GWINNETT COUNTY, GA - MILITARY LETTERSN 1838 Capt James Tuggle to Gov. Gilmer (Gwinnett Co. militia) ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Anne Brown (On File Georgia State Archives) Georgia, Gwinnett Co. Feb 7, 1838 "To Your Excellency - Geo. T. Gilmer: Sir: "I received yesterday your letter which informed me that your Excellency has the offer of two infantry Companys to fill the Call of Col Lindsey and on this day had a muster and informed the Company the contents of your letter, which the Company all agreed to stand in rediness agreeable to your request. The only objection they had against standing in Rediness was that they wished to joing the comany which would be first received in to service. This objection now appears to be entirely removed by believing that this Company being in Rediness would be as soon Received as any other mounted Company. We forward this information to your Excellence and submit the case. I am Sir, your most obedient, James Tuggle