McIntosh COUNTY, GA - Newspapers Darien Gazette 1818 ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Franklin S. Wallace This is transcibed from the November 19, 1818 copy of the Darien Gazette. Sheriff's Sale Will be sold at the court-house in this county, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o'clock the following property viz;- One cow and calf, as she runs on the commons of Darien, one bay horse and old sulky, returned by James Hamilton in his schedule of insolvency, and his property, anad levied on to satisfy (so far as they will go) sundry executions against said Hamilton. Also, two negro men, Paul and Boston, levied on as the property of James Derenges, deceased, to satisfy an execution obtained in favor of John Bolton, survivor of John Jackson, vs John Wallace, administrator James Derenges. JAMES PELOT, D.S.M.C *note* The name James Derenges, should be James Desverger, it is mispelled in this article. The name Delarue and Desvergers are french names. Sapelo island, an island of the coast of McIntosh County , in the middle to late 1700's was owned by the french. Delarue and Desvergers, as best I can tell, were refugees from the slave insurrection of 1795 on Santo Domingo, and came to Sapelo Island where they met and married. Some of the Desvergers, now spelling last name Deverger, still live on lands that have been owned by the family for two hundred years here in McIntosh County.