McIntosh County GaArchives News.....Sale of Real and Personal Property of the Late John Browne July 7 1888 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Diana Davis March 1, 2004, 4:04 pm Darien Timber Gazette Quite a valuable amount of property was sold on Tuesday last, at the court house, commanding fairly good prices. City lots sold very well and werer purchased here. The beautiful steamer "Cresent City" sold very well and was knocked off at $12,100, to Capt. W. H. Payne, Geo. W. Smith, August Schmidt and Phillip Evoy, and will be kept in these waters. The "Nellie", that exquisite little steam yacht, was bought by Mr. James Foley, from Doboy, at $425, and fifteen shares of the capital stock of the National Bank of Savannah was bought by Mr. Jacob Adams, of Darien. While all the property brought good bargains, and showed the wisdom of our old friend Captain John Browne as a business man and financier. He usually put money in only the best things. The Crescent City has been used in the towing business here for years but has been well kept up and was appraised by the estate appraisers at $12,000 and brought at the sale a little more. She goes into good hands and will be handled "bang-up." We hear the sale aggregated $15,080. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb