18, 1831. Thomas Marion Livingston was born January the 17th, 1826. Nancy Elizabeth was born the 18th day of October 1834 [or 1854] Nancy Elizabeth Livingston was born the __th day of December _____. B. Thomas M. or James M. Livingston Family Bible(TM or JMLFB) There is only one page from this Family Bible. The border around this page does not match the borders of any of the other Bible pages. All entries on this page seem to be in the same handwriting. All of the entries concern the families of either Thomas M. Livingston or James M. Livingston. TM or JMLFB Family Record (2 columns) Samuel Livingston departed this life January the 3, 1842. Rispy Ann Elizer Livingston was born July 28, 1845. Daughter of Thomas M. and Catherine Livingston per two census records; also in another Bible record. George W. Livingston, the son of James Livingston and Rebecker his wife, was born the 4th day of July 1846. George W. Livingston departed this life January 26, 1847. Thomas M. Livingston and Catherine Simson was married August 5th day 1844. James M. Livingston and Rebekah J. Williams was married the October the 10, 184?. Rebekah Jane Williams was born December the 30, [wife of James M. Livingston] William E. Livingston was born the 13 day . C. John K. Livingston Family Bible(JKLFB) All entries in this Bible pertain to the lineage of Isaac G. and Nancy Livingston. The Bible was possibly started by John K. and seems to have been continued by his descendants. The four pages of the JKLFB Bible records, with identical borders, give the following information: JKLFB Family Record – Marriages (2 columns) [The first 5 entries on this page seem to have been done in the same handwriting and, perhaps at the same time, as they are not in chronological order. The last entry involves 2 different handwritings.] Suzan Jane Livingston, the wife of Richard B. Livingston, was born the fifteenth of September 1829. Suzan Elizabeth Livingston, the daughter of John Livingston and Prudence Livingston his wife, was born the 15 of April 1857. Benjamin McDonald Blackston, the son of John Blackston and Mary Blackston, his wife was born the 10 of October 1857. William Jasper Livingston, the son of John Kindrick Livingston and his wife Prudence Livingston, was born the 28 of May 1853. John K. Livingston was born the 5 of March 1830, the son of I. G. Livingston and Nancy Livingston his wife. John Madison Livingston, the son of John K. Livingston and Prudence, was born in the year of our Lord 30 April 1849 or 1859. Died Sept. 27, 1949, Mississippi. [different handwriting] JKLFB Family Record – Births (2 columns) Isaac G. Livingston was born the 17 of March 1797. Nancy Livingston was born in the year of our Lord 1796. Mary N. Livingston was born in year of our Lord the 28 of September 1817. Richard Briscoe Livingston was born in the year of our Lord the 9 of October 1819. William Forsythe Livingston was born in the year of our Lord the 17 of June 1825. Dicanda Suzan Elizabeth Amely Emaline Livingston was born in the year of our Lord the 16 of September 1837. Aaron C. [Calwell written in above] Livingston was born in the year of our Lord the 2 day of June 1833. Isaac Devors Blackston the son of John Blackston [scratched through] William Richard Isaac Devors, the son of John Blackston and Mary Blackston, his wife was born the 21st of August 1853. Nancy Jane born 30 day of April 1855, the daughter of John and Prudence Livingston. JKLFB Family Record – Deaths (2 columns) Suzan Dicanda Elizabeth Amely Emaline, the daughter of Isaac G. Livingston and Nancy Livingston his wife, departed this life the 10 of September 1857. Dicanda Suzan Elizabeth Amely Emaline the daughter of William F. Livingston and Francis Livingston his wife was born the 24 of April 1861 in the year of our Lord. William F. Livingston departed this life in the year of our Lord 9 of November 1864. Aaron C. Livingston departed this life 15th of February 1864 in the year of our Lord. Isaac G. Livingston, the son of Richard B. Livingston and Suzan J. Livingston his wife, was born the 7 August 1855. Nancy S. Livingston was born the 26 of March 1857. Marietta Livingston was born the 22 of May 1859. all three the children of R. B. Livingston and Suzan J. Livingston his wife. JKLFB Family Record – Deaths (2 columns) [Many different handwritings on this page with several of the entries possibly overwritten to make them more legible.] Samuel Livingston died in January 1842. Dicandy Reeder Livingston, the wife of Samuel Livingston, died the year of our Lord 1853, the 24th day of April. I. J. Livingston, son of J. K. Livingston, born A.D. December 17, 1868. Died Aug. 17, 1949, Neshoba, Mississippi. [Death information written in a different handwriting] Callie O. White, wife of I. J. Livingston, was born A.D. July 24, 1880. Was married A.D. Nov. 20, 1898. [This entry goes across both columns.] John Kindrick Livinston was born the 5 of March 1830. Annie Pauline Livingston, daughter of I. J. & Callie O. Livingston, was born A.D. July 16, 1920. John Kennon Livingston, son of I. J. & Callie O. Livingston, was born A.D. August 29, 1915. Annie Kate Livingston, daughter of I. J. & C. O. Livingston, born A.D. November 27, 1917. Died June 8, 1919. D. Livingston/Smith Family Bible(LSFB) Given the number of entries pertaining to the Smith Family in this Bible, it seems likely that this Bible was started and kept by Susan Smith, first wife of Isaac G. Livingston, son of Aaron and Rispy Livingston. Another Family Bible containing four pages of records: LSFB Family Record – Marriages (2 columns) [Each record in a different handwriting.] [John][corner of page missing] Smith and Nancy [Bridges] was married on the 20th of April 1826. Isaac Livingston and Susan Smith was married September 26, 1852. [This entry was partially overwritten for legibility.] Isaac Livingston and A. E. Wiggins was married Feb. the 1, 1866. LFSB Family Record – Births (2 columns) Suzan Smith was borne(sic) the 1st day of July 1830.(1st day is written in a different handwriting) Prudence Smith was born the 3 day of May 1832. Francis Mandry Smith was born the 20th day of June 1836 [1830 in a different handwriting]. Nancy Jane Smith was born on the second day of July 1838. Cilyann Smith was bornd(sic) the 5th day of July 1840. Maryann Lamar Smith was born the 21 day of May 1845 [or 1843]. George W. Smith was bornd(sic)the 17 of March 1834. James Mad [Madison] Smith was born the 23 of September 1842.(Madison in different handwriting) LSFB Family Record – Births (2 columns) [Several entries overwritten in a different handwriting. Another copy of this same page from a different family member shows different overwritten entries.] Suzan Smith was born the day of July 1830. John Smith was born in July 1805. John F [Franklin] Livingston was bornd(sic) January 20, 1855. Thomas C. Livingston was born February 21, 1857. Isaac M. Livinston was borned(sic) July 5, 1861. Mary E. Livingston was born Oct 8, 1866. Jessee? V. Livingston was bornd(sic) 6, 1868 or 1866 LSFB Family Record – Deaths (2 columns) [Several different handwritings with several entries overwritten.] John Smith father of John Smith deceased Jan., 1827. Johnathan F. Bridges died on the ninth of January 1839. Nancy Jane (Bridges?) dide(sic) on the 5th day of September 1839. John Smith departed this life May 10th, 1859. Aaron Livingston departed this life April the 3, 1863. Susan Livingston departed this life April the 20, 1865 or 1863 Rispey Livingston departed this life December 20, 1860. Isaac M. Livingston departed this life August 28, 1863 or 1862 Miscellaneous Livingston Family Records found with several family Bibles 1. One page, seems to be from a bound book but no decorative border. The first entry is typed but the next 4 are in an identical handwriting. Mark M. Livingston and Isaac Livingston, his brother, left Marion County to join the Army the 28th day of April, 1862. [This is typed across top of photocopy page.] Isaac G. Livingston, the son of Richard B. Livingston and Suzan J. Livingston, his wife was born in the year of our Lord the 7 of August 1855. Nancy Suzan Livingston, the daughter of Richard B. Livingston and Suzan J. Livingston his wife, was born in the year of our Lord the 26 of March 1857. Marietta Livingston, the daughter of Richard B. Livingston and Suzan J. Livingston, his wife was born 22 of May 1859. Terency T. [?] Livingston, the daughter of Richard B. Livingston and Suzan J. Livingston, his wife was born in the year of our Lord the 27, 1861. 2. On a plain sheet of paper. All four entries are in same handwriting. Martha Francis Barrow was born the 10 day of October 1851?. William K. Barrow was born May 1853. George W. Barrow was born Feb. 22, 1855. Emily Suzan Barrow was born June the 26, 1857?. Eugenia Barrow was born June the 12, 1859. 3. This is a photocopy of a small sheet with something illegible written at the top. A typed note had been stapled to the bottom of the page before being photocopied. The typed note is transcribed here: Sary Martha was born in the year of our Lord 1851, on the 24th day of November, the daughter of John Blackston and Bethany? his wife. 4. This is a photocopy of a Bible page with the text "The End of the Apocrypa" across the top of the page. No other text or decorative border on the page. There are three calculations on the page. Each seems to be a year (1801, 1804, 1809) subtracted from the year 1837. The two entries were written in different handwritings or at least different writing instruments. Thomas M. Livingston departed this life the first of January 1862. He died in Virginia in Richmond in the hospital in the service of his cuntry(sic). Mark M. Livingston and Isaac Livingston left to join the Army the 28th day of April, 1862. 5. This page is titled "Family of Isaac Jefferson Livingston & Callie White Livingston" and gives data from the 1900s. 6. Another plain sheet of paper, no border, with the same handwriting as the page mentioned in # 5 above: Samuel Livingston the son of Aaron Livingston and Rispy is wife departed this life the 25th October 1827. James Anderson Livingston was born March 26 1853. Martha Ann Elizabeth Livingston was born January the 5, 1857 daughter of James M. Livingston Mark M. Levingston married to Sarah Ann Phillips Marcy 8 1849. Mary Ann Levingston daughter of Mark M. Levingston and Sary Ann his wife was born December the 7th 1849. Robert and Mary Livingston entered South Carolina in 1763, and received the settler’s bonus of 35 pounds for him and 21 pounds for her. (The entries on this page were submitted by and handwritten by Mrs. Harriet Livingston per her own knowledge).