Marion County GaArchives News.....Neighborhood of Mt. Pisgah Church - 1894 June 29 1894 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carla Miles December 5, 2004, 10:12 pm The Marion County Patriot The Marion County Patriot, No. 26 June 29, 1894 Page Two Over the County News to Interest Our Readers From Every Section of Old Marion Brantley, Ga., June 27, 1894 Mr. Editor: I was glad to see in your last issue mention of the people in the neighborhood of Mt. Pisgah church. It is remarkable the way this section is building up. Just to think a few years ago there was only a few settlers in this section, and very little, if any, cotton raised. It is very different now. Land has been cleared, the young men have married, settled farms, built good houses and there is not less than 300 bales of cotton ginned a season. There is not doubt about this being a thrifty, prosperous people raising all the necessary supplies at home and cotton a surplus. I might give you a little history of the section of which I write. A few years ago there was near where now stands a splendid church, a drinking saloon where people would congregate, get drunk, swear and fight, and on one occasion one of our county’s best citizens came very near getting killed from a gun in the hands of a reckless man, but such occurrences are a thing of the past. The bad people have disappeared and exist no more among these good people. There are two things that are very much needed to make up the conveniences of the neighborhood – a good school and a post office, which they expect to have at an early day. They have in their midst Burt’s mill run by a good, clever man, Mr. A.J. Taylor, which saws their lumber, grinds their corn, gins their cotton and thrashes their wheat; also a stock of goods kept by Mr. J.W. Amos, consisting of most everything the country needs in the way of general merchandise, handled by a fair dealer. There is more room in this section for good men. There are at least 1,000 acres of unsettled land that good men who would work could make a find support and some money, and they could not get into a better section to raise their children as there are no bad influences whatever, and they would have ample range for their stock. Good men would be heartily welcomed. This section of the country is situated nine miles a little northwest of Buena Vista, it’s county site, a town of which we are proud, as it is one of the best in the state. As we have been blessed with good rains, and it is evident that we can’t realize more than one-half to two-thirds of a corn crop I would advise every farmer to plant peas, potatoes and peanuts and it is not to late to plant a late patch of corn. It will more than pay them for their trouble. Z.B.W. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb