Georgia Military - Remember the Maine pamphlet File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Barbara Winge Georgia Table of Contents: [Copy of a pamphlet that belonged to Corporal Samuel W. Walker, Sr..) [Front] “THE CALL OF ‘98” “REMEMBER THE MAINE” [American Flag Logo] The Call of To-Day [Inside Front] Do You Believe in America First? If you still have any of the red blood in your veins that Tingled when you answered the Nation’s call in the stirring Days of 1898 - 1902 you will now give heed to this message Which is sent to you to once more call you to arms in de- fence of your country and your country’s flag. The record of your achievements of those days is now written in history; the results then accomplished have given this nation a place in the forefront of the powers of the world; the duties incident to those days are yet unfulfilled and your Comrades now appeal to you to give them your support. The honorable discharge that you possess is simple proof that you once did your duty. Will you wear the bronze emblem of our order to show that you are a real Comrade and that you believe in real comradeship and all That the term implies? The United States Spanish War Veterans, an organization of over forty thousand men, now issues an appeal to every eligible to become enrolled under its ban- ner. The rime is ripe for an enlargement of our forces, the people of the nation are thrilled with the spirit of pre- paredness; the legislative bodies are listening with attentive ears to the call of the patriotic and the press and platform are sending forth stirring summons to unite for the mainte- nance of the power and the prestige of the Stars and Stripes; the flag which you and your Comrades made honored and respected upon every land and upon every sea. Will you turn a deaf ear to the call of your Comrades? [The rest of the pamphlet is a plea to join and reap the benefits.] (The back page) THE UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS A Military and Naval Order Devoted to The Principles of Freedom, Patriotism and Humanity ******* Organized in the United States, Alaska, British Columbia, Hawaii, Panama, Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines Picture of Medal Issued by NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, U. S. W. V. Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo. The Keibling Company, New York (Contributed by Barbara Walker Winge, ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============