unknown COUNTY, GA - Military Indian Wars Capt William E. Derrick Lindsay's GA Militia Cherokee War 1838 ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: JCrane6990@aol.com Jeanette Crane WwLSARANDOLPH@aol.com Linda Ayers Derrick’s Company of Lindsay’s Militia Georgia Cherokee Indian War Derrick, William E Captain Griffith, John W Lieutenant Mason, Thomas J Lieutenant Pascal, George W Lieutenant Shaw, William M Lieutenant Anderson, John Sergeant Davis, John Sergeant Grant, George W Sergeant Keller, John Sergeant Price, William C Sergeant Sealy, William J Sergeant Vickery, Albert Sergeant Reeves, John Corporal Crow, Laxton Corporal Garner, Joseph P Corporal Glenn, Andrew J Corporal Logan, James J Corporal Privates: Abney, Joel Alexander, Andrew Allen, William Anderson, Ansley Anderson, Oliver P Anderson, William Bailey, Joiner C Broadway, Haywood Broadway, Isaac Brown, Darling Brown, James Carter, James M Clark, Thomas Corn, William Crow, Isaac J Crow, Jonathan Crow, Peter Davis, Alfred J Davis, Dobson W Davis, Henry Derrick, Joseph Dobbs, Lodwick Dobbs, Rueben T Dobson, Nealy Duncan, Joseph Ellis, James M Ellis, John Evans, John Fields, James J Fields, William Fisher, David Forrester, Coleman Forrester, Fountain Fortune, James Fretwell, Lewis Furr, Nathaniel Gaddis, Hogan Gaddy, Thomas A Garman, Perry G Garrison, James Gentry, Jeremiah Gibbs, John Going, Washington J Gordon, John Goss, Riley Greer, A.W (see Census below) Researcher: JCrane6990@aol.com Jeanette Crane Hawkins, Nathan Heard, James E [Born 1800, died 1867 Dawson County GA] Helton, James C Hill, Robertson Hill, William Holbrook, Jesse Holifield, Daniel Johnson, Burwell Johnson, James B Johnson, Oliver H Johnson, Seaborn Jones, Nathan B Jones, William Jones, Wilson Keller, George W Kellett, William J Kelley, Joseph Lemond, Neal Lockley, Jesse Lovell, William B Loudermilk, Joseph J Loudermilk, William W Mansell, Lemuel Maudlin, James H McLeod, Neal [Died in Randolph County Alabama] McClure, Andrew J McMahan, William McNabb, Shepherd [Born 1820, died 1902 Texas] Morris, Henry G Morrow, Hugh Morrow, Preston Moss, Benjamin J Nelson, William Nix, John O’Barr, Michael Jr. O’Barr, Michael Sr. Parks, Benjamin J Parks, James W Patterson, Benjamin Patterson, John Pearson, William Price, Thomas J Quillian, Daniel Quillian, James O Reeves, Josiah Ralston, David Ralston, Samuel Rider, Henry Rider, John Robertson, Isaac W Robertson, Peter A Scissions, Vardeny Shaw, Henry B Shambling, Lewis Smith, Bartlett Smith, Charles R Smith, Jasper Stone, John Stone, Lemon Southerland, John Tankersly, Roland Tate, David Teal, Samuel Terry, Joseph Thomas, George Thompson, Adam Townsend, Eli [Possibly died in Union County GA] Townsend, William Trapp, Daniel Vaughn, Munford Vaughn, Wilson Wacazer, George Waldrop, Eli [Born 1797, died 1888 Cherokee County GA] Watson, William Weems, John Whitten, Andrew J Whitlow, John Worthy, John Worthy, Silas NOTES: Greer, A.W. 1840 Gilmer County, GA Alexander W. Greer 1 m under 5 1 m 20 under 30 1 f under 5 2 f 5 under 10 1 female 20 under 30 1850 St. Clair County, AL Dist 39 Alexander W. Greer, age 42, b NC Rebecca age 37, b SC Nancy Ann, age 16, b GA Martin?, age 13, b GA Sarah E., age 10, b GA John M., age 6, b GA Newton F., age 3, b GA Richard N., age 8/12, b AL 1860 St. Clair County, AL Rebecca Greer, age 48, b SC (Ancestry.com has surname as Goar) Nancy Ann, age 22, b GA Sarah E., age 18, b GA John M. age 16, b. GA Newton F., age 11, b. GA Richard N., age 10, b. AL William M., age 7, b. AL Alexander W., age 6, b. AL 1870 Etowah County, Alabama Greer, Rebecca, age 58, b. SC Freeman, age 22, b. GA Richd N., age 20, b. AL Wm. M, age 17, b. AL Washington A., age 15, b. AL Martin or Morton, Nancy, age 36, b. GA Martin or Morton, Rebecca E., age 8, b. AL 1880 Etowah County, AL Greer, Rebecca, age 69, SC, SC, SC Alexander W., age 25, son, AL, NC, SC Mary E., age 22, daughter-in-law, AL, GA, GA