Marion County GaArchives News.....1887 Spring Term of Marion Superior Court April 29 1887 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles September 29, 2004, 4:24 pm The Marion County Patriot The Marion County Patriot, No. 17 April 29, 1887 Page Four Superior Court The spring term of Marion Superior Court convened Monday morning, with Judge Willis on the bench. The attendance has not been very large, as the farmers are busy with their crops, and there were but few in attendance who were not compelled to come. Judge Willis’ charge to the grand jury was short but pointed, and the jury was made acquainted with the law and its violation. He placed particular stress on carrying concealed weapons and all kinds of gaming. Below we give a list of some of the most important cases which have been disposed of during the week. The State vs. John Storey ; simple larceny; plea of guilty; not sentenced. The State vs. Sandford Minter; malicious mischief; verdict of not guilty The State vs. Sandford Minter; assault and battery; verdict of not guilty The State vs. Dep Minter; stealing corn; not guilty The State vs. Lee Mathis; hog stealing; not guilty The State vs. Ben Smith; playing and betting; nol prossed Robert Early, colored, was fined $10 and costs as a defaulting witness We cannot yet say where the court will continue next week or not. Judge Willis says he is going to clear the docket and from present indications the business of court will be prolonged several days next week. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb